Monday, June 22, 2009

Carnation Breakfast Essentials


Deduction 36%
Good news on the fiscal front. Article. 2, paragraph 15 of the Law of 22 December 2008, n. 203 (Finance Act 2009) it has extended until December 31, 2011, the deduction of 36% recovery of housing construction, while maintaining the maximum expenditure allowed to enjoy the benefit of € 48,000 per housing unit.

same time, was extended for the same time period, the application of.
VAT reduced to 10% for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance on housing, that it is therefore applicable in relation to invoices issued until December 31, 2011.

is confirmed, moreover, the obligation to indicate in the invoice cost of labor originally introduced by. 35, paragraph 19 of Law 248/2006) provided, under penalty of forfeiture of the tax benefit, both for renovating old buildings, both for the purchase of homes located in manufactured entirely renovated.

The deduction, in the extent of 36% applies with respect to expenses paid (by bank or postal
) until 31 December 2010 (using the cash basis, ie
regardless of the date of the invoice or and execution of the works) and actually stayed at
load of each subject between those identified as potential beneficiaries of subsidy. Among
tax rebates, are those relating to:

the design of the work;
purchase of materials;
perform the work;
other professional services required by the type of intervention;
the compliance report to the same laws;
to surveys and inspections;
all 'value-added tax, stamp duty and fees paid for the concessions, the
authorizations, complaints start work;
charges of urbanization;
to any other costs directly related to the implementation of operations and requirements placed by the regulations implementing the provisions.

Deduction 55%
E 'has just been published the decision of the Inland Revenue which will govern the terms and conditions for sending the notice regarding the deduction of 55% incurred in 2009.
The decision on the redevelopment of existing buildings, provides for a tax deduction of 55% (combined with other incentives may be prepared by local authorities) of the actual costs incurred for:
interventions aimed at reducing heat loss (maximum deductible amount to € 60,000 three years);
installation of solar panels (maximum deductible amount of € 60,000 over three years);
replacing old boilers with new condensing (maximum deductible amount to € 30,000 three years).

The measure contains, in fact, the model of communication (and instructions) for the redevelopment energy that continue beyond the tax year (according to art. 29 of Legislative Decree 185/2008 crisis) to qualify for the deduction of 55% of the costs listed above.

model - said the agency - must be used:
to communicate the costs incurred during the tax years preceding the year in which the works were completed, with reference only works that proceed beyond the tax year;
to communicate the costs incurred in 2009 and subsequent years.

Taxpayers wishing to use the deduction shall in any case continue to send to ENEA, through the website within 90 days after the end of the work, the data in MD February 19, 2007. The measure

Revenue also regulates the terms and methods of communication to the Revenue of data held by ENEA. Within the last day of the month following receipt of the notice of completion of work, Enea transmit electronically to the Revenue the following information in its possession pursuant to Ministerial Decree 19 February 2007:
a) identification of the subject registrant;
b) identification of the property covered by the interventions;
c) action taken on the property according to the types referred to in Article 1, paragraphs 344 to 347 of Law 296/2006 (Finanziaria 2007);
d) construction start date;
e) On completion of the work;
f) Annual energy savings expected in the primary sources for the actions;
g) the cost of redevelopment energy net of business expenses;
h) amount of expenses for which you are entitled to deduct tax;
i) Cost of business expenses, when necessary;
j) identification of the qualified technician who has issued the certificate of qualification or energy, as expected.


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