Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Between Thumb And Pointer Finger

" Reminder of a teacher Intelligent

public here today, after many months of writing, my writing, between the serious (a lot) and the humorous (a little actually) on ethics and the great responsibility that the teacher has in shaping their students.
I wrote it-jet (remember, after half an hour of treadmill and before returning to human form with a shower :-)): the idea was to write something that would lay down in black White my commitment to a better school, my passion for teaching, conscious However, even my humanity
. I wanted a text that would lay the fixed points, the imperatives that drive my educational work. I wanted a text to be read and reread in moments of despair, I remember, when everything seems to go wrong, that there is no work that gives greater satisfaction of the teacher, for the post human, emotional, and the enormous commitment that leads with them. That evening, I remember, I had a little 'with those who always speak negatively of the school (actually I have it always with these guys ...) and for this I had in mind the song
Cochi and Renato on chicken
(!): we read and hear everywhere that the teachers were seen as ... the "chicken" stupid, unprepared, slacker. Hence the title:
I wanted to use the adjective "intelligent", alluding to the song, but using subtly antifrastico sense, against all detractors of the school, the real hens who do not believe in redemption ( "Revenge, tremendous revenge! "
It came out ... written with a smile, but I feel it reflects very, content and tone ... That same evening I did see some friends, so much for sharing, but soon the head began to "turn" (even among my students, who read my blog Albopress ) until
Simone Martini, My friend even before connecting, turned the Reminder in that video that goes around for months on Facebook
and the web ... I never thought that this text, easy-going but deep, written for fun, had a similar fate! :-D
But I'm happy.

If many feel the need to share it, publish it everywhere, it means that
many have the desire to improve the Italian school, that many feel they have to much to their pupils, that many feel that what you do is never enough ...
If many do this, it means that the Italian school, as someone who works in us, still resists that are infinite and coontinui by politics and society at large. For this one ... THANKS
deep in each of them ...

Here's the video of "The memorandum of teaching intelligent : first and foremost I dedicate to you, my students, past and present, and then you Arringovisitatori:

" C onsapevole who are not here to warm up the chair and the chair may well be occupied by someone else, now I am committed to giving the best to these guys that sit in front of me. I will do everything because they do not stick chewing gum under the counter: they engage in meaningful work and challenging them to cooperate and help catch the target. And maybe ask you to opt for sweets. I will avoid that migrate through the corridors and bath-design their camp, from topics of interest to them and arriving at the end of lesson an objective reached. Cultivate dialogue promoting the divergence of opinion, stopping only when flying books. Omit to give numerical estimates as the lottery numbers, even in the classroom because the machinery of luck does not enter. Opt instead for a formative assessment that shows progress and indicates the way to improvement and is also the path towards greater self-esteem. I will share with them the failures and having accidents and improved invective humbly declined, I will study with them the way forward. I will work with all of myself because the school did not perpetuate the socio-cultural differences, may I end up with fields to cultivate the pen Biro: I will fight because most disadvantaged in the school may have a chance for redemption and a future they can say to me over big time. Today I will do all this, aware of my limitations and my humanity, so I chose to do this job because I believe in the intelligence of the boys, because I decided to bet on. I just hope I do not make me down. "



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