Here comes other exercises in style, imagery and target acquisition of the purpose of understanding the use of a language so also evocative prose.
The imagery allows to approach the poetry to prose, the author is helping to externalize his feelings, giving it a shape that best fit their feel, is the reader to be involved in the imagination of others, nurturing one's own. The imagery is closing our eyes, is the image behind the eye a stream of images, it is an upset stomach or a slight chill on the skin: is the synergy between author and reader, and activities, is emotions, participation .
always, when I read a poem, introduces little or nothing, so I read it, mimicking his face, body and voice with the intonation of the denotative meanings, to help children to have a superficial understanding, and finally ask them to close their eyes and I read (with music) ... reopened his eyes, wondering what they have "heard" and "imagined" in ... a blaze of, "I am I! Me!" and senses ... And on the basis of their images, go to the hunting of the "trick" (the imagery) that the author has used to inspire those images and those feelings ...
experience, I must say, "strong" for me and for them ...
To get them to engage in a creative way so the imagery, to help bring out their feelings, as well as their imagination (or madness sound ;-)) ... we had fun do descriptions of places and people using only a specific figure of speech ...
Introducing the style exercises in prose : I read some good (or not?):
- Descriptions carried out only with similarities ( Cecilia Bernardini)
The Drunk Elf
E 'tall as a bottle cap and is worn like a chubby ball of wool. He has no eyes shining like a mirror and a red nose just like a tomato polished, because it is always drunk as a drunk that will not stop drinking. When he walks, goes to and fro like a ship in rough seas, do not ever look forward to being where he puts his feet. It has two cheeks hot as fire on and just as aggressive as it is a piece of bread.
as two shutters has tired eyes that slowly close. Walk around as slow as a snail. He is always hungry, and fat like a balloon. It moves and goes up and down like a gazelle velocente. Sings like a sparrow. Every now and then through some magazines.
walked like an old man among the various rooms. The eyes of blacks as pitch, is closed to the beat of the hands. The body was paralyzed. He wore a long white coat like the milk just as no one ever paid and yawned. His hands were like two flies hanging vines. And the legs, moving the necessary, were dry like two toothpicks.
as two shutters has tired eyes that slowly close. Walk around as slow as a snail. He is always hungry, and fat like a balloon. It moves and goes up and down like a gazelle velocente. Sings like a sparrow. Every now and then through some magazines.
The Sleepy Zombie
walked like an old man among the various rooms. The eyes of blacks as pitch, is closed to the beat of the hands. The body was paralyzed. He wore a long white coat like the milk just as no one ever paid and yawned. His hands were like two flies hanging vines. And the legs, moving the necessary, were dry like two toothpicks.
- Description Perform only metaphor (to be added)
- Descriptions performed only with personifications (store)
The prof
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