Monday, April 14, 2008

North Jersey Gay Bathhouse

machinery space

to Jeff Rense (from )

This recent series of remarkable video of the star-photographer John Walson contains other new and provocative images, including the observation unprecedented space of a machine while it is moved and re-positioned in orbit. This particular movie almost gives the idea that the machine is alive ... it's so flexible that part caught in the movement from the telescope and camera Walson.

First, some freeze-frames, with increased contrast, relative to several of the most recent discovered objects in orbit above us. The first shot below shows the object taken at night ...

Statement "I love this airplane, look at its end, what is it?"

Here instead there is the same object taken at noon. So much for attempts to sell off these machines as 'stars' ...

Statement "is still there around noon"

And here is an enlargement with contrast ...


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