Saturday, May 15, 2010

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Conference "Sistri: Control System Traceability of the Wastes "- Saturday, May 29, 2010 - Lido Hotel Cliffs of Croton-

Picozzi & Morigi Firm and
AIGA Chamber of Croton
are pleased to invite you to the conference
"Sistri: control system of traceability of waste "

Saturday, May 29, 2010

of Rocks Hotel Lido
Viale Magna Grecia - Crotone
from 9:00 am to 14:00
Attorney Natalina Giungato - AIGA President Chamber of Croton

Greetings institutional
Mr. Salvatore Iannotta - President of the Bar of Crotone
Dr. Fortunato Roberto Salerno - President Unioncamere Calabria
Mr. Peppino Vallone - Mayor of Crotone
Mr. Zurlo Stanislaus - President of the Province of Crotone
Dr. Francis Pugliano - Councillor for the Environment of the Calabria Region

Speakers and topics
Prof. Salvatore Mazzamuto - Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Roma Tre
"Sources of Sistri discipline, purpose profiles and objective "

Honors Dr. Eugene - President of the National Committee of the National Environmental Management
"Sistri organization, functions of the National Environmental Managers, Sistri and transport companies"

Prof. Giuseppe D'Ippolito - President of the Regional Section, Calabria, Dawn Environmental Managers
"Sistri, functions of the Regional Section of the Dawn Environmental Managers, application problems"

coffee-break 11:30
resume work-12.00

Dr. Roberto Conforto - President and CEO of Computer Solution SpA .
"registration Sistri - operation and interoperability of business management systems"

Mr. Domenico Colosimo - Head Dir Environmental AIGA Crotone
"The parties responsible for the registration and facoltizzati Sistri"

Mr. Flocco Lidia - environmental experts, the Association of Picozzi & Morigi
"Sistri liability and penalty system"

Mr. Natalina Giungato - President AIGA Chamber of Croton

Participation is free subject to availability .
For reasons of capacity of the room should confirm their presence at the following numbers: 349-7622887 / 328-614945

Thank you for your patronage economy:
Province of Crotone
Environment Department of the Calabria Region
Unioncamere Calabria


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