Attendance at the course you mentioned the acquisition of credits for continuing education of lawyers in the amount provided for by that regulation.
As you know, art. 60 of Law 69/2009 has introduced into our legal system the institution of mediation aimed at the compulsory conciliation in civil and commercial matters with regard to building, leasing, inheritance, real rights (usufruct, servitude, lease, etc..) free loan, terms of family, rental companies, contracts, banking, financial and insurance claims due to damages in medical-health.
Following, then, the legislative news in our area you can set up three bodies of Conciliation and subscribe to as many lists of mediators.
To be able to join, however, one must either have completed 15 years of membership to the Bar or have qualified as a professional mediator, attending higher education courses approved and accredited by the Ministry of Justice, as the course of this' ANPAR (for the avoidance of doubt, you can check that this association is present in the list of providers for the Ministry of conciliators, at No. 14, available at http://www.giustizia.it/ ).
ANPAR I should point out that is both educational institution, that body of Conciliation in the register kept by the Ministry, so this association is already accredited and able to establish a conciliation and arbitration in the province of Crotone, with insurance coverage.
This is an important opportunity to work as the only Mediator Specialist, third, independent and highly qualified staff - supervised by the Ministry of Justice - and placed on the list, can experience the attempt to settle the lack of which causes a condition of admissibility of the claim.
Specifically, when submitting the application for mediation, conciliation body responsible shall appoint a mediator and set a first meeting between the parties within fifteen days from the filing date, by giving immediate notice to the other party by any appropriate means to ensure the reception, including by the requesting party.
Finally, in cases that require specific technical expertise, the agency shall appoint one or more auxiliary mediators. In the latter case, the Ombudsman may make use of experts registered in the registers of consultants in the courts.
In order to allow access to these bodies and entry to the lists also cited the young lawyer, I invite all those interested to enroll in that course.
For more information:
- National Secretariat of the PNA, tel. 089.274306
- Provincial Delegate of the PNA, Mr. Louis Quintieri of the Forum of Croton, cell 328-0256469
http://mailstore.rossoalice.alice.it/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http:/ / www.anpar.it/ ; http://www.alboconciliatori.it/
Natalina Giungato
Mr. President of the Chamber of Croton of AIG
Mr. President of the Chamber of Croton of AIG
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