Monday, April 14, 2008

Titanium Foot Implants

The sky with the instruments of observation: Sounds and visions

dell'astrofotografo John Lenard Walson with an amateur telescope and a Meade digital camera.

"In addition to discovering and refined this technique optical telescope with video capture, John has also discovered how to listen and record, in real time, real sound emanating from the specific airplane space that is filming. carefully aligning a satellite dish to his telescope, was able to record sounds very unusual and curious, issued by the various space objects ... "

Recording sounds from space vehicles The link below leads to a page of the BBC, which explains, more or less 7 'minutes of projection, how easy it is to record sounds from space ...

And here's another example of what looks like a sound emitted by objects on top of us. John explains that after a few seconds, which set an object, he may, by a parabola, capture the sound that the object leaves behind ...

(from translated by )


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