Saturday, June 12, 2010

Do You Need To Capitalize Communism

Day IA and IB

IA this year also held a series of activities during the day reading . Indeed, activities thought for the day have been reading so much and welcome to the class that you thought of ... multiply every Monday for the last month and more than school.
... All the activities are the result of three brains (;-)): I worked with it by Mrs. Simone Martini and Regina Spoletini,
thanks to which the activity took place in open classes together with the IB; And now this has contributed greatly to the success of 'activity, which breaks the normal patterns of teaching.

what you read, Arringovisitatori, is the story of seven meetings of 1 or 2 hours each.
Together with the prof, we decided to tackle the subject of

"Rights of Children"
, since this year marks the 20th anniversary of the Convention . In addition, the theme seemed to be age-appropriate children, is of interest to them ... And we were not wrong ...

From the beginning, the boys have shown great attention to the issue that hit them talemente often enough to silence them for a long time (
pace of our eardrums )!

Here, we used slides bearing: (pdf are, because they are made for LIM with Linx 4 and the conversion of such losses or ppt format)

We started with a brainstorming session and there are many ideas / feelings that the boys have pulled out on rights right


be children
be loved
be heard
be pampered
be carefree ..
Without comment, we then moved on to the vision of this video on
Iqbal, as their child, but whose lives are so damn different ...

say that silenced them, is an understatement ............
At this point the ' group activities : a quick brainstorming emotions and then to collect the reading two articles of the Convention made by us
prof (Article 31 and 32) and
the division into groups to read a variety of materials we had prepared (on child soldiers, "nameless, abandoned children, ...). Still
debate, but in the first group, and then sharing together the reflections of the individual groups, transcribing LIM on the keywords of our thinking:

maliconia loneliness

want to do something
unequal male / female
rights denied
different value of education
right to happiness
At this point the boys were already "inside" the subject: help needed to lift ourselves out and pull themselves out of their thoughts.
three lessons, with background music, we have led nell'esteriorizzazione of their thoughts and their emotions . They had ... "soaked" for a week: now had concrete results on the sheet.
Nothing set of rigid
: We have suggested a range of texts to be produced, poetry, commentary, interview impossible to dialogue transcribed in calligram, drawing, nursery rhyme, letter and diary
... Real freedom, for you to choose the most suitable to their inner world ...
For more help, we showed some pictures from which to take inspiration, while others have taken their ...

What can I say?
Here are the papers of the boys ... Many texts have produced far more mature than their 10 / 11 years, many have been creative and many (great joy for me) have overcome the fear and del'errore white sheet and started to produce more ownership and self-esteem ... great satisfaction .........

Or not? ;-)

Here are the boys at work: a nice video that shows them engrossed, made by Simone Martini

And at the end ................
De André, sung (almost) all

Thanks guys!


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