Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Average Pay At Jcpenney

Italian, but also history, but also geography and reflect informiamoci-Part 2 - IIIA

Continue reading materials on bad globalization, human exploitation and environmental (Previous post here
A power point introduction , very nice done (taken from the website: http://www.avercellicambieremmo.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/ 06/consumo-critico.pdf)

We got a bit 'in detail and we started reading fact sheets on specific topics: in this case the

Start Card

A very well done
(the one read in class, can be found here http://www.racine.ra.it/casadelleculture/pubblicazioni/pdf/cacao_interculturale.pdf)

Again Cocoa and civil war in Côte d'Ivoire
(taken from http://www.missioni-africane.org/362__Il_cacao_e_la_guerra_civile_in_Costa_d_Avorio_)

Monday, October 18, 2010

How To Transfer A Utility Trailer Ontario

soup freedom: Foscolo, Tacitus, Géricault, Delacroix - IIIA

The question becomes at once in IIIA ... (Your business guys ;-)).

not simple theme that of freedom '...

Let's start with "To Zante" , the sonnet of nostalgia and exile of


Foscolo What do you teach beyond the immediate sense of the sonnet, beyond nostalgia for the homeland and the suffering of exile?

Foscolo one of the many answers that I give in front of the limitation of freedom ... ... One of the many self-exile, fleeing.

One of the many, not the only one.

Last year we talked about how
Tacitus (Latin author) spoke of the dictatorship of Nero
and fate, quite different, of Thrasea Peto (aristocrat who preferred suicide to compromise with the Emperor) and
Agricola (Tacitus upright man and father in law ... oh well, we skip the relationship and loyalty - )). Two different ways to react to the dictatorship :

(to revive the memory, a document here
  • And now if these considerations be placed alongside Delacroix (who painted the
  • Freedom
, immediately after the French Revolution, and therefore the reflections of contemporary work Foscolo)? What thoughts might draw from this?

Gambling a link (hard?) With The raft of Géricault
framework of the story here) that inspired Delacroix:

the n Delacroix woman see the protagonists in the face and pushes them to action

  • not find that these two pictures look like some 'contrast Thrasea Peto (titanic that yearns for freedom, hoping that sooner or later it falls down and doing nothing to get it) and agriculture (which perhaps by accepting the compromise Tramples on the poor-women-victims struggle for a better world)?
  • and return to our Foscolo, which of the two paintings .... think more like him? And what to you?

(reference 1-million-dollar-or euro, do vobis-).
And just to leave you with bright neurons leave you with the of Venus Botticelli (end '400)
fea ... that those islands fertile / with its first smile ...
But that's another story.
Or not?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cruise Scavenger Hunt List

Buffet Dinner Saturday, November 6, 2010, 19:30 Castello di Santa Severina

The section of Crotone 'AIGA invites you to participate in a moment of conviviality , to be held on November 6, 2010 , at 19:30 in the beautiful setting of the Castello di Santa Severina .

Dinner- buffet, entertained by live music provides a rich menu accompanied by a tasting of wines of the "Ippolito 1845", at a cost of € 20.00 .

To participate, you must purchase tickets in advance or directly from members of the Section or call the Secretary, Mr. Colicchio Rosmira (349-7622887) or Treasurer, Mr. Tiziano Paletta (328-6149458 ).
Tickets can be purchased by Wednesday, October 20 .

's initiative, though it may appear at first only a playful encounter, underpinning knowledge and approach of many young professionals, lawyers not only colleagues, but in order to design future policy.
We expect, therefore, numerous.

Thank you for legal aid:
- Company Ippolito
1845 - City of Santa Severina

Monday, October 11, 2010

Maxine Get Well Cartoons

Psychoanalysis today between technology and ideology

Psychoanalysis today between technology and ideology: evidence for a history of Pier Francesco Galli

leads the debate Adriano Voltolin

Saturday, October 30, 2010 - 9:15 / 13.00

free admission

Associazione Culturale Punto Rosso Via Guglielmo Pepe, 14 - Milan
(MM2 - Garibaldi)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spearmint Tea Should I Drink To Help Hirsutism

Italian, but also history, but also geography and reflect informiamoci-IIIA

From tomorrow we will begin an Italian.
or history?
activity. Point.
Or maybe more than one?
( nice to have certainty, eh?)
... Just think.

read, discuss, argue.
The story of
, the reflections made last year on the death penalty
, subjects '8 / 900 bait that we will face this year are all grouped around two concepts is related to one another
, the foundation of every society that wishes to call itself such. The IIA will work in a different way, on the same lines: it will be very interesting to see the class comment on the work of the other work here on the blog ... different, yet complementary. We'll see which neurons will light up! ;-)

With what to begin?
're already looking for articles about the history of Sakineh already and we talked a bit 'in class ... So, while I try and read, I want to propose for consideration the link found on Facebook a few days ago and which I have already discussed in class. Remember the link on the one-child policy in China: click here and read (and mostly thoughtful) comments ...
The theme of the "demographic problem" (which I know a lot of reserves) is vast and involves the gap
N / S World, and unfair division of resources
A little ' sitography of reference from which to expand the horizons:

1) an overview of the many related issues (site really well done, full-bodied, to read a paragraph at a time)

2) an interesting and comprehensive Power Point taken from the site Caritas
of Vicenza, clear, complete, immediate:

3) this link is rather interesting to see the average nutritional needs and differences in consumption between N / S

4) PPT another, shorter this time, but that calls for some further reflections

I stop here at the moment ...
Other links, materials, reflections ... you insert them, ok?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Brookstone Phantom Rc Helicopter Problems

"Elementary Watson!" .. . Not really, Sherlock. Series (lucky and blessed): "When you design" A "in class and out all the alphabet from" B "to" Z "- IIIA

Let's face it.
Sherlock Holmes was a bully.
What on earth will be found, then, "
" in a yellow 'I set the Scottish cap?

Ok, good Arringovisitatori, Groundhog Day, I will tell the whole story and shows you that I did not drink.
Back in class in September, I thought to revive the practice of writing to my raga
SS uoli IIIA (formerly IIA) through creative exercises targeted. I had already prepared a lot 'of materials and activities to play. But I knew my boys and I knew they have a particular flair for dismantling projects: basically I knew I had reckoned without his host ...:-)

First day of school.
feel the pulse.

"Boys, then how was your vacation? Readings? Like it?"
"Prof, beautiful yellows we have read, many have responded.

"Yes? Liked? We then pick up right yellow kind?" .
"Yes! "
to hell in less than 30 seconds of my materials and activities to play. Delinquents! ;-)
Ok, there I am: I pick up the challenge.
mumble mumble for a minute or two .....

"Guys, listen, then what about the right to use yellow as a glue for the review the types of texts and writing techniques that we know? We could put in the yellow, I know, the investigator's journal, the last letter of the victim, the news story that talks about the murder, the love poetry of 'lover ... Eh? What do you think?
Blockbuster. And I think,
"I put six in trouble!
" Hahaha!
But I like the challenge and also to the boys.
"Very well, next time, as a group, you begin to think of the elements (offender, victim, motive, evidence, alibi etc. ...). You have to get to the next lesson already with a credible FABULA . The woven together "

pass 3 / 4 days.
2 plot. Made in the group.

Not bad, good guys.

But as in all yellow twist.
Marinela Komine tells us slap a plot devised by her, a yellow the limits of film noir, psychological, interior with excellent references, analepsis (a long flashback), a psychological motive for moving, deep, a serial of situations ...

and the class goes into raptures!

"Proooooooooooooooooof!! We want to write a novel !!!!"
is ... a thriller. .... Ahahahaha Mica peanuts, you possino!

" Let us first with a story, right? Then, if anything, expanding as "
" All right, Professor! "

(Fiuu. ..)

And I had designed a refresher, I am now manage
Conan Doyle 18 gasatissimi! Hahaha!
"I'm TOO YOUNG THEN, YES, I'm, do! In fact, do this: we devote an hour of our week in this "novel" / "story", what will be, for as long as necessary, either a semester or year-round ... We call it "Writing Workshop "what do you think? And then, if it turns out a good job, we try to publish it. OK? "
Ecchevelodicoaffà ..
. Richter Scale sidelined ...
ALLEGRIIIAAA!! would say Mike.
------ -------------------------------

Arringovisitatori, I am very happy: I see them motivated, "gassed" (they say) and even if you write a mystery, my dear Sherlock, far from elementary, I throw myself into this, with the
'awareness of gay
Not knowing where we will dock the port . It will be a novel, is a story short texts will be assembled, will still be a work created from them, that only their pilots: and of which they (and I reflexively) rejoice.
"And so, Professor, we do not perceive it as a task to do ..."
What about ...? living materials and activities that go on to bless

the "A" becomes "B"
alive the desire to do.

Now call me Jessica Fletcher
eye and if you see me around too much in your area ....

(fischiettatevi the jingle on their own).

Friday, October 1, 2010

Home Remedy For Dark Knuckles

Welcome back! IIA-IIIA

Welcome back guys!
Ready for a new adventure?

Ahah, come on, do not believe those little faces!

Summer everyone likes and is not so easy to put aside, even for a geek!
So on, let's force ... Via a bucket and spade! ;-)
What we will do this year?
First of many joint projects between your classes and also the Institute:

continue the adventure of "The screamer," the online magazine that gave us much satisfaction the last year and more, this year, we will work with the ' Empolitana , the local newspaper;

continue the activity in the classroom library and we will work very about reviews, especially those creative will be published on

we have a new multidisciplinary project on environmental issues, called "@ Moci Environments", born within the network "The school that works
    " find out together, with various activities and games, which are resources and what are the problems of our region and interact with other children in Italy (city and different kinds of schools) in the platform
  • www.ambientiamoci.mixxt.com ; continue to propose ideas and to support the Municipal Council of Children, which this year will be renewed
  • .
  • will work then Dear Arringoboys on
  • two closely related themes, cross, on which "decline" our readings and activities: FREEDOM 'AND RESPECT .
  • I'm not the one the result other? They are not the goals of endless historical processes? They are not popular and sung by men of all time? They have inspired revolutions that both masterpieces of every kind? Are not the only engine of this society, past and present, that is truly democratic?

Through literature, art, music, history, geography, daily life, we reflect on these major issues, to grow together, to make the school a teacher of life.
Of a life that is active, aware and responsible.

Meanwhile, my dear boys, so I welcome you with this video, so that one year happy, peaceful, happy and fruitful ...

A hug .... "Pencils"!

The prof