Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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The Large Binocular Telescope , with two 8.4-meter diameter mirrors on a single mount mechanics, is the largest existing telescope. It also represents one of the largest projects astrophysics today.

Its configuration makes it a binocular revolutionary tool, with performance unattainable by traditional telescopes.
Provides detailed images than a traditional telescope with a mirror 22.8 meters could see a car on the Moon!

taken from www.lbt.it approfondimanti to read this' article

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

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There are two theories about the universe that in the twentieth century. were compared to each other: the steady state theory and the theory of Big Bang, which is geared towards the vast majority of the votes.
Steady State: The universe had an origin, but there has always been average, which looks the same in every point in space and at all times.
According to this theory, over time you create of matter in each region of space to maintain a constant average density of the Universe, which tends to decrease as a result of the expansion.
The theory, developed by the British Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold, Dittus is in the 50s, especially on English Fred Hoyle.
Big Bang: The Beginning of the Universe. It is marked by particular events, the Big Bang (in English, "big bang") is the moment when the universe begins to expand, from temperature and density enormously large (you might think that all matter in the Universe in the very first moment cough concentrated in one spot). It is believed that the Big Bang occurred between 15 and 20 billion years ago.

The exact moment of origin is not easy to determine.
fact, the only way is to determine the precise value of the Hubble constant, the rate of current expansion, and work backwards.
This measurement is done by observing the rate of removal of a large number of galaxies near and far, now with the help of the space telescope Hubble precisely what is Chama.
The first moments after the Big Bang: The Universe expanded, cooled and formed protons, neutrons, electrons, and subsequently the nuclei of helium, these events demanded a few minutes.
After about 600 000 years, the electrons joined to form protons and hydrogen atoms. In this initial phase, the radiation and matter in the universe interact strongly with each other so that they can not be considered separately.
But starting from the 'epoch of recombination "of hydrogen on the follow its evolution: the gas that filled the universe was formed, the influence of gravity, condensation of matter that gave rise to galaxies and stars.
The fossil radiation: The radiation instead continued to fill this space I smoothly, gradually decreasing energy as the expansion continued, the Big Bang theory makes it possible to predict which characteristics this radiation should have today (call or tossile radiation background radiation at 3 ° K). In 1965 the removal of round you accidentally detected by the U.S. A. Penzias and R. Wilson, and this discovery led to the emergence of the Big Bang theory on the steady state, unable to explain it.
Further investigations and observations have increasingly confirmed the theory, which is therefore called "standard model"


depends on the amount of matter in the Universe. Because each piece of matter has on every other part of a gravitational pull which tends to curb the expansion of the Universe, can envisage two different future scenarios: an open universe or a closed universe.
open Universe: The amount of matter is not enough to stop the expansion, which then continues indefinitely.
closed Universe: The amount of matter is enough to stop the expansion at some point it begins a process of contraction that causes a "retreat" in order to be a huge implosion of the universe, called the Big Crunch, as opposed to an event Big Bang.
Some speculate that the Big Crunch would be followed by another Big Bang, and so on, in a cyclic process.
The data we currently hold would favor an open universe. However, there the so-called problem of the missing mass, which would undermine the hypothesis of the universe is closed.
It was discovered by observing clusters of galaxies and the stars at the center of our galaxy (Milky Way) that their movement is faster than what is justified by the visible mass (stars, intergalactic dust, etc.).
This invisible mass - which may be given to blacks holes, opaque objects (such as planets or brown dwarfs) and not visible, or even by the neutrino, if it turns out, as it seems, have a mass, albeit small - that would be to justify the hypothesis of the universe is closed (or oscillating).
The truth is that we still know little about natural laws that govern the origin of the universe at time zero.
Our best theories (relativity and how many) allow us to investigate adu significantly until a time equal to 1 / 1043 of a second, but not up to scratch!.
It is hoped much from the integration of relativity and how many. It also assumes that the zero point is the origin, as well as space-time, and then energy and mass, even of the same physical laws.
If this were to investigate in this direction, there would be a true theory of everything, that is a model that explains not only the evolution of the entire universe, but also the details of its origin.

site: www.geocities.com/codadilupo_2000/univ.htm
images from: http://mysterium.blogosfere.it/2008/03/in-nuovo-libro-rivoluzionarie-tesi-sulle-origini-del-cosmo.html
Search: Rachelle Anne Go, Elisa Di Franco Filming of the lunar surface

Thursday, April 17, 2008

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Fleur Deco by Tagina

Spanish Subjunctive Wedding

The Fragments by Brix

The meeting between Brix and Claudio Silvestrin comes from a harmony of vision: the idea of \u200b\u200bdesign in its absolute contemporaneity rooted in a timeless classic that does not lend itself to the dictates of fashion or want to establish them.
series "Fragments" is composed of ten colors (White, Black, Sand, Grey, Aubergine, Orange, Pink, Azure, Green, Blue) unglazed porcelain tile.
"The Fragments" is a micro mosaic tiles 5x5 mm laid on network modules 30x30 cm.
Type: unglazed porcelain stoneware.

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Wosh by Zucchetti

"I was asked to design a collection of taps (my first experience in this field) to represent and yet somehow enclose the anti-minimal anti-monomaterial cari.Una ... I have finished the research, I initially thought forms "streamline" studded with rhinestones and then orient on geometric faceted exaggerated and that, in their thousand reflections, recreate the luxury and pleasure that the thought away from the stunted forms, similar and boring that prevail for some time. "- William Sawaya

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

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Lignite by TAGINA

The intense color, the grain of wood, metal reflections are the testimony of a material that is no longer, but not yet. His soul is eternal and intangible been separated from the bowels of the earth to live again as a new material, destined to shine a new light, to create atmospheres that are suspended between the remote past, and new forms of the present. Lignite Tagina presents: the latter interpretation matter addressed to the design of your space

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Loft Open-space: create space without borders, large sizes and special pieces to satisfy your desire for freedom. Loft Open-mind: prospects for new furniture, so many combinations to unleash your creativity. Open loft-life: new geometries and unusual tones to go from strength to enjoy with 12 mm of glazed porcelain tile. City Gray, Taupe, Golden, Cloudy Black, Red Factory: access keys to find out the size of living space without compromise.

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Forge by TAGINA

decided Breath of the bellows, hot iron, heat, matter, thoughts taking form, rhythmic stroke of the hammer on the anvil, silent noise silent. The strong mark of the brush, the artist's signature, the unique personalization and unique from piece to piece, gestural imitation the circle frantically repeated with dizzying imperfection to form spirals of light, surface dynamics, changing plans. Tagina plasma Forge, cosmetic firm and extreme personalization for an area with a high emotional charge

Monday, April 14, 2008

Titanium Foot Implants

The sky with the instruments of observation: Sounds and visions

dell'astrofotografo John Lenard Walson with an amateur telescope and a Meade digital camera.

"In addition to discovering and refined this technique optical telescope with video capture, John has also discovered how to listen and record, in real time, real sound emanating from the specific airplane space that is filming. carefully aligning a satellite dish to his telescope, was able to record sounds very unusual and curious, issued by the various space objects ... "

Recording sounds from space vehicles The link below leads to a page of the BBC, which explains, more or less 7 'minutes of projection, how easy it is to record sounds from space ...


And here's another example of what looks like a sound emitted by objects on top of us. John explains that after a few seconds, which set an object, he may, by a parabola, capture the sound that the object leaves behind ...

(from www.rense.com translated by www.ecplanet.com )

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machinery space

to Jeff Rense (from www.ecplanet.com )

This recent series of remarkable video of the star-photographer John Walson contains other new and provocative images, including the observation unprecedented space of a machine while it is moved and re-positioned in orbit. This particular movie almost gives the idea that the machine is alive ... it's so flexible that part caught in the movement from the telescope and camera Walson.

First, some freeze-frames, with increased contrast, relative to several of the most recent discovered objects in orbit above us. The first shot below shows the object taken at night ...

Statement "I love this airplane, look at its end, what is it?"

Here instead there is the same object taken at noon. So much for attempts to sell off these machines as 'stars' ...

Statement "is still there around noon"

And here is an enlargement with contrast ...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

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lunar eclipse of March 2007 we

lunar eclipse of March 3, 2007 at 21

Late in the evening of Saturday, March 3 it was possible to attend from all over the Peninsula to the fascinating astronomical phenomenon due to the alignment between the Sun, Earth and Moon. A similar phenomenon will occur again only in 2026.

On March 3 (more precisely, in the late evening of March 3 and during the night between 3 and 4 March), there was a lunar eclipse, visible throughout the country. This type of eclipse can only occur at full moon, or when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun and when the geocentric longitude of the star and the satellite differ by 180 degrees, also, the moon must be located at the ascending or descending node .
The shadow created by the Earth due to the interception of sunlight from our planet. The eclipse is a partial or total depending on whether the Moon crosses partially or wholly the cone. Our satellite (see image is the site of the Astronomical Observatory of Padova) will be colored bright red, as the sunlight filtering through the atmosphere, will take on that aspect.
The show was very interesting, given that this situation will occur again only in 2026. When the land was due to an eclipse of the moon, the satellite never disappears completely in the shadow land, but remains of a reddish color. The features are modified shadow dal'atmosfera land (for this, during the eclipse is taking the opportunity to study the health of our atmosphere), which, by refraction, deflects the sun's rays and absorbs almost all wavelengths 'wave component sunlight, with the exception of those related to red, which, refracted - fall on the surface of the moon, giving it a red brick - this time, the phenomenon in question is present in its entirety, according to the value 3:04 (*) of the Danjon Scale.

The hours (local time) the start of the penumbra were:

Milan: 21 42 (maximum phase: 00 45), Rome: 21 28 (00 38); Catania: 21 18 (00 21).

(*) 3 = Eclipse red brick, with a shade with yellow edging;
Eclipse 4 = orange or copper color, very light, shadow with probable reflex blue.

Gian Carlo Ruggeri (Meteorology)

Text taken from: www.bolina.it

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this space or dedicated to my students from third to nurture and sustain the passion that binds them to Astronomy! This virtual space will give us the opportunity to exchange information and research curiosity to share!