Where is the limit but before that, there is a limit? And what defines it, a collective choice, experiences, beliefs or objectivity? Replies perhaps unattainable. Imagine you want to know the madness, you ask why? which the questions? We search far corner where our crazy lives and try to make him a few questions:
-What is madness for you?
answered with another question "What is madness?"
-What do you think that other people's madness?
I wish everyone had the courage not to look for your self but the boundary of one's self.
ask the "What madness?
If I had to stop looking to streamline an application to destroy the very essence of the madman.
"Then the madness is a form of research?
No madness is real. The research itself is not intended to be found so there is no border and is therefore infinite, and then madness. When you arrive to see certain things you can not stop the "research" and then becomes a devastating and inexorable fate.
-how to represent the madness?
Like a fairytale labyrinth full of flowers, music, voices, philosophers, and centaurs that they are doing conferences
But you know, everyone is alone in this strange experience, and perhaps not so much the destination but how the trip.
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