aestheticization of politics, politicization of the art
Franco Romano
aestheticization of politics, politicization of the art
It leads the debate Dario D'Andrea
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - hours 9:15 to 13:00 Admission free
Associazione Culturale Punto Rosso Via Guglielmo Pepe, 14 - Milan
MM2 Garibaldi)
In the 30s, Walter Benjamin, reflecting on fascism and Nazism, noted as one of the characteristics schemes was the aestheticism of the policy. Benjamin is not always clear what he meant by this process, then! However, if we integrate his insights with those of contemporary Reich about the hidden meaning or subliminal symbolism of the Nazi and the choreography of the mass demonstrations, we come to understand the beginning of a process that may become clearer to us today, when the media and the audience of the show (as he had guessed Debord), absorbs a substantial part of public policy. The German philosopher and writer saw for the first time in modern history a system of relations between art, political propaganda, mass media (radio) e thought that was planned, as never before in history. Not a new phenomenon at all, of course, but certainly so with regard to its size. But the same can be said for industrial equipment: just remember the role that the futurists had in advertising campaigns for many companies, first of Campari, now cleverly repeated in a TV ad that alludes to the 30s of last century.
So if Benjamin's insight with respect to policy is extremely topical and burning, his proposed response to the aestheticism of the political process and that the politicization of art, turned out to be nothing short of disastrous. Apart from the fervent the time of Russian Futurism and its interaction with the October Revolution, the cultural policy of the socialist states and even the poster art for free and independent and Trotszkj Breton, was not a response to the aestheticism of the least effective policy (both that the process has become macroscopic), in turn, has produced bad publicity and bad art, often marked by an aesthetics of ugliness, as is the case of socialist realism.
The problem, however, was further aggravated in the sense that the process of aestheticization policy has extended to every aspect of culture and civic life. How to stay out? How did (if they did) the artists and writers at the turn taken by the Western society? Christopher Lasch has reason to speak of narcissistic society at all levels? What is the relationship between inflation and inflation as an economic phenomenon of culture that becomes cultural consumerism, which is matched by the publication, for example, a countless number of books that no one was physically able to read? You can also speak to art and culture of stagflation, that is of such a phenomenon for which there is both inflation and stagnation?
Saturday, October 31, 2009 - hours 9:15 to 13:00 Admission free
Associazione Culturale Punto Red
Via Guglielmo Pepe, 14 - Milan
MM2 Garibaldi)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Female Masterbation New
Private Flat 5 October 2009
via Andrea Orcagna
to 61 The care of Maleerbe
Courage is almost always associated with heroic deeds that we are usually attributed to mythical characters.
In our lives we are faced with choices that make us heroes every day.
A mirror, the bed, a dining table are the scenes that make the domestic scenes, situations in which we can decide whether to be spectators or players.
The courage behind our actions every day, when consciously choose to be ourselves and according to our will. Living is an art, not something to adapt to their jobs. The

to 61 The care of Maleerbe
Courage is almost always associated with heroic deeds that we are usually attributed to mythical characters.
In our lives we are faced with choices that make us heroes every day.
A mirror, the bed, a dining table are the scenes that make the domestic scenes, situations in which we can decide whether to be spectators or players.
The courage behind our actions every day, when consciously choose to be ourselves and according to our will. Living is an art, not something to adapt to their jobs. The
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Old School Boombox Sale
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
What Hairstyle Goes Best For A Military Ball
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
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Deduction 36%
Good news on the fiscal front. Article. 2, paragraph 15 of the Law of 22 December 2008, n. 203 (Finance Act 2009) it has extended until December 31, 2011, the deduction of 36% recovery of housing construction, while maintaining the maximum expenditure allowed to enjoy the benefit of € 48,000 per housing unit.
same time, was extended for the same time period, the application of.
VAT reduced to 10% for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance on housing, that it is therefore applicable in relation to invoices issued until December 31, 2011.
is confirmed, moreover, the obligation to indicate in the invoice cost of labor originally introduced by. 35, paragraph 19 of Law 248/2006) provided, under penalty of forfeiture of the tax benefit, both for renovating old buildings, both for the purchase of homes located in manufactured entirely renovated.
The deduction, in the extent of 36% applies with respect to expenses paid (by bank or postal
) until 31 December 2010 (using the cash basis, ie
regardless of the date of the invoice or and execution of the works) and actually stayed at
load of each subject between those identified as potential beneficiaries of subsidy. Among
tax rebates, are those relating to:
the design of the work;
purchase of materials;
perform the work;
other professional services required by the type of intervention;
the compliance report to the same laws;
to surveys and inspections;
all 'value-added tax, stamp duty and fees paid for the concessions, the
authorizations, complaints start work;
charges of urbanization;
to any other costs directly related to the implementation of operations and requirements placed by the regulations implementing the provisions.
Deduction 55%
E 'has just been published the decision of the Inland Revenue which will govern the terms and conditions for sending the notice regarding the deduction of 55% incurred in 2009.
The decision on the redevelopment of existing buildings, provides for a tax deduction of 55% (combined with other incentives may be prepared by local authorities) of the actual costs incurred for:
interventions aimed at reducing heat loss (maximum deductible amount to € 60,000 three years);
installation of solar panels (maximum deductible amount of € 60,000 over three years);
replacing old boilers with new condensing (maximum deductible amount to € 30,000 three years).
The measure contains, in fact, the model of communication (and instructions) for the redevelopment energy that continue beyond the tax year (according to art. 29 of Legislative Decree 185/2008 crisis) to qualify for the deduction of 55% of the costs listed above.
model - said the agency - must be used:
to communicate the costs incurred during the tax years preceding the year in which the works were completed, with reference only works that proceed beyond the tax year;
to communicate the costs incurred in 2009 and subsequent years.
Taxpayers wishing to use the deduction shall in any case continue to send to ENEA, through the website within 90 days after the end of the work, the data in MD February 19, 2007. The measure
Revenue also regulates the terms and methods of communication to the Revenue of data held by ENEA. Within the last day of the month following receipt of the notice of completion of work, Enea transmit electronically to the Revenue the following information in its possession pursuant to Ministerial Decree 19 February 2007:
a) identification of the subject registrant;
b) identification of the property covered by the interventions;
c) action taken on the property according to the types referred to in Article 1, paragraphs 344 to 347 of Law 296/2006 (Finanziaria 2007);
d) construction start date;
e) On completion of the work;
f) Annual energy savings expected in the primary sources for the actions;
g) the cost of redevelopment energy net of business expenses;
h) amount of expenses for which you are entitled to deduct tax;
i) Cost of business expenses, when necessary;
j) identification of the qualified technician who has issued the certificate of qualification or energy, as expected.
Deduction 36%
Good news on the fiscal front. Article. 2, paragraph 15 of the Law of 22 December 2008, n. 203 (Finance Act 2009) it has extended until December 31, 2011, the deduction of 36% recovery of housing construction, while maintaining the maximum expenditure allowed to enjoy the benefit of € 48,000 per housing unit.
same time, was extended for the same time period, the application of.
VAT reduced to 10% for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance on housing, that it is therefore applicable in relation to invoices issued until December 31, 2011.
is confirmed, moreover, the obligation to indicate in the invoice cost of labor originally introduced by. 35, paragraph 19 of Law 248/2006) provided, under penalty of forfeiture of the tax benefit, both for renovating old buildings, both for the purchase of homes located in manufactured entirely renovated.
The deduction, in the extent of 36% applies with respect to expenses paid (by bank or postal
) until 31 December 2010 (using the cash basis, ie
regardless of the date of the invoice or and execution of the works) and actually stayed at
load of each subject between those identified as potential beneficiaries of subsidy. Among
tax rebates, are those relating to:
the design of the work;
purchase of materials;
perform the work;
other professional services required by the type of intervention;
the compliance report to the same laws;
to surveys and inspections;
all 'value-added tax, stamp duty and fees paid for the concessions, the
authorizations, complaints start work;
charges of urbanization;
to any other costs directly related to the implementation of operations and requirements placed by the regulations implementing the provisions.
Deduction 55%
E 'has just been published the decision of the Inland Revenue which will govern the terms and conditions for sending the notice regarding the deduction of 55% incurred in 2009.
The decision on the redevelopment of existing buildings, provides for a tax deduction of 55% (combined with other incentives may be prepared by local authorities) of the actual costs incurred for:
interventions aimed at reducing heat loss (maximum deductible amount to € 60,000 three years);
installation of solar panels (maximum deductible amount of € 60,000 over three years);
replacing old boilers with new condensing (maximum deductible amount to € 30,000 three years).
The measure contains, in fact, the model of communication (and instructions) for the redevelopment energy that continue beyond the tax year (according to art. 29 of Legislative Decree 185/2008 crisis) to qualify for the deduction of 55% of the costs listed above.
model - said the agency - must be used:
to communicate the costs incurred during the tax years preceding the year in which the works were completed, with reference only works that proceed beyond the tax year;
to communicate the costs incurred in 2009 and subsequent years.
Taxpayers wishing to use the deduction shall in any case continue to send to ENEA, through the website within 90 days after the end of the work, the data in MD February 19, 2007. The measure
Revenue also regulates the terms and methods of communication to the Revenue of data held by ENEA. Within the last day of the month following receipt of the notice of completion of work, Enea transmit electronically to the Revenue the following information in its possession pursuant to Ministerial Decree 19 February 2007:
a) identification of the subject registrant;
b) identification of the property covered by the interventions;
c) action taken on the property according to the types referred to in Article 1, paragraphs 344 to 347 of Law 296/2006 (Finanziaria 2007);
d) construction start date;
e) On completion of the work;
f) Annual energy savings expected in the primary sources for the actions;
g) the cost of redevelopment energy net of business expenses;
h) amount of expenses for which you are entitled to deduct tax;
i) Cost of business expenses, when necessary;
j) identification of the qualified technician who has issued the certificate of qualification or energy, as expected.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
To Dos Los Bideos De Mexicanas Follando
The psychosocial impact of new approaches to contemporary capitalism
screw emptied. Psychosocial impact of contemporary capitalism
Marco Solinas
Continuing along the path of criticism of life offense, distorted, alienated or reified, suffering, or even sick, I will try here to sketch the outlines of a critique of that life which seems to be emptied almost like an epidemic in contemporary Western societies [1] . Will proceed in three stages. I will begin with a brief analysis of the paradoxical reversal of the shared model of the good life, in particular concerning the ideals of of personal responsibility and self-inscribed in it, completed under neoliberal hegemony, then the possibility of preparing a immanent critique that seeks to decipher the mechanisms that, in the ideological-normative, are designed to legitimize and justify the new forms of subordination , dependence and exploitation due to the processes set in motion, alongside other factors, the market and flexible forms of work (I). I'll come then to the mass dissemination of better forms of discomfort or suffering experienced by the subjects in question and expressed in terms of inner emptiness, meaninglessness, apathy, anhedonia, fatigue, but also shame and impotent rage, caused by now became established the paradigm of depression. Reactions related to particular forms of psychologizing of social reality that seem to be desperate and radicalized by that paradoxical reversal, and in particular the dynamics of individual responsibility triggered by it (II). The eminently de-politicized approach underlying that personalization, circularly linked to processes of social atomization and re-individualization, it seems to be reflected directly nell'autointerpretazione and self-perception of specific experiences of non-compliance and social exclusion. Experience that without the bridge that allows semantic interpret such injury or deprivation of rights, and then open the way for the formation of social movements are progressive, they seem to lead back, more and more frequently, for annihilating and incapacitating states sick individual. One criticism that seeks to open up the possibility of reactivating the potential legal emancipation here unexpressed and, correspondingly, support the re-diversion of material and emotional instincts frustrated and accordingly facilitate the overcoming of this condition of emptiness and impotence, will eventually emerging as a specific form of a broader and renewed struggle for hegemony (III).
I. Paradoxical reversals
The shared model of the good life of contemporary Western societies includes within itself, between others, two crucial interrelated elements: the ideals of self-realization and personal responsibility, including its sense of a specific form of individual autonomy. During the twentieth century these regulatory bodies have done, on several levels, a function uniquely and eminently progressive and emancipatory, though far from always marked by a certain ambivalence and contradiction. From the seventies until today, the dialectic between their positive role and its opposite is negative radicalized, thus being a trend to employ "paradoxical" in the sense attributed to the process by Axel Honneth and Martin Hartmann [2] : the forms, meaning and purpose to them, have effectively transformed the two instances, in many ways, the pillars of a normative conception of the good life time (paradoxically) to legitimize and justify the devices and mechanisms to effectively limit the scope for self-realization and the preconditions conducive to the recruitment of more personal responsibility.
This process of inversion, although it is certainly due to a variety of reasons relatively heterogeneous, it is also certainly be inscribed within the framework of the dynamics triggered by the victory of economic, political, social, and cultural rules of neoliberalism realizzatasi and consolidated over the past four decades . Of what David Harvey, from the end eighties, described as a flexible regime of accumulation [3] , I would particularly emphasize the crucial role played by the market and more flexible forms of work in the re-legalization of forms of subordination and exploitation, sometimes because never brutal, that long struggles political, social and socio-cultural had banned [4] , and towards which they are addressed synchronously continuing efforts of legitimacy and justification. Aided by the convergence of a series of processes of different nature, so ultimately prevailed those interests to consolidate the new system of flexible accumulation, not only on a highly economic, or merely political, but also in culture and law, where the circular relationship between the three dimensions is perfectly interpreted in terms of conquest and the exercise of a new 'hegemony' by a particular 'historical bloc' in the sense given to the process, and the two concepts from Antonio Gramsci [5] .
On the regulatory side, on which attention will focus here, that the disintegration was also justified by the appeal to that same model of the good life, including the ideal of self-realization, who represented one of the cornerstones of the legal struggle for freedom through which had been built that "social pact between capital and labor" that neo-liberal restructuring is demolished. Model that, especially in the sixties, was also declined in terms of demand for a greater allocation of personal responsibility than the 'sellers' mechanisms of regulation of matrix Fordist-Taylorist [6] . The model is therefore to have been reversed, so as to provide a justification for the exploitation of new devices and new forms of subordination and dependency achieved mainly through greater flexibility. In other words, we would be facing the emergence of a new ideological configuration, a concept which is that, in the classical sense, mask and hidden, through more or less intentionally instrumental use of legal emancipation and progressive principles, those same mechanisms that effectively deny these principles, and that, as such "claim" his "immanent critique," as recently wrote Rahel Jaeggi also in relation to neoliberal ideology contemporary [7] .
You can now ask in what form the two instances special laws were not only disregarded but reversed. Compared to personal fulfillment, particularly in the sense of a form of free and uninterrupted "self discovery" related to a radical ideal of autonomy and independence, a first response refers to the fact that it was more or less explicitly declined in terms of a subjectivity 'open', namely 'flexible': ie that they can seize the fleeting opportunity for a labor market increasingly de-regulated as if they were always or mostly, of missed chances for citizens- workers to help with the continuous path of personal growth and existential, rather than for their use to reduce drastically the cost of labor and the business risk [8] . From this perspective, certainly not exhaustive but nonetheless binding, the ideal of self has become a "model of institutionalized expectations," now essentially 'external' to those needs and desires of those he was born, in which players must nevertheless comply, as if still reflect and convey those same instances has indeed lost [9] . It is, therefore, a legal-ideological model in which citizens-Western workers, certainly not only those belonging to low and medium ranges, subject themselves and are subject to new regulations avowedly anti-self-governing and flexible mechanisms be made more flexible social, cultural and material to which the grip is increasingly difficult to ignore. Compared with the applicant and I would call pervasive ideal of personal responsibility, even in the form of a constant As paradoxical as his denunciation of the alleged weakness, I think it will work in forms and means especially complex. Beyond the focal role played in the deconstruction of the legitimacy of the welfare state, the increasing attribution of personal responsibility to the citizens of Western-workers - which also reflects speculation that is presented in terms of a de-ownership of businesses with regard to their (ex -) employees and more or less outside - I feel have contributed significantly to exasperate and to radicalize those complex processes of psychologizing and personalization of social reality, of course if they have deep roots in Recent decades have seen a stunning acceleration and diffusion [10] and with this we analyze the impact of psychosocial new ideological configuration in relation to the life drained.
II. An epidemic of empty
cut sociological analysis of the epidemic dell'annichilente stronger and paralyzing sense of emptiness that seems to afflict the contemporary Western societies is in my opinion represented by the brilliant work of Alain Ehrenberg The effort to be themselves. Depression and society [11] . The pervasiveness of this sense of inner emptiness, accompanied by moods expressed in terms of meaninglessness, apathy, anhedonia, fatigue, but also feelings and emotions of shame and impotent rage, is developed here directly from the perspective of the analysis of mass distribution of depressive symptoms, and more generally of the statement of the paradigm of depression during the second half realizzatasi of the twentieth century [12] , not only from a strictly clinical, but also on what the mass media and cultural sphere and in relation to highly legislation. In this regard, but indeed one of many critical assumptions of the methodological work of Ehrenberg is that the phenomenon of empty, meaningless and so on. In the outbreak emerging depressive, represent the 'reverse' the "reverse negative 'emancipatory process of dissolution" of the disciplinary models of Fordist and Taylorist management, "and especially and more generally of the" emancipation "," autonomy "," freedom "and" personal responsibility "conquered, or if we established, thanks to the collective movements of struggle and revolt of the sixties [13] . As Ehrenberg explicit from the start: "In virtue of this new normativity, the entire responsibility for our lives not only lies with the individual-that-is-in-us, but involves equally between the collective-we. The present work aims to show how depression represents the exact opposite of all this, manifesting as a disease of responsibility, dominated by a sense of failure: the depressed person does not feel up to, he is tired of having to become himself " [14] .
Now, I believe that the analysis of Ehrenberg, from a descriptive extraordinarily effective, as the premises can and should indeed be taken recontextualized and extended, at least in relation to the dynamics concerning the paradoxical reversal of the contemporary model of the good life discussed above. While it is true that many forms of depressive illness due to the paradigm can be interpreted in relation to the sphere of providing and disclosed attribution of particular forms of personal responsibility, in the sense of negative reactions in the face of what people see as Western challenges of reality against which "do not feel up to," I think it is also true that this process of self-employment and self-attribution of personal responsibility appears inscribed, at least in certain forms and meanings, within that overall process of empowerment coadiuavato or at least triggered by the new ideological configuration. From this perspective, the paradoxical reversal of the shared model of the good life, aimed at legitimizing the precarious living conditions of citizens-Western workers, and more generally their placing new devices and use of discipline that inhibit the possibilities of self-realization, it seems paradoxical to trigger a second dynamic. The moment in which this call results in a pressure to induce the individual to take responsibility, individually, the responsibility for conditions that lead to the preconditions of which he indeed can not be solely responsible, and at the same time justifies (in paradoxically) the mechanisms to deconstruct some of the socio-economic conditions which would strengthen the very possibility of taking a greater burden of personal responsibility [15] , it seems to make a critical contribution to generate a state of impasse nature of depression. In the sense that the subject is now in a situation that is somewhat absurd, indecodificabile, and that from this perspective helps to create or induce self-perception and related forms of self-interpretation in the sphere of conditions and states of mind and experienced expressed in terms of impotent rage, shame, foolishness, fatigue, and more generally empty. A condition whose character "absurd" would then take shape as a result of inner tensions, the contradictions inherent in the paradoxical relationship between the regulatory domain, the configuration and ideological hegemonic forms of life actually achieved in our society.
What I mean by this doubly paradoxical effect inherent in the dynamics of personal responsibility so crystal clear if we take for example the analysis prepared by Richard Sennett of interpretations and emotional reactions aroused in the citizens-Western workers - in the double round top dell'autopercezione canonization and sometimes subjective and social stigma - from the experiences of job loss, in the present cases due to corporate restructuring [16] . In a first paradigmatic form the experience is interpreted by the subjects in question in terms of a personal failure: they blame the staff of some error of assessment, we believe that they were not "equal" than those who play in a certain way from the reality facing them as challenges (social). Reading that induces the emergence of feelings of shame, guilt and inadequacy which might have led to a withdrawal into oneself, in a retreat from social life and so on., Wider array of depression. Reactions also be traced back, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the scope of the "narcissistic depression ' [17] and in this sense can be interpreted as the reverse negative of that burden of responsibility that helps to build (in a paradoxical way) a ideal of self-powerful. Where circular model of the underlying conversion-mania melancholia, and the related dialectic narcissistic omnipotence-impotence, it would be dropped into a broader psychosocial dimension [18] .
In a second form, the same paradigm, which to me seems complementary to the first, the experience is interpreted as an event against which the subject is considered, and is most commonly regarded as socially, as a victim predestined 'object a perverse injustice due to the dynamics of everything outside of his control, and therefore not considered to be responsible in any way. Interpretation that generates feelings and emotions of despair, resentment and impotent rage, also due to the paradigm of depression, and the dynamics of which I seem to fall back into the dialectic of helplessness-omnipotence. Beyond the possible problematizations relating to the forms and contents inscribed within the modern paradigm of depression, I would like to stress that these two reactions, in some ways to the contrary, the degree and quality of the dynamics of psychologizing and personalizing social reality that both, in a similar way, behind and endorse. In the sense that the individual is perceived, and is most commonly considered socially responsible as the sole, or as an intended victim, and not entirely responsible, those that are interpreted as failures (or successes) eminently and exclusively personal, or what the outcome of processes de-politicized.
III. Debasement and hegemonies
This trend of de-politicization becomes clearer if we interpret these experiences in light of the category of contempt or scorn (Missachtung) in the sense given to it by Honneth, both with respect to the plane of law - with particular reference to the right to not only of the work - is that of social esteem [19] . It follows then that since the unilateral perspective psychologized and personalized help to defuse the radical emancipatory potential of such experiences in the very moment when a inhibits translation in terms of injury or deprivation of rights which go beyond the boundaries of individual [20] . Here is that missing the "semantics group" which, writes Honneth, 'enable it to interpret the personal experiences of disappointment as something which not only the individual self, but in fact a circle of many others', in other words, it is absent or is not "sufficiently robust" to the "semantic bridge" that allows "the development of a collective identity" and that, opening the way to the 'political action', 'rips' subjects' from the situation of a crippling devaluation suffered passively, helping, correspondingly, to conduct a new, positive relationship with oneself " [21] . Lacking this interpretation and translation, the experiences of non-compliance and contempt, rather than lead to reactions of emancipatory character, operate in the opposite direction, vilification and shame social dyeing of dark shades depressed, which could be defined in terms of "regressive experiences," to print notes in a broad sense of depression. The absence
but we could also say the collapse of this "semantic bridge" I think in turn due, next to a multiplicity of different contributing factors, the following two sets of factors. First, the mechanisms and dynamics of 'solidarity' on which rests the very possibility of identity construction of collective movements appear to have been mined at the base from the impressive acceleration of the processes of fragmentation and atomization of society, even in relation to what Robert Castel has defined in terms of "de-collectivization" and " re-individualization ' [22] , primed and then consolidated in recent decades by the market and flexible forms of work. The second category concerns the effectiveness of the ideological configuration in which it was overthrown by the joint model of the good life, and his two paradoxical effect discussed above. Two sets of factors that have played a key role in the collapse, or rather in the demolition of the bridge semantic who had contributed to the formation of collective struggle through which was gradually built this social pact, and that the law and work, now being deconstruction in Western societies, and that even this perspective, I think it can be interpreted in view of the economic, political and regulatory inter-circle here, which forms the exercise of hegemony won by a historical bloc antagonistic to the interests and needs of the masses.
If so, the possibility of reactivating the emancipatory potential regulatory unexpressed and reversed in these experiences of non-compliance and contempt, and to foster a corollary the "hijacking" of emotional and instinctual in game, so as to turn in one direction, so to say "depression" and "regressive" to a "constructive" and "progressive," rests on the very possibility of rebuilding the collapsed bridge. Reconstruction, on the analytical level, also refers to the development of an immanent critique of the new ideological configuration capable of revealing the paradoxical effect triggered by the double reversal of the shared model of the good life, and, thus, can therefore help to unlock the via the formation of these movements of collective struggle in which reactivation and hijacking might be realized. Because of the inseparable interrelationship between the ethical-moral, socio-political and socio-economic concerning such a transaction, it is in my view, eventually lead to a renewed struggle for hegemony in the sense of Gramsci where he writes that 'a critical understanding of whether themselves "can overcome the condition 'in which the contradictory nature of conscience does not allow any action, no decision, no choice and produces a state of moral and political liabilities," passes "through a struggle of" hegemony "policies, contrasting directions , first in the field of ethics, then politics " [23] . This, I believe, one of the ways that could lead to outside this condition, the paradoxical and absurd contradictions which contributes to dry, empty of meaning to our lives.
[1] The text is a revised version of my report Kritik des Lebens entleerten held at the conference The Future (s) of Critical Theory at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main on 20.03.2009 and I thank the participants for observations and comments.
[2] M. Hartmann, A. Honneth, Paradoxien des Kapitalismus. Ein Untersuchungsprogramm, "Berliner Debattista Initial ', 15 / 1 (2004), pp. 4-17; A. Honneth, Organisierte Selbstverwirklichung. Paradoxien der Individualisierung, Frankfurt / New York 2002, trad. com. Self-organized. Paradoxes of individualization, in the Post-philosophy ", 1 / 1 (2005), pp. 27-44; see the concept of paradox. also M. Hartmann, Widerspruch, Ambivalenzen, Paradoxien. Begriffliche Wandlungen in der neueren Gesellschaftstheorie, in A. Honneth (ed.), aus der Befreiung Mündigkeit. Paradoxien Gegenwärtigen des Kapitalismus, Campus, Frankfurt / New York 2002, pp. 221-251: 235-241.
[3] See D. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity. An Enquiry Into the Origins of Cultural Change, Oxford 1989, trans. com. The crisis of modernity, Net, Milan 2002, pate II: The politico-economic transformation of capitalism in the second half of the twentieth century.
[4] See p. es. L. Gallino, Labor is not una merce. Contro la flessibilità, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007, pp. 57 sgg., 75 sgg.
[5] Cfr. p. it. A. Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere, Torino, Einaudi 1975-2007: Q. 10 (XXXIII), 41a, 45-46, 49a-50a, 25a-26, 27a; Q. 11 (XVIII), pp. 13-18 e Q. 8 (XXVIII), pp. 51bis-57, Q. 13 (XXX), pp. 4, 9-15, 26
[6] Cfr. p. it. H. Kocyba, the price of recognition: From Taylorism disregard for the strategic exploitation of the subjectivity of the workers, in U. Holtgrewe, P. Voswinkel, G. Wagner (a cura di), recognition and work UVK, Konstanz 2000, pp. 127-140: 127-133.
[7] Vedi R. Jaeggi, Per una critica dell'ideologia, in "Iris", 55, XXI (2008), pp. 595-616.
[8] See p. es. L. Gallino, Labor is not a commodity, cit., Pp. 27 ff.
[9] See A. Honneth, Self-organized cit., Pp. 32-33.
[10] On the origins of these processes, see p. es. the classic R. Sennett, The Fall of Public Man, Cambridge 1974-1976, trans. com. The decline of public man, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2006.
[11] A. Ehrenberg, La fatigue d'être soi. Dépression et société, Paris 1998, trans. com. The effort to be themselves. Depression and society, Einaudi, Torino 1999.
[12] See also É. Roudinesco, the Psychanalyse Pourquoi?, Paris 1999, trans. com. Why psychoanalysis?, Editori Riuniti, Rome 2000, Part I: The company depressive.
[13] See A. Ehrenberg, La fatigue to be themselves, cit., Especially pp. 222-223, 254-256, 7-10, 300-301.
[14] Ibid , cit., P. 4 ff.
[15] See M. Hartmann, A. Honneth, Paradoxien des Kapitalismus, cit., Pp. 12-14.
[16] See R. Sennett, The Corrosion of Character. The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism, New York-London 1999, trans. com. The Corrosion of Character. The consequences of the new capitalism on personal life, Feltrinelli, Milano 1999, capitolo 7: Fallimento; e Id, The Culture of New Capitalism, New Haven-London 2006, trad it. La cultura del nuovo capitalismo, il Mulino, Bologna 2006, pp. 79 sgg.
[17] Cfr. p. it. R. Haubl, social psychology of depression, in M. Leuzinger-Bohleber, S. Hau, H. Deserno (a cura di), depression - pluralism in practice and research, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2005, pp. 291-319: 313-314; Id, Be cool! On the post-modern fear of failure personally, in HJ. Busch (a cura di), traces of the subject. Positions of psychoanalytic social psychology, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2007, pp. 111-133: 117 sgg.
[18] In this sense, one could for example take the considerations of Klein on the relationship between omnipotence and mania in manic-depressive states outlined in M. Klein, A Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Manic-Depressive States, IJP 1935, trans. com. Contribution to Psychogenesis of the manic-depressive, in Id, Writings. 1921-1958, Basic Books, Torino 1978, especially pp. 312-313.
[19] See A. Honneth, Kampf um Anerkennung. Grammatik sozialer Konflikt, Frankfurt / Main 1992, trans. com. Struggle for recognition. Proposals for an ethics conflict, the Hogarth Press, Milan 2002, pp. 160 ff., 190 ff.
[20] Ibid .
[21] See ibid. 191-193.
[22] See R. Castel, The Insecure Social. Qu'est-ce qu'être protégé?, Paris 2003, trans. com. Social insecurity. It means to be protected?, Einaudi, Torino 2004, pp. 40-47.
[23] A. Gramsci, Prison Notebooks, cit., Quaderno 11 (XVIII) p. 16a; tematizzatone on Gramsci's "struggle for hegemony 'see. p. es. therein Q. 10 (XXXIII), pp. 50, 3rd-4, Q. 11 (XVIII), 70bis, Q. 13 (XXX), pp. 4 and Q. 8 (XXVIII), p. 20.
Marco Solinas
Continuing along the path of criticism of life offense, distorted, alienated or reified, suffering, or even sick, I will try here to sketch the outlines of a critique of that life which seems to be emptied almost like an epidemic in contemporary Western societies [1] . Will proceed in three stages. I will begin with a brief analysis of the paradoxical reversal of the shared model of the good life, in particular concerning the ideals of of personal responsibility and self-inscribed in it, completed under neoliberal hegemony, then the possibility of preparing a immanent critique that seeks to decipher the mechanisms that, in the ideological-normative, are designed to legitimize and justify the new forms of subordination , dependence and exploitation due to the processes set in motion, alongside other factors, the market and flexible forms of work (I). I'll come then to the mass dissemination of better forms of discomfort or suffering experienced by the subjects in question and expressed in terms of inner emptiness, meaninglessness, apathy, anhedonia, fatigue, but also shame and impotent rage, caused by now became established the paradigm of depression. Reactions related to particular forms of psychologizing of social reality that seem to be desperate and radicalized by that paradoxical reversal, and in particular the dynamics of individual responsibility triggered by it (II). The eminently de-politicized approach underlying that personalization, circularly linked to processes of social atomization and re-individualization, it seems to be reflected directly nell'autointerpretazione and self-perception of specific experiences of non-compliance and social exclusion. Experience that without the bridge that allows semantic interpret such injury or deprivation of rights, and then open the way for the formation of social movements are progressive, they seem to lead back, more and more frequently, for annihilating and incapacitating states sick individual. One criticism that seeks to open up the possibility of reactivating the potential legal emancipation here unexpressed and, correspondingly, support the re-diversion of material and emotional instincts frustrated and accordingly facilitate the overcoming of this condition of emptiness and impotence, will eventually emerging as a specific form of a broader and renewed struggle for hegemony (III).
I. Paradoxical reversals
The shared model of the good life of contemporary Western societies includes within itself, between others, two crucial interrelated elements: the ideals of self-realization and personal responsibility, including its sense of a specific form of individual autonomy. During the twentieth century these regulatory bodies have done, on several levels, a function uniquely and eminently progressive and emancipatory, though far from always marked by a certain ambivalence and contradiction. From the seventies until today, the dialectic between their positive role and its opposite is negative radicalized, thus being a trend to employ "paradoxical" in the sense attributed to the process by Axel Honneth and Martin Hartmann [2] : the forms, meaning and purpose to them, have effectively transformed the two instances, in many ways, the pillars of a normative conception of the good life time (paradoxically) to legitimize and justify the devices and mechanisms to effectively limit the scope for self-realization and the preconditions conducive to the recruitment of more personal responsibility.
This process of inversion, although it is certainly due to a variety of reasons relatively heterogeneous, it is also certainly be inscribed within the framework of the dynamics triggered by the victory of economic, political, social, and cultural rules of neoliberalism realizzatasi and consolidated over the past four decades . Of what David Harvey, from the end eighties, described as a flexible regime of accumulation [3] , I would particularly emphasize the crucial role played by the market and more flexible forms of work in the re-legalization of forms of subordination and exploitation, sometimes because never brutal, that long struggles political, social and socio-cultural had banned [4] , and towards which they are addressed synchronously continuing efforts of legitimacy and justification. Aided by the convergence of a series of processes of different nature, so ultimately prevailed those interests to consolidate the new system of flexible accumulation, not only on a highly economic, or merely political, but also in culture and law, where the circular relationship between the three dimensions is perfectly interpreted in terms of conquest and the exercise of a new 'hegemony' by a particular 'historical bloc' in the sense given to the process, and the two concepts from Antonio Gramsci [5] .
On the regulatory side, on which attention will focus here, that the disintegration was also justified by the appeal to that same model of the good life, including the ideal of self-realization, who represented one of the cornerstones of the legal struggle for freedom through which had been built that "social pact between capital and labor" that neo-liberal restructuring is demolished. Model that, especially in the sixties, was also declined in terms of demand for a greater allocation of personal responsibility than the 'sellers' mechanisms of regulation of matrix Fordist-Taylorist [6] . The model is therefore to have been reversed, so as to provide a justification for the exploitation of new devices and new forms of subordination and dependency achieved mainly through greater flexibility. In other words, we would be facing the emergence of a new ideological configuration, a concept which is that, in the classical sense, mask and hidden, through more or less intentionally instrumental use of legal emancipation and progressive principles, those same mechanisms that effectively deny these principles, and that, as such "claim" his "immanent critique," as recently wrote Rahel Jaeggi also in relation to neoliberal ideology contemporary [7] .
You can now ask in what form the two instances special laws were not only disregarded but reversed. Compared to personal fulfillment, particularly in the sense of a form of free and uninterrupted "self discovery" related to a radical ideal of autonomy and independence, a first response refers to the fact that it was more or less explicitly declined in terms of a subjectivity 'open', namely 'flexible': ie that they can seize the fleeting opportunity for a labor market increasingly de-regulated as if they were always or mostly, of missed chances for citizens- workers to help with the continuous path of personal growth and existential, rather than for their use to reduce drastically the cost of labor and the business risk [8] . From this perspective, certainly not exhaustive but nonetheless binding, the ideal of self has become a "model of institutionalized expectations," now essentially 'external' to those needs and desires of those he was born, in which players must nevertheless comply, as if still reflect and convey those same instances has indeed lost [9] . It is, therefore, a legal-ideological model in which citizens-Western workers, certainly not only those belonging to low and medium ranges, subject themselves and are subject to new regulations avowedly anti-self-governing and flexible mechanisms be made more flexible social, cultural and material to which the grip is increasingly difficult to ignore. Compared with the applicant and I would call pervasive ideal of personal responsibility, even in the form of a constant As paradoxical as his denunciation of the alleged weakness, I think it will work in forms and means especially complex. Beyond the focal role played in the deconstruction of the legitimacy of the welfare state, the increasing attribution of personal responsibility to the citizens of Western-workers - which also reflects speculation that is presented in terms of a de-ownership of businesses with regard to their (ex -) employees and more or less outside - I feel have contributed significantly to exasperate and to radicalize those complex processes of psychologizing and personalization of social reality, of course if they have deep roots in Recent decades have seen a stunning acceleration and diffusion [10] and with this we analyze the impact of psychosocial new ideological configuration in relation to the life drained.
II. An epidemic of empty
cut sociological analysis of the epidemic dell'annichilente stronger and paralyzing sense of emptiness that seems to afflict the contemporary Western societies is in my opinion represented by the brilliant work of Alain Ehrenberg The effort to be themselves. Depression and society [11] . The pervasiveness of this sense of inner emptiness, accompanied by moods expressed in terms of meaninglessness, apathy, anhedonia, fatigue, but also feelings and emotions of shame and impotent rage, is developed here directly from the perspective of the analysis of mass distribution of depressive symptoms, and more generally of the statement of the paradigm of depression during the second half realizzatasi of the twentieth century [12] , not only from a strictly clinical, but also on what the mass media and cultural sphere and in relation to highly legislation. In this regard, but indeed one of many critical assumptions of the methodological work of Ehrenberg is that the phenomenon of empty, meaningless and so on. In the outbreak emerging depressive, represent the 'reverse' the "reverse negative 'emancipatory process of dissolution" of the disciplinary models of Fordist and Taylorist management, "and especially and more generally of the" emancipation "," autonomy "," freedom "and" personal responsibility "conquered, or if we established, thanks to the collective movements of struggle and revolt of the sixties [13] . As Ehrenberg explicit from the start: "In virtue of this new normativity, the entire responsibility for our lives not only lies with the individual-that-is-in-us, but involves equally between the collective-we. The present work aims to show how depression represents the exact opposite of all this, manifesting as a disease of responsibility, dominated by a sense of failure: the depressed person does not feel up to, he is tired of having to become himself " [14] .
Now, I believe that the analysis of Ehrenberg, from a descriptive extraordinarily effective, as the premises can and should indeed be taken recontextualized and extended, at least in relation to the dynamics concerning the paradoxical reversal of the contemporary model of the good life discussed above. While it is true that many forms of depressive illness due to the paradigm can be interpreted in relation to the sphere of providing and disclosed attribution of particular forms of personal responsibility, in the sense of negative reactions in the face of what people see as Western challenges of reality against which "do not feel up to," I think it is also true that this process of self-employment and self-attribution of personal responsibility appears inscribed, at least in certain forms and meanings, within that overall process of empowerment coadiuavato or at least triggered by the new ideological configuration. From this perspective, the paradoxical reversal of the shared model of the good life, aimed at legitimizing the precarious living conditions of citizens-Western workers, and more generally their placing new devices and use of discipline that inhibit the possibilities of self-realization, it seems paradoxical to trigger a second dynamic. The moment in which this call results in a pressure to induce the individual to take responsibility, individually, the responsibility for conditions that lead to the preconditions of which he indeed can not be solely responsible, and at the same time justifies (in paradoxically) the mechanisms to deconstruct some of the socio-economic conditions which would strengthen the very possibility of taking a greater burden of personal responsibility [15] , it seems to make a critical contribution to generate a state of impasse nature of depression. In the sense that the subject is now in a situation that is somewhat absurd, indecodificabile, and that from this perspective helps to create or induce self-perception and related forms of self-interpretation in the sphere of conditions and states of mind and experienced expressed in terms of impotent rage, shame, foolishness, fatigue, and more generally empty. A condition whose character "absurd" would then take shape as a result of inner tensions, the contradictions inherent in the paradoxical relationship between the regulatory domain, the configuration and ideological hegemonic forms of life actually achieved in our society.
What I mean by this doubly paradoxical effect inherent in the dynamics of personal responsibility so crystal clear if we take for example the analysis prepared by Richard Sennett of interpretations and emotional reactions aroused in the citizens-Western workers - in the double round top dell'autopercezione canonization and sometimes subjective and social stigma - from the experiences of job loss, in the present cases due to corporate restructuring [16] . In a first paradigmatic form the experience is interpreted by the subjects in question in terms of a personal failure: they blame the staff of some error of assessment, we believe that they were not "equal" than those who play in a certain way from the reality facing them as challenges (social). Reading that induces the emergence of feelings of shame, guilt and inadequacy which might have led to a withdrawal into oneself, in a retreat from social life and so on., Wider array of depression. Reactions also be traced back, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the scope of the "narcissistic depression ' [17] and in this sense can be interpreted as the reverse negative of that burden of responsibility that helps to build (in a paradoxical way) a ideal of self-powerful. Where circular model of the underlying conversion-mania melancholia, and the related dialectic narcissistic omnipotence-impotence, it would be dropped into a broader psychosocial dimension [18] .
In a second form, the same paradigm, which to me seems complementary to the first, the experience is interpreted as an event against which the subject is considered, and is most commonly regarded as socially, as a victim predestined 'object a perverse injustice due to the dynamics of everything outside of his control, and therefore not considered to be responsible in any way. Interpretation that generates feelings and emotions of despair, resentment and impotent rage, also due to the paradigm of depression, and the dynamics of which I seem to fall back into the dialectic of helplessness-omnipotence. Beyond the possible problematizations relating to the forms and contents inscribed within the modern paradigm of depression, I would like to stress that these two reactions, in some ways to the contrary, the degree and quality of the dynamics of psychologizing and personalizing social reality that both, in a similar way, behind and endorse. In the sense that the individual is perceived, and is most commonly considered socially responsible as the sole, or as an intended victim, and not entirely responsible, those that are interpreted as failures (or successes) eminently and exclusively personal, or what the outcome of processes de-politicized.
III. Debasement and hegemonies
This trend of de-politicization becomes clearer if we interpret these experiences in light of the category of contempt or scorn (Missachtung) in the sense given to it by Honneth, both with respect to the plane of law - with particular reference to the right to not only of the work - is that of social esteem [19] . It follows then that since the unilateral perspective psychologized and personalized help to defuse the radical emancipatory potential of such experiences in the very moment when a inhibits translation in terms of injury or deprivation of rights which go beyond the boundaries of individual [20] . Here is that missing the "semantics group" which, writes Honneth, 'enable it to interpret the personal experiences of disappointment as something which not only the individual self, but in fact a circle of many others', in other words, it is absent or is not "sufficiently robust" to the "semantic bridge" that allows "the development of a collective identity" and that, opening the way to the 'political action', 'rips' subjects' from the situation of a crippling devaluation suffered passively, helping, correspondingly, to conduct a new, positive relationship with oneself " [21] . Lacking this interpretation and translation, the experiences of non-compliance and contempt, rather than lead to reactions of emancipatory character, operate in the opposite direction, vilification and shame social dyeing of dark shades depressed, which could be defined in terms of "regressive experiences," to print notes in a broad sense of depression. The absence
but we could also say the collapse of this "semantic bridge" I think in turn due, next to a multiplicity of different contributing factors, the following two sets of factors. First, the mechanisms and dynamics of 'solidarity' on which rests the very possibility of identity construction of collective movements appear to have been mined at the base from the impressive acceleration of the processes of fragmentation and atomization of society, even in relation to what Robert Castel has defined in terms of "de-collectivization" and " re-individualization ' [22] , primed and then consolidated in recent decades by the market and flexible forms of work. The second category concerns the effectiveness of the ideological configuration in which it was overthrown by the joint model of the good life, and his two paradoxical effect discussed above. Two sets of factors that have played a key role in the collapse, or rather in the demolition of the bridge semantic who had contributed to the formation of collective struggle through which was gradually built this social pact, and that the law and work, now being deconstruction in Western societies, and that even this perspective, I think it can be interpreted in view of the economic, political and regulatory inter-circle here, which forms the exercise of hegemony won by a historical bloc antagonistic to the interests and needs of the masses.
If so, the possibility of reactivating the emancipatory potential regulatory unexpressed and reversed in these experiences of non-compliance and contempt, and to foster a corollary the "hijacking" of emotional and instinctual in game, so as to turn in one direction, so to say "depression" and "regressive" to a "constructive" and "progressive," rests on the very possibility of rebuilding the collapsed bridge. Reconstruction, on the analytical level, also refers to the development of an immanent critique of the new ideological configuration capable of revealing the paradoxical effect triggered by the double reversal of the shared model of the good life, and, thus, can therefore help to unlock the via the formation of these movements of collective struggle in which reactivation and hijacking might be realized. Because of the inseparable interrelationship between the ethical-moral, socio-political and socio-economic concerning such a transaction, it is in my view, eventually lead to a renewed struggle for hegemony in the sense of Gramsci where he writes that 'a critical understanding of whether themselves "can overcome the condition 'in which the contradictory nature of conscience does not allow any action, no decision, no choice and produces a state of moral and political liabilities," passes "through a struggle of" hegemony "policies, contrasting directions , first in the field of ethics, then politics " [23] . This, I believe, one of the ways that could lead to outside this condition, the paradoxical and absurd contradictions which contributes to dry, empty of meaning to our lives.
[1] The text is a revised version of my report Kritik des Lebens entleerten held at the conference The Future (s) of Critical Theory at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main on 20.03.2009 and I thank the participants for observations and comments.
[2] M. Hartmann, A. Honneth, Paradoxien des Kapitalismus. Ein Untersuchungsprogramm, "Berliner Debattista Initial ', 15 / 1 (2004), pp. 4-17; A. Honneth, Organisierte Selbstverwirklichung. Paradoxien der Individualisierung, Frankfurt / New York 2002, trad. com. Self-organized. Paradoxes of individualization, in the Post-philosophy ", 1 / 1 (2005), pp. 27-44; see the concept of paradox. also M. Hartmann, Widerspruch, Ambivalenzen, Paradoxien. Begriffliche Wandlungen in der neueren Gesellschaftstheorie, in A. Honneth (ed.), aus der Befreiung Mündigkeit. Paradoxien Gegenwärtigen des Kapitalismus, Campus, Frankfurt / New York 2002, pp. 221-251: 235-241.
[3] See D. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity. An Enquiry Into the Origins of Cultural Change, Oxford 1989, trans. com. The crisis of modernity, Net, Milan 2002, pate II: The politico-economic transformation of capitalism in the second half of the twentieth century.
[4] See p. es. L. Gallino, Labor is not una merce. Contro la flessibilità, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007, pp. 57 sgg., 75 sgg.
[5] Cfr. p. it. A. Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere, Torino, Einaudi 1975-2007: Q. 10 (XXXIII), 41a, 45-46, 49a-50a, 25a-26, 27a; Q. 11 (XVIII), pp. 13-18 e Q. 8 (XXVIII), pp. 51bis-57, Q. 13 (XXX), pp. 4, 9-15, 26
[6] Cfr. p. it. H. Kocyba, the price of recognition: From Taylorism disregard for the strategic exploitation of the subjectivity of the workers, in U. Holtgrewe, P. Voswinkel, G. Wagner (a cura di), recognition and work UVK, Konstanz 2000, pp. 127-140: 127-133.
[7] Vedi R. Jaeggi, Per una critica dell'ideologia, in "Iris", 55, XXI (2008), pp. 595-616.
[8] See p. es. L. Gallino, Labor is not a commodity, cit., Pp. 27 ff.
[9] See A. Honneth, Self-organized cit., Pp. 32-33.
[10] On the origins of these processes, see p. es. the classic R. Sennett, The Fall of Public Man, Cambridge 1974-1976, trans. com. The decline of public man, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2006.
[11] A. Ehrenberg, La fatigue d'être soi. Dépression et société, Paris 1998, trans. com. The effort to be themselves. Depression and society, Einaudi, Torino 1999.
[12] See also É. Roudinesco, the Psychanalyse Pourquoi?, Paris 1999, trans. com. Why psychoanalysis?, Editori Riuniti, Rome 2000, Part I: The company depressive.
[13] See A. Ehrenberg, La fatigue to be themselves, cit., Especially pp. 222-223, 254-256, 7-10, 300-301.
[14] Ibid , cit., P. 4 ff.
[15] See M. Hartmann, A. Honneth, Paradoxien des Kapitalismus, cit., Pp. 12-14.
[16] See R. Sennett, The Corrosion of Character. The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism, New York-London 1999, trans. com. The Corrosion of Character. The consequences of the new capitalism on personal life, Feltrinelli, Milano 1999, capitolo 7: Fallimento; e Id, The Culture of New Capitalism, New Haven-London 2006, trad it. La cultura del nuovo capitalismo, il Mulino, Bologna 2006, pp. 79 sgg.
[17] Cfr. p. it. R. Haubl, social psychology of depression, in M. Leuzinger-Bohleber, S. Hau, H. Deserno (a cura di), depression - pluralism in practice and research, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2005, pp. 291-319: 313-314; Id, Be cool! On the post-modern fear of failure personally, in HJ. Busch (a cura di), traces of the subject. Positions of psychoanalytic social psychology, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2007, pp. 111-133: 117 sgg.
[18] In this sense, one could for example take the considerations of Klein on the relationship between omnipotence and mania in manic-depressive states outlined in M. Klein, A Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Manic-Depressive States, IJP 1935, trans. com. Contribution to Psychogenesis of the manic-depressive, in Id, Writings. 1921-1958, Basic Books, Torino 1978, especially pp. 312-313.
[19] See A. Honneth, Kampf um Anerkennung. Grammatik sozialer Konflikt, Frankfurt / Main 1992, trans. com. Struggle for recognition. Proposals for an ethics conflict, the Hogarth Press, Milan 2002, pp. 160 ff., 190 ff.
[20] Ibid .
[21] See ibid. 191-193.
[22] See R. Castel, The Insecure Social. Qu'est-ce qu'être protégé?, Paris 2003, trans. com. Social insecurity. It means to be protected?, Einaudi, Torino 2004, pp. 40-47.
[23] A. Gramsci, Prison Notebooks, cit., Quaderno 11 (XVIII) p. 16a; tematizzatone on Gramsci's "struggle for hegemony 'see. p. es. therein Q. 10 (XXXIII), pp. 50, 3rd-4, Q. 11 (XVIII), 70bis, Q. 13 (XXX), pp. 4 and Q. 8 (XXVIII), p. 20.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Pic Of Blue Vein On Breast
Thought ... What
I think the greatest satisfaction that an artist can have both the time of the creation of a work ... started from an idea first developed in the mind until the moment in which he sees growing slowly under her eyes ... the look, but notes what he sees is different from what everyone else sees ... It is as if it were already over ... finds it beautiful and feels satisfied with the result that actually and truly STILL THERE '... but for the artist there '... it can only see him and nobody else.
I love this moment.
I think the greatest satisfaction that an artist can have both the time of the creation of a work ... started from an idea first developed in the mind until the moment in which he sees growing slowly under her eyes ... the look, but notes what he sees is different from what everyone else sees ... It is as if it were already over ... finds it beautiful and feels satisfied with the result that actually and truly STILL THERE '... but for the artist there '... it can only see him and nobody else.
I love this moment.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Structure Of Epsom Salt
Kleinian psychoanalysis
NEW GUIDELINES Kleinian psychoanalysis
Adriano Voltolin
Melanie Klein died September 22, 1960, at the beginning of that decade, marking a clear boundary between the world that had emerged from World War II and what lies ahead. It will visible in the sixties the fruits of openness and democratic thrust that were contained in the great war against fascism, but also the seeds begin to take shape of imbalance that had governed the world since 1945: the watchwords of 1968 prefigure a world in one dimension - as he said the psychoanalyst Herbert Marcuse Frankfurt [1] - and therefore a conflict almost anthropology among the few who take advantage [2] and too many who are its victims.
Klein died when then loomed in the world of the very first dawn of the rise of an ideology that left more free space exaggerated individualism and hence the appropriative instincts that had made a point of interest in clinical and basic studies of the Austrian psychoanalyst -British.
The impact of Kleinian thought the war ended, over the rocks of harsh confrontation occurred between 1941 and 1945 within the British Psychoanalytical Society and the real risk of being expelled for Klein, was very robust. Klein allowed the clinic in fact, by taking full of anguish and death drive as cornerstones of psychoanalytic work, much greater depth than hitherto permitted. The technique of play in child psychoanalysis and represent a powerful tool through which extend the possibilities of working with children, even very small, never abandoning a strictly psychoanalytic method. Institutionalized in the British Psychoanalytical Society Kleinian training analysts, the spread of Kleinianism was very fast both in Europe, overseas, in Argentina.
Nearly half a century after the death of Melanie Klein is clear that the development of Kleinian thought [3] , now dissolved the first group of students [4] due to the death of many of them, but also previously, for the expulsion of some of the Kleinian school, it is increasingly divided into two strands, that of child psychoanalysis rigorously designed and the deepening of studies on the death instinct and destructiveness. Curiously, it can be seen, albeit they are still by far, especially as the importance, in the first group of students, analysts, who had dealt with psychosis (Rosenfeld), the processes of symbolization (Segal), mental functioning (Bion) and so on. , fortune and fame more of Kleinianism have had in the field of child psychoanalysis [5] . They are not, today, only institutions and schools to apply to Kleinian clinical child categories and techniques Klein, you might even say that, if only through hybridisation of various kinds, no one to take care of child psychology or psychoanalysis ignores the conceptualization Klein and technology.
In truth the attention of Melanie Klein and her school to child psychoanalysis is certainly a trait, but so is the overall level of clinical theory and Kleinian and not more likely, staff first and then school, work with children. In Kleinian psychoanalysis psychoanalytic work with children does not appear as a further specialization of psychoanalytic work in general, but is rather the base. Klein's major acquisitions in childhood, such as the location of the Oedipus in the early stages of life and the presence of death anxiety are resulting from the outset that the entire life of the subject, as his unconscious, is organized around protection from anxiety. Accommodation in a former post - as always happens in science - the theory that is being built, the technique of the game and the formulation of the concept of transference as a total situation appear to be the logical consequences of the reformulation of Kleinian Oedipus and anxiety death [6] .
Hanna Segal and a defense against death
Hanna Segal, born in 1918, is the last living student of the first Kleinian group. His contribution to the development of Kleinian thought [7] was of enormous importance, in a first stage, the theory of symbolization [8] and studies around the artistic creation. At
Segal was responsible for the concept of symbolic equation that is used to signify not a distinction in schizophrenia between the original object and its symbol [9] . The concrete thinking of the psychotic, says Hanna Segal, is the result of a lack of sufficient differentiation between the ego object. The process of symbolization becomes possible only if I can stand the pain derived from the perception of an object, and then integrated to address the danger of their destructive impulses even against the good part of the object. Then the ability to use symbolic thought, a little like the entire clinical Klein, appears much like the result of the acquisition of tools that the child, in his omnipotence, does not initially have, what the outcome of a process of progressive reassurance that is acquired through negative capability, such as call Wilfred R. Bion, to the continued use of the mechanisms of splitting as a primary protection against anxiety. Even
artistic creation, which is joined to one side to try to translate into a symbol of the unconscious fantasies, is subject to tolerance of not being able to restore the fullness of the subject after the separation that led to the birth inaugurated the very possibility of 'anguish. The artist expresses an activity that is remarkably similar to that of the child at play, but it also has to do with something more than that is the awareness of the limitation of his means of expression, restrictions that force the artist as he possible. A craftsman - Segal says - can not be an artist but an artist must be a craftsman [10] . The art is therefore only possible - and here the Segal arises in the wake of the two examples given by Klein in a paper in 1929 on creation [11] - only when you've reached the depressive position which allows precisely to support the suffering caused by the object integrated. Commenting on the famous Guernica by Pablo Picasso Segal points out that there is a constant work of integration that establishes connections, creates formal sets, find a rhythm. There is also an elevation - in contrast to the horror of the scene there is a rise of light toward the center, on the right, a feeling similar to that of a cathedral Gothic [12] . The artist by elements split between them and tries to show the connections through a medium, stone sculpture, colors and forms of painting and so on, which is always limited, however, compared to the same artist is proposed. While on the one hand Hanna Segal takes up the theme of Klein's depressive position as a passage that allows full, through the connection of the split parts, expression, underlining the relationship between the artist and his medium of expression connects somehow thought Segal's the theme of the Frankfurt school of conjugation dialectic between technical means and expressive result reached [13] . Salomon Resnik will be only to return in more recent times - the first work of Hanna Segal on the theme, A psychoanalytic approach to aesthetics is in fact the 1947 [14] - some results of the reflection of Klein and Segal on the psychoanalysis of art [15] in writings ranging from the fantastic comments on the relationship between the dreamlike surrealism of André Breton in el'artistico [16] . In more recent work
Segal combines the more obvious the clinical and social phenomena through a stronger emphasis on Kleinian concepts that emerge from the last phase of life and the pursuit of Austrian-British psychoanalyst: namely the concepts of paranoid-schizoid position, stated by Klein in 1946 together with that of projective identification [17] to envy and finally shown in 1957 [18] . In a collection of writings published in London in 1997 [19] Segal refocuses the importance not only of the death instinct in Freud's and Klein's installations, but says that what I intend to do [in the present work] is to demonstrate that the concept of death instinct is, in my opinion, essential in clinical work [20] . The death drive, its clinical expression, is reduced by Segal, as does Freud in the the pleasure principle to the compulsion to repeat rather than a biological trait [21] . Segal in the conceptualization of which, as we shall see, has wide acceptance in a part of contemporary Kleinian psychoanalysis, the death drive, which a person is not disturbed, the cakes with the instinct of life, may undergo a process that allows a defusion relative autonomy of the two fundamental drives and therefore may tend to become dominant. The deflection out that Freud was listed as one of the mechanisms underlying the control of the death instinct, is largely a projection of the drive in an external object that then, just as an object loaded in the drive death, becomes an object of persecution. The pain experienced by the absence of life in certain clinical conditions, such as depression, is the result of the projection of the death instinct in an object (in the case of depression the ego of the same patient), but, in itself, death drive tends not to perceive, not to feel, to reject the joys and sorrows of life, so it turns out not only destructive, but against the same sense and against the perceived object [ 22] . The prevalence or otherwise of the death instinct in defusion drive is not at all, says Segal, independent relationships with the outside world and then with objects the outside world, indeed: the merger and the differentiation of life instincts and death that will determine whether development is part of the development of relationships with primary objects and thus the true nature of the external circumstances that will influence the process in depth [23] . The outward projection of destructiveness is directed towards objects in which, as Freud explained in the essay on negation [24] , is more possible to recognize their internal objects: thus a patient's Segal for which the expression "press" (the gesture that the President of the United States or that of the then Soviet Union should have made to unleash nuclear war) was the death instinct dreamed then that would have been hit by a deadly threat constituted by the fallout. The then prevailing in society, ideas of peace and tolerance rather than racism and war, interact powerfully with the inner world becomes synergetic or not with this.
The theme of the outward projection of internal aspects of a dialectical relationship between exterior and interior had been focused by Segal, facing thus the old criticism that was given to Klein by the group of Anna Freud about his substantial disinterest in the outside world, in a contribution appeared in 1985 in the United States [25] . In this paper it is highlighted as in the Kleinian model (model with structural and interpersonal says Hanna Segal) the mother intended as an internal object is influenced by the experience of reality that the child does with the real external mother.
Herbert Rosenfeld and the clinic of psychosis
Herbert Rosenfeld (1910-1997) is the student of Melanie Klein, who has contributed most to the clinical studies of psychosis. The link between narcissism and projective identification is the key through which Rosenfeld develops his work. The emphasis of Rosenfeld addressed not to the primary narcissism, but the form, illustrated by Freud ever in 1914, when it assumes the narcissism no longer communicating directly themselves, but towards external objects that become containers of all virtues and perfections possible. And 'this configuration of "secondary narcissism" to which Melanie Klein seems to think - this is the hypothesis of Rosenfeld - when, in 1946 he developed the concept of projective identification. As Rosenfeld writes itself, will then be the Kleinian concept of envy in him the awareness of the close relationship between envy and narcissistic attitudes object [26] .
Rosenfeld, which incorporates, in fact, the distinction was of Abraham, between transference neurosis and narcissistic neuroses, stressed that a relationship narcissistic type of object in the object are projected to provide all the desired qualities and that, by identifying with this powerful object, is impossible to deny the separation from loved. This mechanism to indicate he formulates the concept of narcissistic omnipotent object relations. Rosenfeld's work represents an important attempt to investigate the pathologies that are somehow related to the problematic nature of the relationship of dependence on the breast and then become the basis for reflection on the most modern Kleinian clinical narcissistic pathologies: Rosenfeld will, among ' other things, of drug addiction [27] . Although the clinical Rosenfeld poses a great attention to the analyst's capacity and its bearing on the analysis, his interest remains strongly linked to the investigation of the pathology, for its part is then always strongly emphasized the importance for the clinical psychoanalytic to draw attention to social and pathological phenomena and new technology not only to the clinic which would become increasingly sophisticated, in itself, guarantee ability and therapeutic success. According to one line of development of Kleinian thought that he found in the last ten to fifteen years with renewed vigor, Rosenfeld takes from his clinical perspective, the disease most often lead to observe more and more frameworks in which the need to remove the anxieties of depression, but also frequently paranoid, he's married with diseases that are pin narcissistic identification and screening mechanisms very powerful. The influence of Abraham Rosenfeld's clinic - Abraham was, however, was the second analyst Melanie Klein and his true master - is the perspective within which the psychosis is placed. This is not the fact you saw a morbid state whose nature is radically different from that of neurosis neurosis and psychosis appear to be quite different ways to deal with by the individual, the question of whether or not being able to relate with the world around him. It was the Freud rest first, in 1923 and 1924, indicating as neurosis and psychosis represent both modes of avoidance of reality: the first modification to be able to deal with, while the latter suppresses it directly [28] . At one time, let's say very roughly that which lies within the first half of the twentieth century, the psicoapatologia frequently took the form of a violent confrontation with the world - look at the hysteria but also melancholic depression - now how to become very ill more like a cake does not want to know. Patients Rosenfeld already show what appears most clearly still in the clinic by the end of last century and the early years than today: the protection of suffering becomes the unwitting target of the disease. Rosenfeld will be precisely to point out how the clinic's schizophrenia is to present a therapeutic reaction now easily seen in pictures is not free of psychosis: the patient's clinical improvement is a sharp increase in its suffering. In other words, the contact with the harshness of the world is getting sick and also prevented the reduction in analysis, scale divisions consequently leads to an increased ability to withstand the pain, only then, can begin to emerge.
Donald Meltzer: from destructiveness to the creation of the grid negative
Donald Meltzer (1922-2004), similar to Hanna Segal and Herbert Rosenfeld, focuses on the destructiveness of their work and its consequences in the formation of personality and pathology. According to the basic feature that is characteristic of Kleinian thought, progress in the formation of a personality is not too noisy, and within the psychoanalytic treatment, proceeds by progressive acquisition of the ability to do without the support, terrible, the mechanisms of splitting and identification projective. The mind, says Meltzer, is not developed according to a progressive and harmonious line, but pass in different states, were sexual [29] , so the voracity intended to incorporate within the port state of confusion and geographic zonal [30] for which can be identified as a protective claustrum or the cloaca anal mind's maternal mother herself or the analyst, rather than the breast, as well as the nipple can be exchanged with a foul-invasive and carrier of destruction [31] . The possibility of accepting the existence of the chip is directly proportional to the ability to tolerate the first of persecutory anxiety that underlies the mechanisms of splitting and then the depression that can lead to feelings of guilt intolerable.
Meltzer, as Rosenfeld, develops his work through Fine survey of psychosis and psychotic transference during analysis, but also through an intense training at the Tavistock Clinic in London and first in a series of annual seminars held, as well as in North and South America and in various European countries, including Italy [32] . In his work with psychotic children Meltzer will also provide important assumptions about mental functioning in autistic psychosis. Influenced not only by the work of Frances Tustin on autism, from the ideas of Bion, Meltzer considers that the most genuinely new trend of development of psychoanalytic thinking, Meltzer will see no more, classically, in the absence of the mother inside the case before the outbreak of psychosis, autistic, but the identify of the child in the need of having to do with a mother impenetrable to the projections because of his depressive state [33] . The child can not just use the mother as container and developing its projections, is protected by removing the ability to perceive external objects and transforming in concretions unisensuali characterized by capacity tropic sun. E 'should be noted that Meltzer, both in his writings, warns that the autistic frank psychosis is very rare, while much more common symptoms of autism may be encountered in failures of mental postnatal notation this relative impenetrability of the perception of the outside world that Meltzer will also present seminars in his last Italian in the world dedicated to contemporary adolescent. In seminaries
Venetians [34] Meltzer linked autism to a more general configuration inversion of the alpha function, ie the destruction of the elements that make thought possible. The attack is the ability to think, in the Anglo-American conceptualization of the analyst, as the negativity of the links L, H and K Bion allow the grid to the conditions of thinking. -L-H-and K correspond to feelings of morality, puritanical, hypocritical denial of hatred and the imitative form of knowledge and hypocritical that Meltzer calls it, as it did over a century before Marx, philistinism. In these forms of rejection of the thought and destroy the very possibility of thought are easily recognizable as ways of adapting to the mass of stereotyped thinking that television is the highest expression: the minds of individuals - Meltzer notes - become part of a mirror social structure of communities, which supports the ranks of the hierarchy. The youth gangs, with their internal operation based on obedience, far from being a substantial element of opposition to the logic prevailing in society, they represent, as Always work in groups that assumption, a pure spirit.
Even within the analytic relationship, says Meltzer, acquire a significant weight forms of destruction of thought in that it induces in the analyst feelings of complacency towards the patient, not understanding and arrogant superiority.
A bifurcation
In a passage not much remembered his work on schizoid mechanisms Melanie Klein emphasizes energy differences between his approach and that of Fairbairn [35] : Setting Fairbairn focuses primarily on developing ego in relation to the objects while my focuses mainly on anxiety and their stories ... I do not agree - to name his most important argument - with its review of the theory of drives and psychic structure. Klein makes it clear that his theory does not coincide with what will be called object-relations and which then will instead, at least in practice, given the original wording.
While Klein's development will take off as hoped Meltzer, reflection on the great facility of Bion's theory of mental functioning such as an apparatus for thinking thoughts unfit, on the other hand, the work of Bion will highlighted the work of exploration of the unknown that occurs in vivo analytical work. The analytic pair will not be much longer then placed in the task, as well as Bion says, to do the best you can be a bad deal, to smell the danger that comes from what frightens [36] . Analyst and patient, with their joint work, but will form a mental field that will gradually, if the analysis continues in a positive way, expand their ability to understand what is unknown [37] .
To contribute to the focus within the Kleinian development of purely clinical work and, more importantly, the work clinically with children, in a real clinical evolution, has contributed certainly greatly Donald Winnicott (1896-1971), the English pediatrician and psychoanalyst, a student of Melanie Klein, who was always very skeptical of Klein's ideas about the anguish of death and envy, and instead emphasized strongly role of the reality situation and the real mother in the construction of the mind and character of children. The finesse of Winnicott in the investigation into the links between the internal and the external world was then in, in clinical practice, frequently revived in the form of a rough competition unspecified instances between internal and ecological factors in shaping a development perspective. Winnicott, both by virtue of his undoubted ability and clinical refinement, that the ease with which his work could be taken, despite himself, to justify the conceptual and technical shortcomings, had an extraordinary success in the dissemination of child psychoanalytic practice. If
is also considered lucky, especially in the U.S., the work of Fairbairn, is not difficult to see the picture of a bend in the development of Klein's ideas that favored a clinic locked in the idea, quite naive, evolution and development and lost the extraordinary complexity of Kleinian thought. Melanie Klein same as the rest, as seen also in the strong distinction that she herself placed between his theory and the thought of Faibairn, noticed in the last part of his life, the tendency to use his mind, and develop it in directions that did not share at all. The expulsion of some students by the founder of Klein is important due to the germs of later turned out to be full-bodied rather than differences, as did a certain critical, intellectually very heavy, to the difficult character of Melanie Klein.
Recent developments
The line of development that we saw Klein enliven the work of Hanna Segal, Herbert Rosenfeld and Donald Meltzer, but is also structural component of the positions of Wilfred R. Bion, certainly among the most brilliant students of Melanie Klein [38] , has fueled more recently the thought of English and American philosophers and psychoanalysts.
A cornerstone in the development of Kleinian thought can be identified in the work of Julia Kristeva's semiotics and publish it in France in 2000 a text of great importance [39] . The work of Kristeva, a critical biography of Klein, is probably the most important contribution on the topic published after the famous monograph by Hanna Segal has represented, considering the role of Segal in the Kleinian school, the path to understanding the most authoritative Klein [40] . From a biographical point of view is certainly emphasize the importance of the voluminous work published Phyllis Grosskurt Layers in the U.S. in 1987 [41] . More recently are worth mentioning, again, as the work of critical biography of Melanie Klein, the contribution published in Britain in 2001 by Meira Likierman [42] and that, in the Italian context, Adriano Voltolin published in 2003 [43] .
Julia Kristeva points out that Klein's a real paradox, alongside the development, by a mechanical vulgate, recipes for school for which the refined processing Kleinian clinical precepts become as flat-spotted dispensed sensible advice to families on educational journals, there is a dissident who sees a troubled human being ruled by the death instinct that fatigue may be transformed into creativity [44] .
As we tried to emphasize above, the reduction of Klein's theory of the relationship between the ego and the object that produced repetitive and tedious preaching that is readily identifiable, especially in child psychoanalysis. To be fair it is necessary to add that, in the face of certain Italian inclinations that give reason to Kristeva, the group of analysts, especially children, gathered around the Tavistock Clinic in London has produced in recent years, a major clinical work in which the use of categories such as Kleinian projective identification was successfully compared to the work of Esther Bick skin on the second [45] and to those of Bion report on container / contained [46] . E 'to emphasize strongly that analysts Tavistock gave us the important contributions that affect the contemporary clinical turning their attention not only, as is unfortunately quite firmly established, the couple analyst / patient, but trying to bring the Most quantitative importance of certain diseases to the relationship that binds individuals to the conditions of life as they present themselves in an era in which they live. Whether it works on certain characters of the theater of Shakespeare or Pinter, or teenagers whose families are overwhelmed by uncertainty and globalization in contemporary London, the effort of Kleinian analysts Tavistock is always to show how an individual pathology, as seen by Donald Meltzer said, a mirror of social structure.
work at the Tavistock was able to give significant contributions in the clinic of childhood psychosis [47] , anorexic-bulimic disorders in childhood and adolescence in those [48] , but also has produced works of considerable interest to the trauma [49 ] on psychoanalytic clinic aimed at older people [50] and investigation of psychoanalytic cultural facts [51] and art [52] . Significant representatives of the Tavistock today are, among others, Gianna Polacco Williams, Margaret and Michael Rustin, John Steiner, Helen and Alex Dubinsky, Lynda Miller [53] .
Melanie Klein had shown, even without writing directly to interpret the disease patterns in relation to the social conditions that could somehow be the indirect cause, but also as a substrate potential developments in a creative sense. Thus, important work had focused on the criminal tendencies in children and their connection to the destructive anguish, but also the creative impulses were linked by Klein to the need to curb the destructiveness integrating it with love. Just as Freud had shown speaking in Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, the formation of social justice from the original feelings of hatred toward our brothers and sisters, Klein links the development of love and riparatività development - challenging but possible - the death instinct and destructiveness. As Julia Kristeva writes briefly repair and gratitude are only temporary crystallizations of negativity, and its dialectical stasis, because the death instinct does not cease to operate [54] .
The most recent works - led by Kleinian analysts, but also by intellectuals influenced by the thought of analysts Klein - In the wake of the Austro-British analyst thought, reproduce largely interest, which is the best psychoanalytic tradition, to the great questions about our time at both the pathology of the individual and the destiny of our society and our same way of thinking. Somehow that is the line taken Segal Rosenfeld-Meltzer-who seems to have played more genuinely the substance of the thought of Melanie Klein.
Negativity in Kleinian theory
One of probably the most important theoretical contributions in studies Kleinian latest comes from Jacqueline Rose, University of London. Clearly influenced by the Bion's concept of negative capability, Rose argues that the original object is not negative is that the object in his home outright [55] . The ability of infants to perceive the good breast does not appear that a distinction can be the primary perception of an object of persecution. The negativity does not operate as an original impulse of primordial biological nature with respect to which is an order that allows the development, but represents a subversion of the biological and the very possibility of access to a symbolic order. E 'to be remembered as the writings of Freud on the denial has been the essential reference text for Kleinian group in the forties. Negativity, the formation of thought of the child through the absence of what has been lost, is the basis of symbolization and thus the very possibility of thinking. Jacqueline Rose puts forward the idea that the concept of negativity is a kind of paranoid protection, a system of understanding, against the fear of annihilation, the horror vacui. There is a precise and strong bond, said the Rose, Klein among the unconscious and the theory of blacks holes of Stephen Hawking. The black hole, Rose tells us, just as the unconscious, is the place where they can disappear not only light and matter, but the same scientific laws that govern their relationship and even the relationship that we can establish between the observation and knowledge. The black hole is such that we can not know it from the inside, since entering it we would be destroyed and whose knowledge which can only be necessarily outside, does not allow us nothing but reasonable assumptions of which we can never really be certain for another . In these conditions it is then quite evident that our knowledge of the world can only be hypothetical and provisional today is not so much psychoanalysis have to have a naive legitimacy from science, says the Rose, but is rather the science same, after Einstein, to assert the impossibility of a definitive scientific knowledge the world [56] . So in love Kleinian psychoanalysis, the possibility of establishing a relationship of love, is the symbolic elaboration of his own destructiveness and appears as the more adequate protection against the fear of annihilation: the development finally appears therefore as a choice-oriented pay a cheaper price as possible to the pathology itself, tells us the Rose, is thus in a sense, pathological. And 'the least worst condition possible. It seems to be affected by Bion: making the best with a bad job.
Another contribution of great importance in shaping the most exciting developments of Kleinian thought is given to us by John Phillips in his work on role of aggressive and violent impulses in the acquisition of knowledge [57] . For Phillips - whose themes will return at greater length in the section on theoretical developments of the question of the relationship between psychoanalysis and society - is the death instinct in its concretions of violence and intrusiveness, to open a space as possible for the knowledge and then, for the sentiments of love and protection. As already said Bion, the intrusiveness of projective identification is an early form of communication that, to achieve, requires a willingness to maternal mental processing that is not controaggressiva. The outside world is therefore constant point of comparison with respect to their internal frightening fantasies and the comparison between the two images becomes possible stimulus to greater integration. Phillips takes over here for which Freud's theory, mental development, above the hatred and love is the necessary antecedent. The development appears to be a difficult process then, not at all obvious, to a mindset that can adequately deal with life itself and the world
Within this theoretical framework, and reflecting the best traditions of psychoanalytic ask questions at the nodes of the contemporary avoiding, as suggested by Giorgio Agamben [58] , to join totally, the American Eli Zaretsky, historian of the family, suggests that the Kleinian psychoanalysis dissolve the hopes of the Enlightenment able to reconcile human development, as part of a democratic society, the Oedipal conflict, gender aspects and to move towards its own genuine autonomy. Klein's vision of development as possible, to be achieved, tolerance of anxiety and depressive paranoid, gives us the best account of the situation of a person in the family today, which is no longer that lattice oppressive, but also protective, which allowed and supported the individual development [59] . Zaretsky again here, without mentioning it, the lessons of the Institute Frankfurt on the family. As Klein says the psychoanalyst Bion-Harold Boris, the experience of nothingness as a container - more frequent than we believe in families where there is substantial parental failure - leads the child to be an early container itself, and to transform such The fear of mental suffering, fear of the collapse of the mind, in what usually refer to as "panic attacks" [60] . The enormous difficulty in supporting the individual impact of anxiety in a society like ours, which seems increasingly devoid of real training agencies, carry on a clinical level, many patients to create the internal refugees - as claimed by the Englishman John Steiner [61] - consisting of the same disease that prevents them to become familiar with the anguish that those depressive paranoid. Pseudosapere niches, often presented as stereotypes, which are real forms of pathology [62] . Are those that are pathological easily become camouflaged within the company as it is their ideology and more common as Freud had said, calling collective neurosis (Gemeinschaftneurosen) in Civilization and its Discontents [63] . Within Klein, on the theme of the difficulty in developing an idea that avoids the "shelters" the stereotype, there are important contributions also from Daphne Briggs data [64] and Sarah Rance [65] the Tavistock Clinic.
Kleinian psychoanalysis and feminism
part of the scholars of the feminist movement has come to recording the past two decades, a keen interest in Kleinian psychoanalysis who, to use a concept of Judith Butler, is able to record traces of the outside world and representations that are peculiar in the ego and the psyche.
The starting point of the reflection of the scholars of feminism is primarily the work of Melanie Klein and analysis on the symbolism of the 1930 Dick's Illustrated in this paper [66] . The central thesis here put forward by Klein is that the early arrest of the sadistic impulses directed against the breast, preventing the exploration of the maternal body and its contents, severely inhibits any possibility of understanding the outside world that represents the unconscious, as he had also referred to Freud in his essay on denial, an extension of the maternal body itself. The object found in the outside world is something that is found - Freud had said - and is the mother's womb [67] . The denial that Freud always known, belongs to the instinct of destruction, however, permits an overrun of removal, and then acknowledging the existence of objects while not accepting the emotional correlate. In feminist thought
departing from the consideration of the symbolic formation two considerations: the relationship with the object in the dynamic inner world / outer world and the role of phantasy in the very possibility of linguistic symbolization.
For Judith Butler - which takes place here a long time expressed by Joan Riviere on oral drive [68] - the relationship with the object as such is a potentially destructive relationship. If in the pictures melancholy indeed there is the fear of having devoured the object in those paranoid fear is to have expelled, with the bad object, even the good one. If you assume, as for example in the ideology of societies based on the father, that there is an ethical core internal to the subject, the relationship between the subjects themselves may become a trading and real relationship and inappropriate and destructive [69] . The female is not, says Mary Jacobus, a pure sign of sexual differentiation, but a potentially different meaning that you can see patterns emerge in the nuclei of preverbal [70] . Arguing with Lacan and the interpretation they gave to the work of Klein [71] , the Jacobus Klein has not seen in a structuralist avant la lettre, but the carrier an instance of outside / inside, male / female, subject / object, potentially divergent from a logic that equates rationality and symbolic order [72] .
Klein, the reasoning in the development of feminist studies, is the bearer of accepting relationships with objects based on the dependence or rather, as Butler states, interdependence. It 's still on the relationship with the object that is in fact the appointment of Jacqueline Rose interest that relates to the relationship between politics and psychoanalysis that between feminism and psychoanalysis.
Taking an issue that ultimately walked away from Freudian psychoanalysis, Wilhelm Reich, the Rose search to give account of classical oppositions between public and private, psychoanalysis and politics, cause and effect and, in essence, between inside and outside [73] . To the question that arises retoricamene Reich (1952) Freud, where he comes from poverty, Reich himself distinguishes between the response of Freud, Reich seems to grasp that the elaboration of the concept of death instinct - which follows that the misery originates within the subject - and its own that leads him instead to look outside, in society, the causes of human misery. Consistent with the Kleinian psychoanalysis that leads the opposition to help primary divisions - in turn - to withstand more ease the fear of annihilation, Jacqueline Rose argues that it is the same opposition in the dyadic effects of violence that are manifested as intolerance to the opposite position. E 'inability to grasp the dialectical nature of an object, thus preventing the decomposition produces difference and violence [74] . American scholar for the opposition is the poisoned fruit of the inability to capture the dynamic nature of the death instinct to think of it instead as an object. The difference is that in order to establish this is already the result of violence against expulsion of the death instinct. Place it instead in its function thrust to knowledge allows, and that is the Rose, the central issue of feminist thought, to put the issue of sexual difference in the political field, ie critical thinking to avoid the dualistic trap. In this way then, Rose says, the question posed by Freud to Reich could be paraphrased from the question where does the sex difference?.
We note here in passing that Jacqueline Rose's argument about the mediated nature of the opposition and not the original lead to consider so far articulated the issue of racism that Freud proposes to start from the concept of narcissism of small differences [75]
[1] Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, Einaudi, Torino 1967
[2] A slogan of the French May, polemical towards a democracy ritualized and inert read ironically 'present tense of the verb involved: je participate, you participate ... and ended with ils profitent
[3] An important work on the Kleinian school, published in 1986 in Italy, is to Gérard Bléandonu The school of Melanie Klein Borla, Roma .
[4] In a photograph taken at midday for the seventieth birthday of Phyllis Klein and published by Grosskurth (Melanie Klein. His world, his work Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1988) appears, with the exception of Susan Isaacs and Hanna Segal, who had already disappeared in 1948, virtually the entire first generation of students of Klein: Marion Milner, Sylvia Payne, Clifford Scott, Roger Money-Kyrle, Ernest Jones, Herbert Rosenfeld, Donald Winnicott, Michael Balint James Strachey, Paula Heimann, Cyril Wilson, Gwen Evans, Joan Riviere. To these we should add
Adrian Stokes, Lois Munro, Beryl Sanford, Hans Thorner, Elliot Jaques and Wilfred Bion in particular that contributed to the drafting of Festschriften published in honor of the seventieth birthday of Melanie Klein (New Directions in Psychoanalysis, edited by Paula Hemann and Roger Money-Kyrle, in addition to the same Klein, Basic Books, New 1966)
[5] In New Directions in psychoanalysis only about twenty-five contributions are specifically dedicated to child psychoanalysis.
[6] A substantial review of the issues most relevant to the clinical Kleinian you in the work of Robert Klein in clinical Inshelwood model published in 1993 in England and the Italian edition of which was proposed by the publisher Cambridge University in Milan in 1994. Hinshelwood is also due to the invaluable Dictionary of Psychoanalysis kleinana also introduced in Italian publisher Cambridge University in 1990, a year after the publication of English. An impressive
critical work on Klein tended to show the compatibility of the Kleinian positions with a more general theory of development is offered to us at the turn of seventy or eighty decades by Jean-Michel Petot. Petot's work is divided into two volumes published in 1982 in Italy by the publisher Borla: Melanie Klein first discovered and first system 1919/1932 Melanie Klein and the ego and the object good
1932/1960 [7] Hanna Segal also is the author of what remains to date perhaps the most important critical essay on the thought and work of Melanie Klein, Melanie Klein, Basic Books, 1981 Torino
[8] On the role of symbolization in Kleinian psychoanalysis an important work was produced in Italy by Riccardo Steiner The process of symbolization in the work of Melanie Klein, Basic Books, 1975 Torino
[9] Hanna Segal Hanna Segal. A Kleinian approach to clinical practice. Astrolabe, Rome 1984
[10] Hanna Segal dreams, fantasy and art Raffaello Cortina, Milano 1991, pag.114
[11] script and situations of anxiety expressed in a musical work and child in the story of a creative impetus (in Melanie Klein Boringhieri Writings 1921-1958, Torino 1978)
[12] Hanna Segal dreams, fantasies, and art cited. pag.109
[13] For criticism Frankfurt art you can see: Theodor W. Adorno's Philosophy of Modern Music Einaudoi, Torino 1959 and Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Einaudi, Torino 2000
[14] Segal's work is published in New Directions in Psychoanalysis, op. cit.
[15] In the fifties and sixties setting of Kleinian contributions to psychoanalysis of art was by Marion Milner in writings later collected in the book The Suppressed Madness of Sane Men. Forty-four years in exploring psychoanalysis
Tavistock Publications, 1987 [16] On Salomon Resnik fantastic. Among the imaginary el'onirico Bollati Torino Basic Books, 1993
[17] Melanie Klein Notes on some schizoid mechanisms cited in Writings 1921-1958.
[18] Melanie Klein's Envy and gratitude Martinelli, Firenze 1969. The concept of envy was also presented by Herbert Rosenfeld, another pupil of Klein, in 1952 wrote in Notes on psychoanalysis of the superego in conflict with an acute schizophrenic patient (published in H. Rosenfeld, Psychotic States Armando Roma 1973)
[19] Hanna Segal Psychoanalysis, Literature and War Routledge London 1997
[20] script "on the clinical utility of the concept of death instinct" is published in the journal Psychoanalytic Construction n.2/2004
[21] The Segal argues in this paper that the renewal, in part contradictory to the biology of the death instinct has been suggested to Freud by a desire to blunt the impact of a concept that expected, reason, it can be devastating.
[22] Hanna Segal Psychoanalysis, Literature and War, op. cit.
[23] idem
[24] Not coincidentally the paper denial, written by Freud in 1925 had been a cornerstone of the theory of Kleinian group exhibited in London during the Controversial Discussions
[25] The paper is located in Arnold Rothstein (ed.) Models of the mind. Current trends in psychoanalysis Bollati Boringhieri Torino 1990
[26] Herbert Rosenfeld and Interpretation Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1989, p.. 30
[27] Herbert Rosenfeld psychotic States Armando, Roma 1973
[28] The two Freud's writings are, respectively, neurosis and psychosis in OSF vol.IX Boringhieri Torino 1977 and the loss of reality in neurosis and psychosis in OSF vol. X Basic Books, 1978 Torino
[29] See Donald Meltzer Sexual States of Mind Armando, Roma 1975
[30] Donald Meltzer The psychoanalytic process Armando, Roma 1971
[31] Claustrum Donald Meltzer. A study of claustrophobic phenomena Raphael Cortina, Milano 1993
[32] A Meltzer is also important to attempt to compare the clinical and conceptual categories of Freud's thought with that of Melanie Klein and Wilfred R. Bion: The development of Kleinian Borla, Rome 1987
[33] Meltzer, along with others (John Bremner, Shirley Xoxter, Doreen Weddell, Isca Wittenberg), gives us a first important contribution to the study of autism with Explorations in Autism Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1977. He'll be back later on this subject ten years later in a publication aimed use of Bion's Studies in Extended Metapsychology Raffaello Cortina, Milano 1987
[34] Donald Meltzer Seminars Venetians (1999-2002). Disorders of Thought Transfer Adolescence Armando, Roma 2004
[35] Klein focuses on the relationship of his theory with that of Fairbairn wrote a paragraph in his title that leads to programmatically Details in relation to some recent writings of Fairbairn (in MK Writings 1921-1958 Basic Books, Torino 1978, pag.411-412)
[36] Wilfred R. Bion's Memoir of the Future. The Dawn of Oblivion Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2007 pagg.81-85. The three volumes of memory of the future, probably because of the difficult attempt to Bion to speak in first person the parts of the mind, were quite ignored by critics. It is indeed a formidable attempt to see the work that dissimilar instances coalesce into a temporary and unstable I constantly threatened by the destruction and anguish. Bion introduced in March 1979, the British Association a paper entitled Making the best with a bad job
[37] The most important exponent of this trend today in Italy is certainly Antonino Ferro who attempted to combine clinical Bion's theory of the field of Willy and Madeleine Baranger.
[38] This chapter is not addressed specifically the contribution of Bion which is dedicated a separate discussion.
[39] Julia Kristeva Melanie Klein. The mother, madness Donzelli, Rome 2006
[40] Hanna Segal Melanie Klein op. cit.
[41] Phyllis Grosskurth Melanie Klein. His world and his work Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1988
[42] Likierman Meira Melanie Klein: her work in context Continuum, London and New York 2001
[43] Adriano Voltolin Melanie Klein Bruno Mondadori, Milan 2003
[44] Julia Kristeva op. cit., pag.261
[45] Bick "The experience of skin in early object relations" in Vincenzo Bonamini Iaccarino and White (ed.) Direct observation of the child Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1984
[ 46] Wilfred R. Bion's' Attacks on linking "in Melanie Klein and his impact on psychoanalysis today Vol. Astrolabe, Rome 1995
[47] Margaret Rustin, Maria Rhode, Alex Dubinsky and Hélène Dubinsky (eds) Psychotic States in Children Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1999
[48] Gianna Polacco Williams Landscapes domestic and foreign matters. Eating disorders and other diseases Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1999, Gianna Polacco Willliams, Paul Williams, Jane Desmarais, Kent Ravenscroft (ed.) The feeding difficulties in children. The generosity of Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2006 and I distrbi food in adolescence Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2007
[49] Caroline Garland (eds.) Understanding the trauma. A psychoanalytic approach Bruno Mondadori, Milan 2001
[50] See nice job of Pearl HM King "In my end is my beginning" in David Bell (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Culture Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2002
[51] David Bell (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Culture, op. cit.
[52] important work in the theater was made by Margaret and Michael Rustin. See Note passions on stage. Theater, psychoanalysis and society Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2005.
[53] Contributions by analysts at the Tavistock Clinic in Italy are often published by the journal Psychoanalytic Construction. Among others: Margaret Rustin therapy with their backs to the wall in CP n.12/2006, Margaret and Michael Rustin mental and social disorders. "The White Devil" and "The Duchess of Amalfi" in Webster's n.13/2007 CP, James V. Fisher's marriage of the couple in Macbeth CP n.14/2007; Johnathan Bradley alliance is not easy: reflections on the case of a teenage girl in relation to its body CP n.16/2008
[54] Julia Kristeva op.cit., pag.146
[55] Jacqueline Rose, "Negativity in the work of Melanie Klein" in Why War? Psychoanalysis, Politics and the Return to Melanie Klein Blackwell, Oxford 1993
[56] Idem, pp. 172-173. The translation is my [AV]
[57] John Phillips "The Fissure of Authority: violence and the acquisition of knowledge" in John Phillips and Lyndsey Stonebridge (Edited by) Reading Melanie Klein Routledge, London and New York 1998
[58] Giorgio Agamben What is contemporary? Knight Bus Editions, Rome 2008
[59] Eli Zaretsky, "Melanie Klein and the Emergence of modern personal life" in Lyndsey Stonebridge and John Phillips (Editors), Reading Melanie Klein cited.
[60] Harold N. Boris "Tolerating Nothing" in Lyndsay Stonebridge and John Phillips op.cit.
[61] John Steiner shelters mind Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1996
[62] Klein A discussion of the theme for this disorder is also in Adriano Voltolin pad and background. Clinic of the gregarious instinct Franco Angeli, Milano 2006
[63] Sigmund Freud OSF vol.X, p.. 629
[64] Daphne Briggs "Simblizzazione and sense of identity" in Margaret Rustin and other psychotic states in children op. cit.
[65] Sarah Rance "Here I am" in Margaret Rustin and other op. cit.
[66] Melanie Klein "The importance of symbol formation in the development of the ego" Written in 1921-1958 Basic Books, 1978 Torino
[67] Sigmund Freud Negation in OSF vol. X Basic Books, Torino 1978, pag.200
[68] Joan Riviere, "I hate, greed and aggression" in M. Klein - J. Riviere Love, hate and repair Astrolabe, Rome, 1969
[69] Judith Butler "Moral sadism and Doubting one's own love: reflections on Kleinian melancholia" in Reading Melanie Klein cited.
[70] Mary Jacobus Reading Woman: Essays in Feminist Criticism, Columbia University Press 1986
[71] Actually, in his reference to the work of Lacan 50s (the famous speech Lacan in Rome who was a poster for the Lacanian psychoanalysis is of September 1953) Jacobus ignore the latest developments of the work of Lacan and Lacanian on women.
[72] Mary Jacobus, "'Tea Daddy': Poor Mrs. Klein and the pencil shavings" in Reading Melanie Klein cited.
[73] Jacqueline Rose, "Where Does the Misery Come From" in Why War? op.cit.
[74] The theme of the difficulty in perceiving an object as a piece, so its concrete existence as was the result of a mediation, a topic that is considerably closer to the thinking of the American feminists Adorno's negative dialectics. Not coincidentally Butler placed the work of Adorno at the root of his reflection on ethical violence
[75] A more broad topic of racism from the perspective of Kleinian psychoanalysis and Lacanian that took place in the magazine n.1/2004 Construction psychoanalytic dedicated precisely to the theme of racism today
NEW GUIDELINES Kleinian psychoanalysis
Adriano Voltolin
Melanie Klein died September 22, 1960, at the beginning of that decade, marking a clear boundary between the world that had emerged from World War II and what lies ahead. It will visible in the sixties the fruits of openness and democratic thrust that were contained in the great war against fascism, but also the seeds begin to take shape of imbalance that had governed the world since 1945: the watchwords of 1968 prefigure a world in one dimension - as he said the psychoanalyst Herbert Marcuse Frankfurt [1] - and therefore a conflict almost anthropology among the few who take advantage [2] and too many who are its victims.
Klein died when then loomed in the world of the very first dawn of the rise of an ideology that left more free space exaggerated individualism and hence the appropriative instincts that had made a point of interest in clinical and basic studies of the Austrian psychoanalyst -British.
The impact of Kleinian thought the war ended, over the rocks of harsh confrontation occurred between 1941 and 1945 within the British Psychoanalytical Society and the real risk of being expelled for Klein, was very robust. Klein allowed the clinic in fact, by taking full of anguish and death drive as cornerstones of psychoanalytic work, much greater depth than hitherto permitted. The technique of play in child psychoanalysis and represent a powerful tool through which extend the possibilities of working with children, even very small, never abandoning a strictly psychoanalytic method. Institutionalized in the British Psychoanalytical Society Kleinian training analysts, the spread of Kleinianism was very fast both in Europe, overseas, in Argentina.
Nearly half a century after the death of Melanie Klein is clear that the development of Kleinian thought [3] , now dissolved the first group of students [4] due to the death of many of them, but also previously, for the expulsion of some of the Kleinian school, it is increasingly divided into two strands, that of child psychoanalysis rigorously designed and the deepening of studies on the death instinct and destructiveness. Curiously, it can be seen, albeit they are still by far, especially as the importance, in the first group of students, analysts, who had dealt with psychosis (Rosenfeld), the processes of symbolization (Segal), mental functioning (Bion) and so on. , fortune and fame more of Kleinianism have had in the field of child psychoanalysis [5] . They are not, today, only institutions and schools to apply to Kleinian clinical child categories and techniques Klein, you might even say that, if only through hybridisation of various kinds, no one to take care of child psychology or psychoanalysis ignores the conceptualization Klein and technology.
In truth the attention of Melanie Klein and her school to child psychoanalysis is certainly a trait, but so is the overall level of clinical theory and Kleinian and not more likely, staff first and then school, work with children. In Kleinian psychoanalysis psychoanalytic work with children does not appear as a further specialization of psychoanalytic work in general, but is rather the base. Klein's major acquisitions in childhood, such as the location of the Oedipus in the early stages of life and the presence of death anxiety are resulting from the outset that the entire life of the subject, as his unconscious, is organized around protection from anxiety. Accommodation in a former post - as always happens in science - the theory that is being built, the technique of the game and the formulation of the concept of transference as a total situation appear to be the logical consequences of the reformulation of Kleinian Oedipus and anxiety death [6] .
Hanna Segal and a defense against death
Hanna Segal, born in 1918, is the last living student of the first Kleinian group. His contribution to the development of Kleinian thought [7] was of enormous importance, in a first stage, the theory of symbolization [8] and studies around the artistic creation. At
Segal was responsible for the concept of symbolic equation that is used to signify not a distinction in schizophrenia between the original object and its symbol [9] . The concrete thinking of the psychotic, says Hanna Segal, is the result of a lack of sufficient differentiation between the ego object. The process of symbolization becomes possible only if I can stand the pain derived from the perception of an object, and then integrated to address the danger of their destructive impulses even against the good part of the object. Then the ability to use symbolic thought, a little like the entire clinical Klein, appears much like the result of the acquisition of tools that the child, in his omnipotence, does not initially have, what the outcome of a process of progressive reassurance that is acquired through negative capability, such as call Wilfred R. Bion, to the continued use of the mechanisms of splitting as a primary protection against anxiety. Even
artistic creation, which is joined to one side to try to translate into a symbol of the unconscious fantasies, is subject to tolerance of not being able to restore the fullness of the subject after the separation that led to the birth inaugurated the very possibility of 'anguish. The artist expresses an activity that is remarkably similar to that of the child at play, but it also has to do with something more than that is the awareness of the limitation of his means of expression, restrictions that force the artist as he possible. A craftsman - Segal says - can not be an artist but an artist must be a craftsman [10] . The art is therefore only possible - and here the Segal arises in the wake of the two examples given by Klein in a paper in 1929 on creation [11] - only when you've reached the depressive position which allows precisely to support the suffering caused by the object integrated. Commenting on the famous Guernica by Pablo Picasso Segal points out that there is a constant work of integration that establishes connections, creates formal sets, find a rhythm. There is also an elevation - in contrast to the horror of the scene there is a rise of light toward the center, on the right, a feeling similar to that of a cathedral Gothic [12] . The artist by elements split between them and tries to show the connections through a medium, stone sculpture, colors and forms of painting and so on, which is always limited, however, compared to the same artist is proposed. While on the one hand Hanna Segal takes up the theme of Klein's depressive position as a passage that allows full, through the connection of the split parts, expression, underlining the relationship between the artist and his medium of expression connects somehow thought Segal's the theme of the Frankfurt school of conjugation dialectic between technical means and expressive result reached [13] . Salomon Resnik will be only to return in more recent times - the first work of Hanna Segal on the theme, A psychoanalytic approach to aesthetics is in fact the 1947 [14] - some results of the reflection of Klein and Segal on the psychoanalysis of art [15] in writings ranging from the fantastic comments on the relationship between the dreamlike surrealism of André Breton in el'artistico [16] . In more recent work
Segal combines the more obvious the clinical and social phenomena through a stronger emphasis on Kleinian concepts that emerge from the last phase of life and the pursuit of Austrian-British psychoanalyst: namely the concepts of paranoid-schizoid position, stated by Klein in 1946 together with that of projective identification [17] to envy and finally shown in 1957 [18] . In a collection of writings published in London in 1997 [19] Segal refocuses the importance not only of the death instinct in Freud's and Klein's installations, but says that what I intend to do [in the present work] is to demonstrate that the concept of death instinct is, in my opinion, essential in clinical work [20] . The death drive, its clinical expression, is reduced by Segal, as does Freud in the the pleasure principle to the compulsion to repeat rather than a biological trait [21] . Segal in the conceptualization of which, as we shall see, has wide acceptance in a part of contemporary Kleinian psychoanalysis, the death drive, which a person is not disturbed, the cakes with the instinct of life, may undergo a process that allows a defusion relative autonomy of the two fundamental drives and therefore may tend to become dominant. The deflection out that Freud was listed as one of the mechanisms underlying the control of the death instinct, is largely a projection of the drive in an external object that then, just as an object loaded in the drive death, becomes an object of persecution. The pain experienced by the absence of life in certain clinical conditions, such as depression, is the result of the projection of the death instinct in an object (in the case of depression the ego of the same patient), but, in itself, death drive tends not to perceive, not to feel, to reject the joys and sorrows of life, so it turns out not only destructive, but against the same sense and against the perceived object [ 22] . The prevalence or otherwise of the death instinct in defusion drive is not at all, says Segal, independent relationships with the outside world and then with objects the outside world, indeed: the merger and the differentiation of life instincts and death that will determine whether development is part of the development of relationships with primary objects and thus the true nature of the external circumstances that will influence the process in depth [23] . The outward projection of destructiveness is directed towards objects in which, as Freud explained in the essay on negation [24] , is more possible to recognize their internal objects: thus a patient's Segal for which the expression "press" (the gesture that the President of the United States or that of the then Soviet Union should have made to unleash nuclear war) was the death instinct dreamed then that would have been hit by a deadly threat constituted by the fallout. The then prevailing in society, ideas of peace and tolerance rather than racism and war, interact powerfully with the inner world becomes synergetic or not with this.
The theme of the outward projection of internal aspects of a dialectical relationship between exterior and interior had been focused by Segal, facing thus the old criticism that was given to Klein by the group of Anna Freud about his substantial disinterest in the outside world, in a contribution appeared in 1985 in the United States [25] . In this paper it is highlighted as in the Kleinian model (model with structural and interpersonal says Hanna Segal) the mother intended as an internal object is influenced by the experience of reality that the child does with the real external mother.
Herbert Rosenfeld and the clinic of psychosis
Herbert Rosenfeld (1910-1997) is the student of Melanie Klein, who has contributed most to the clinical studies of psychosis. The link between narcissism and projective identification is the key through which Rosenfeld develops his work. The emphasis of Rosenfeld addressed not to the primary narcissism, but the form, illustrated by Freud ever in 1914, when it assumes the narcissism no longer communicating directly themselves, but towards external objects that become containers of all virtues and perfections possible. And 'this configuration of "secondary narcissism" to which Melanie Klein seems to think - this is the hypothesis of Rosenfeld - when, in 1946 he developed the concept of projective identification. As Rosenfeld writes itself, will then be the Kleinian concept of envy in him the awareness of the close relationship between envy and narcissistic attitudes object [26] .
Rosenfeld, which incorporates, in fact, the distinction was of Abraham, between transference neurosis and narcissistic neuroses, stressed that a relationship narcissistic type of object in the object are projected to provide all the desired qualities and that, by identifying with this powerful object, is impossible to deny the separation from loved. This mechanism to indicate he formulates the concept of narcissistic omnipotent object relations. Rosenfeld's work represents an important attempt to investigate the pathologies that are somehow related to the problematic nature of the relationship of dependence on the breast and then become the basis for reflection on the most modern Kleinian clinical narcissistic pathologies: Rosenfeld will, among ' other things, of drug addiction [27] . Although the clinical Rosenfeld poses a great attention to the analyst's capacity and its bearing on the analysis, his interest remains strongly linked to the investigation of the pathology, for its part is then always strongly emphasized the importance for the clinical psychoanalytic to draw attention to social and pathological phenomena and new technology not only to the clinic which would become increasingly sophisticated, in itself, guarantee ability and therapeutic success. According to one line of development of Kleinian thought that he found in the last ten to fifteen years with renewed vigor, Rosenfeld takes from his clinical perspective, the disease most often lead to observe more and more frameworks in which the need to remove the anxieties of depression, but also frequently paranoid, he's married with diseases that are pin narcissistic identification and screening mechanisms very powerful. The influence of Abraham Rosenfeld's clinic - Abraham was, however, was the second analyst Melanie Klein and his true master - is the perspective within which the psychosis is placed. This is not the fact you saw a morbid state whose nature is radically different from that of neurosis neurosis and psychosis appear to be quite different ways to deal with by the individual, the question of whether or not being able to relate with the world around him. It was the Freud rest first, in 1923 and 1924, indicating as neurosis and psychosis represent both modes of avoidance of reality: the first modification to be able to deal with, while the latter suppresses it directly [28] . At one time, let's say very roughly that which lies within the first half of the twentieth century, the psicoapatologia frequently took the form of a violent confrontation with the world - look at the hysteria but also melancholic depression - now how to become very ill more like a cake does not want to know. Patients Rosenfeld already show what appears most clearly still in the clinic by the end of last century and the early years than today: the protection of suffering becomes the unwitting target of the disease. Rosenfeld will be precisely to point out how the clinic's schizophrenia is to present a therapeutic reaction now easily seen in pictures is not free of psychosis: the patient's clinical improvement is a sharp increase in its suffering. In other words, the contact with the harshness of the world is getting sick and also prevented the reduction in analysis, scale divisions consequently leads to an increased ability to withstand the pain, only then, can begin to emerge.
Donald Meltzer: from destructiveness to the creation of the grid negative
Donald Meltzer (1922-2004), similar to Hanna Segal and Herbert Rosenfeld, focuses on the destructiveness of their work and its consequences in the formation of personality and pathology. According to the basic feature that is characteristic of Kleinian thought, progress in the formation of a personality is not too noisy, and within the psychoanalytic treatment, proceeds by progressive acquisition of the ability to do without the support, terrible, the mechanisms of splitting and identification projective. The mind, says Meltzer, is not developed according to a progressive and harmonious line, but pass in different states, were sexual [29] , so the voracity intended to incorporate within the port state of confusion and geographic zonal [30] for which can be identified as a protective claustrum or the cloaca anal mind's maternal mother herself or the analyst, rather than the breast, as well as the nipple can be exchanged with a foul-invasive and carrier of destruction [31] . The possibility of accepting the existence of the chip is directly proportional to the ability to tolerate the first of persecutory anxiety that underlies the mechanisms of splitting and then the depression that can lead to feelings of guilt intolerable.
Meltzer, as Rosenfeld, develops his work through Fine survey of psychosis and psychotic transference during analysis, but also through an intense training at the Tavistock Clinic in London and first in a series of annual seminars held, as well as in North and South America and in various European countries, including Italy [32] . In his work with psychotic children Meltzer will also provide important assumptions about mental functioning in autistic psychosis. Influenced not only by the work of Frances Tustin on autism, from the ideas of Bion, Meltzer considers that the most genuinely new trend of development of psychoanalytic thinking, Meltzer will see no more, classically, in the absence of the mother inside the case before the outbreak of psychosis, autistic, but the identify of the child in the need of having to do with a mother impenetrable to the projections because of his depressive state [33] . The child can not just use the mother as container and developing its projections, is protected by removing the ability to perceive external objects and transforming in concretions unisensuali characterized by capacity tropic sun. E 'should be noted that Meltzer, both in his writings, warns that the autistic frank psychosis is very rare, while much more common symptoms of autism may be encountered in failures of mental postnatal notation this relative impenetrability of the perception of the outside world that Meltzer will also present seminars in his last Italian in the world dedicated to contemporary adolescent. In seminaries
Venetians [34] Meltzer linked autism to a more general configuration inversion of the alpha function, ie the destruction of the elements that make thought possible. The attack is the ability to think, in the Anglo-American conceptualization of the analyst, as the negativity of the links L, H and K Bion allow the grid to the conditions of thinking. -L-H-and K correspond to feelings of morality, puritanical, hypocritical denial of hatred and the imitative form of knowledge and hypocritical that Meltzer calls it, as it did over a century before Marx, philistinism. In these forms of rejection of the thought and destroy the very possibility of thought are easily recognizable as ways of adapting to the mass of stereotyped thinking that television is the highest expression: the minds of individuals - Meltzer notes - become part of a mirror social structure of communities, which supports the ranks of the hierarchy. The youth gangs, with their internal operation based on obedience, far from being a substantial element of opposition to the logic prevailing in society, they represent, as Always work in groups that assumption, a pure spirit.
Even within the analytic relationship, says Meltzer, acquire a significant weight forms of destruction of thought in that it induces in the analyst feelings of complacency towards the patient, not understanding and arrogant superiority.
A bifurcation
In a passage not much remembered his work on schizoid mechanisms Melanie Klein emphasizes energy differences between his approach and that of Fairbairn [35] : Setting Fairbairn focuses primarily on developing ego in relation to the objects while my focuses mainly on anxiety and their stories ... I do not agree - to name his most important argument - with its review of the theory of drives and psychic structure. Klein makes it clear that his theory does not coincide with what will be called object-relations and which then will instead, at least in practice, given the original wording.
While Klein's development will take off as hoped Meltzer, reflection on the great facility of Bion's theory of mental functioning such as an apparatus for thinking thoughts unfit, on the other hand, the work of Bion will highlighted the work of exploration of the unknown that occurs in vivo analytical work. The analytic pair will not be much longer then placed in the task, as well as Bion says, to do the best you can be a bad deal, to smell the danger that comes from what frightens [36] . Analyst and patient, with their joint work, but will form a mental field that will gradually, if the analysis continues in a positive way, expand their ability to understand what is unknown [37] .
To contribute to the focus within the Kleinian development of purely clinical work and, more importantly, the work clinically with children, in a real clinical evolution, has contributed certainly greatly Donald Winnicott (1896-1971), the English pediatrician and psychoanalyst, a student of Melanie Klein, who was always very skeptical of Klein's ideas about the anguish of death and envy, and instead emphasized strongly role of the reality situation and the real mother in the construction of the mind and character of children. The finesse of Winnicott in the investigation into the links between the internal and the external world was then in, in clinical practice, frequently revived in the form of a rough competition unspecified instances between internal and ecological factors in shaping a development perspective. Winnicott, both by virtue of his undoubted ability and clinical refinement, that the ease with which his work could be taken, despite himself, to justify the conceptual and technical shortcomings, had an extraordinary success in the dissemination of child psychoanalytic practice. If
is also considered lucky, especially in the U.S., the work of Fairbairn, is not difficult to see the picture of a bend in the development of Klein's ideas that favored a clinic locked in the idea, quite naive, evolution and development and lost the extraordinary complexity of Kleinian thought. Melanie Klein same as the rest, as seen also in the strong distinction that she herself placed between his theory and the thought of Faibairn, noticed in the last part of his life, the tendency to use his mind, and develop it in directions that did not share at all. The expulsion of some students by the founder of Klein is important due to the germs of later turned out to be full-bodied rather than differences, as did a certain critical, intellectually very heavy, to the difficult character of Melanie Klein.
Recent developments
The line of development that we saw Klein enliven the work of Hanna Segal, Herbert Rosenfeld and Donald Meltzer, but is also structural component of the positions of Wilfred R. Bion, certainly among the most brilliant students of Melanie Klein [38] , has fueled more recently the thought of English and American philosophers and psychoanalysts.
A cornerstone in the development of Kleinian thought can be identified in the work of Julia Kristeva's semiotics and publish it in France in 2000 a text of great importance [39] . The work of Kristeva, a critical biography of Klein, is probably the most important contribution on the topic published after the famous monograph by Hanna Segal has represented, considering the role of Segal in the Kleinian school, the path to understanding the most authoritative Klein [40] . From a biographical point of view is certainly emphasize the importance of the voluminous work published Phyllis Grosskurt Layers in the U.S. in 1987 [41] . More recently are worth mentioning, again, as the work of critical biography of Melanie Klein, the contribution published in Britain in 2001 by Meira Likierman [42] and that, in the Italian context, Adriano Voltolin published in 2003 [43] .
Julia Kristeva points out that Klein's a real paradox, alongside the development, by a mechanical vulgate, recipes for school for which the refined processing Kleinian clinical precepts become as flat-spotted dispensed sensible advice to families on educational journals, there is a dissident who sees a troubled human being ruled by the death instinct that fatigue may be transformed into creativity [44] .
As we tried to emphasize above, the reduction of Klein's theory of the relationship between the ego and the object that produced repetitive and tedious preaching that is readily identifiable, especially in child psychoanalysis. To be fair it is necessary to add that, in the face of certain Italian inclinations that give reason to Kristeva, the group of analysts, especially children, gathered around the Tavistock Clinic in London has produced in recent years, a major clinical work in which the use of categories such as Kleinian projective identification was successfully compared to the work of Esther Bick skin on the second [45] and to those of Bion report on container / contained [46] . E 'to emphasize strongly that analysts Tavistock gave us the important contributions that affect the contemporary clinical turning their attention not only, as is unfortunately quite firmly established, the couple analyst / patient, but trying to bring the Most quantitative importance of certain diseases to the relationship that binds individuals to the conditions of life as they present themselves in an era in which they live. Whether it works on certain characters of the theater of Shakespeare or Pinter, or teenagers whose families are overwhelmed by uncertainty and globalization in contemporary London, the effort of Kleinian analysts Tavistock is always to show how an individual pathology, as seen by Donald Meltzer said, a mirror of social structure.
work at the Tavistock was able to give significant contributions in the clinic of childhood psychosis [47] , anorexic-bulimic disorders in childhood and adolescence in those [48] , but also has produced works of considerable interest to the trauma [49 ] on psychoanalytic clinic aimed at older people [50] and investigation of psychoanalytic cultural facts [51] and art [52] . Significant representatives of the Tavistock today are, among others, Gianna Polacco Williams, Margaret and Michael Rustin, John Steiner, Helen and Alex Dubinsky, Lynda Miller [53] .
Melanie Klein had shown, even without writing directly to interpret the disease patterns in relation to the social conditions that could somehow be the indirect cause, but also as a substrate potential developments in a creative sense. Thus, important work had focused on the criminal tendencies in children and their connection to the destructive anguish, but also the creative impulses were linked by Klein to the need to curb the destructiveness integrating it with love. Just as Freud had shown speaking in Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, the formation of social justice from the original feelings of hatred toward our brothers and sisters, Klein links the development of love and riparatività development - challenging but possible - the death instinct and destructiveness. As Julia Kristeva writes briefly repair and gratitude are only temporary crystallizations of negativity, and its dialectical stasis, because the death instinct does not cease to operate [54] .
The most recent works - led by Kleinian analysts, but also by intellectuals influenced by the thought of analysts Klein - In the wake of the Austro-British analyst thought, reproduce largely interest, which is the best psychoanalytic tradition, to the great questions about our time at both the pathology of the individual and the destiny of our society and our same way of thinking. Somehow that is the line taken Segal Rosenfeld-Meltzer-who seems to have played more genuinely the substance of the thought of Melanie Klein.
Negativity in Kleinian theory
One of probably the most important theoretical contributions in studies Kleinian latest comes from Jacqueline Rose, University of London. Clearly influenced by the Bion's concept of negative capability, Rose argues that the original object is not negative is that the object in his home outright [55] . The ability of infants to perceive the good breast does not appear that a distinction can be the primary perception of an object of persecution. The negativity does not operate as an original impulse of primordial biological nature with respect to which is an order that allows the development, but represents a subversion of the biological and the very possibility of access to a symbolic order. E 'to be remembered as the writings of Freud on the denial has been the essential reference text for Kleinian group in the forties. Negativity, the formation of thought of the child through the absence of what has been lost, is the basis of symbolization and thus the very possibility of thinking. Jacqueline Rose puts forward the idea that the concept of negativity is a kind of paranoid protection, a system of understanding, against the fear of annihilation, the horror vacui. There is a precise and strong bond, said the Rose, Klein among the unconscious and the theory of blacks holes of Stephen Hawking. The black hole, Rose tells us, just as the unconscious, is the place where they can disappear not only light and matter, but the same scientific laws that govern their relationship and even the relationship that we can establish between the observation and knowledge. The black hole is such that we can not know it from the inside, since entering it we would be destroyed and whose knowledge which can only be necessarily outside, does not allow us nothing but reasonable assumptions of which we can never really be certain for another . In these conditions it is then quite evident that our knowledge of the world can only be hypothetical and provisional today is not so much psychoanalysis have to have a naive legitimacy from science, says the Rose, but is rather the science same, after Einstein, to assert the impossibility of a definitive scientific knowledge the world [56] . So in love Kleinian psychoanalysis, the possibility of establishing a relationship of love, is the symbolic elaboration of his own destructiveness and appears as the more adequate protection against the fear of annihilation: the development finally appears therefore as a choice-oriented pay a cheaper price as possible to the pathology itself, tells us the Rose, is thus in a sense, pathological. And 'the least worst condition possible. It seems to be affected by Bion: making the best with a bad job.
Another contribution of great importance in shaping the most exciting developments of Kleinian thought is given to us by John Phillips in his work on role of aggressive and violent impulses in the acquisition of knowledge [57] . For Phillips - whose themes will return at greater length in the section on theoretical developments of the question of the relationship between psychoanalysis and society - is the death instinct in its concretions of violence and intrusiveness, to open a space as possible for the knowledge and then, for the sentiments of love and protection. As already said Bion, the intrusiveness of projective identification is an early form of communication that, to achieve, requires a willingness to maternal mental processing that is not controaggressiva. The outside world is therefore constant point of comparison with respect to their internal frightening fantasies and the comparison between the two images becomes possible stimulus to greater integration. Phillips takes over here for which Freud's theory, mental development, above the hatred and love is the necessary antecedent. The development appears to be a difficult process then, not at all obvious, to a mindset that can adequately deal with life itself and the world
Within this theoretical framework, and reflecting the best traditions of psychoanalytic ask questions at the nodes of the contemporary avoiding, as suggested by Giorgio Agamben [58] , to join totally, the American Eli Zaretsky, historian of the family, suggests that the Kleinian psychoanalysis dissolve the hopes of the Enlightenment able to reconcile human development, as part of a democratic society, the Oedipal conflict, gender aspects and to move towards its own genuine autonomy. Klein's vision of development as possible, to be achieved, tolerance of anxiety and depressive paranoid, gives us the best account of the situation of a person in the family today, which is no longer that lattice oppressive, but also protective, which allowed and supported the individual development [59] . Zaretsky again here, without mentioning it, the lessons of the Institute Frankfurt on the family. As Klein says the psychoanalyst Bion-Harold Boris, the experience of nothingness as a container - more frequent than we believe in families where there is substantial parental failure - leads the child to be an early container itself, and to transform such The fear of mental suffering, fear of the collapse of the mind, in what usually refer to as "panic attacks" [60] . The enormous difficulty in supporting the individual impact of anxiety in a society like ours, which seems increasingly devoid of real training agencies, carry on a clinical level, many patients to create the internal refugees - as claimed by the Englishman John Steiner [61] - consisting of the same disease that prevents them to become familiar with the anguish that those depressive paranoid. Pseudosapere niches, often presented as stereotypes, which are real forms of pathology [62] . Are those that are pathological easily become camouflaged within the company as it is their ideology and more common as Freud had said, calling collective neurosis (Gemeinschaftneurosen) in Civilization and its Discontents [63] . Within Klein, on the theme of the difficulty in developing an idea that avoids the "shelters" the stereotype, there are important contributions also from Daphne Briggs data [64] and Sarah Rance [65] the Tavistock Clinic.
Kleinian psychoanalysis and feminism
part of the scholars of the feminist movement has come to recording the past two decades, a keen interest in Kleinian psychoanalysis who, to use a concept of Judith Butler, is able to record traces of the outside world and representations that are peculiar in the ego and the psyche.
The starting point of the reflection of the scholars of feminism is primarily the work of Melanie Klein and analysis on the symbolism of the 1930 Dick's Illustrated in this paper [66] . The central thesis here put forward by Klein is that the early arrest of the sadistic impulses directed against the breast, preventing the exploration of the maternal body and its contents, severely inhibits any possibility of understanding the outside world that represents the unconscious, as he had also referred to Freud in his essay on denial, an extension of the maternal body itself. The object found in the outside world is something that is found - Freud had said - and is the mother's womb [67] . The denial that Freud always known, belongs to the instinct of destruction, however, permits an overrun of removal, and then acknowledging the existence of objects while not accepting the emotional correlate. In feminist thought
departing from the consideration of the symbolic formation two considerations: the relationship with the object in the dynamic inner world / outer world and the role of phantasy in the very possibility of linguistic symbolization.
For Judith Butler - which takes place here a long time expressed by Joan Riviere on oral drive [68] - the relationship with the object as such is a potentially destructive relationship. If in the pictures melancholy indeed there is the fear of having devoured the object in those paranoid fear is to have expelled, with the bad object, even the good one. If you assume, as for example in the ideology of societies based on the father, that there is an ethical core internal to the subject, the relationship between the subjects themselves may become a trading and real relationship and inappropriate and destructive [69] . The female is not, says Mary Jacobus, a pure sign of sexual differentiation, but a potentially different meaning that you can see patterns emerge in the nuclei of preverbal [70] . Arguing with Lacan and the interpretation they gave to the work of Klein [71] , the Jacobus Klein has not seen in a structuralist avant la lettre, but the carrier an instance of outside / inside, male / female, subject / object, potentially divergent from a logic that equates rationality and symbolic order [72] .
Klein, the reasoning in the development of feminist studies, is the bearer of accepting relationships with objects based on the dependence or rather, as Butler states, interdependence. It 's still on the relationship with the object that is in fact the appointment of Jacqueline Rose interest that relates to the relationship between politics and psychoanalysis that between feminism and psychoanalysis.
Taking an issue that ultimately walked away from Freudian psychoanalysis, Wilhelm Reich, the Rose search to give account of classical oppositions between public and private, psychoanalysis and politics, cause and effect and, in essence, between inside and outside [73] . To the question that arises retoricamene Reich (1952) Freud, where he comes from poverty, Reich himself distinguishes between the response of Freud, Reich seems to grasp that the elaboration of the concept of death instinct - which follows that the misery originates within the subject - and its own that leads him instead to look outside, in society, the causes of human misery. Consistent with the Kleinian psychoanalysis that leads the opposition to help primary divisions - in turn - to withstand more ease the fear of annihilation, Jacqueline Rose argues that it is the same opposition in the dyadic effects of violence that are manifested as intolerance to the opposite position. E 'inability to grasp the dialectical nature of an object, thus preventing the decomposition produces difference and violence [74] . American scholar for the opposition is the poisoned fruit of the inability to capture the dynamic nature of the death instinct to think of it instead as an object. The difference is that in order to establish this is already the result of violence against expulsion of the death instinct. Place it instead in its function thrust to knowledge allows, and that is the Rose, the central issue of feminist thought, to put the issue of sexual difference in the political field, ie critical thinking to avoid the dualistic trap. In this way then, Rose says, the question posed by Freud to Reich could be paraphrased from the question where does the sex difference?.
We note here in passing that Jacqueline Rose's argument about the mediated nature of the opposition and not the original lead to consider so far articulated the issue of racism that Freud proposes to start from the concept of narcissism of small differences [75]
[1] Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, Einaudi, Torino 1967
[2] A slogan of the French May, polemical towards a democracy ritualized and inert read ironically 'present tense of the verb involved: je participate, you participate ... and ended with ils profitent
[3] An important work on the Kleinian school, published in 1986 in Italy, is to Gérard Bléandonu The school of Melanie Klein Borla, Roma .
[4] In a photograph taken at midday for the seventieth birthday of Phyllis Klein and published by Grosskurth (Melanie Klein. His world, his work Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1988) appears, with the exception of Susan Isaacs and Hanna Segal, who had already disappeared in 1948, virtually the entire first generation of students of Klein: Marion Milner, Sylvia Payne, Clifford Scott, Roger Money-Kyrle, Ernest Jones, Herbert Rosenfeld, Donald Winnicott, Michael Balint James Strachey, Paula Heimann, Cyril Wilson, Gwen Evans, Joan Riviere. To these we should add
Adrian Stokes, Lois Munro, Beryl Sanford, Hans Thorner, Elliot Jaques and Wilfred Bion in particular that contributed to the drafting of Festschriften published in honor of the seventieth birthday of Melanie Klein (New Directions in Psychoanalysis, edited by Paula Hemann and Roger Money-Kyrle, in addition to the same Klein, Basic Books, New 1966)
[5] In New Directions in psychoanalysis only about twenty-five contributions are specifically dedicated to child psychoanalysis.
[6] A substantial review of the issues most relevant to the clinical Kleinian you in the work of Robert Klein in clinical Inshelwood model published in 1993 in England and the Italian edition of which was proposed by the publisher Cambridge University in Milan in 1994. Hinshelwood is also due to the invaluable Dictionary of Psychoanalysis kleinana also introduced in Italian publisher Cambridge University in 1990, a year after the publication of English. An impressive
critical work on Klein tended to show the compatibility of the Kleinian positions with a more general theory of development is offered to us at the turn of seventy or eighty decades by Jean-Michel Petot. Petot's work is divided into two volumes published in 1982 in Italy by the publisher Borla: Melanie Klein first discovered and first system 1919/1932 Melanie Klein and the ego and the object good
1932/1960 [7] Hanna Segal also is the author of what remains to date perhaps the most important critical essay on the thought and work of Melanie Klein, Melanie Klein, Basic Books, 1981 Torino
[8] On the role of symbolization in Kleinian psychoanalysis an important work was produced in Italy by Riccardo Steiner The process of symbolization in the work of Melanie Klein, Basic Books, 1975 Torino
[9] Hanna Segal Hanna Segal. A Kleinian approach to clinical practice. Astrolabe, Rome 1984
[10] Hanna Segal dreams, fantasy and art Raffaello Cortina, Milano 1991, pag.114
[11] script and situations of anxiety expressed in a musical work and child in the story of a creative impetus (in Melanie Klein Boringhieri Writings 1921-1958, Torino 1978)
[12] Hanna Segal dreams, fantasies, and art cited. pag.109
[13] For criticism Frankfurt art you can see: Theodor W. Adorno's Philosophy of Modern Music Einaudoi, Torino 1959 and Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Einaudi, Torino 2000
[14] Segal's work is published in New Directions in Psychoanalysis, op. cit.
[15] In the fifties and sixties setting of Kleinian contributions to psychoanalysis of art was by Marion Milner in writings later collected in the book The Suppressed Madness of Sane Men. Forty-four years in exploring psychoanalysis
Tavistock Publications, 1987 [16] On Salomon Resnik fantastic. Among the imaginary el'onirico Bollati Torino Basic Books, 1993
[17] Melanie Klein Notes on some schizoid mechanisms cited in Writings 1921-1958.
[18] Melanie Klein's Envy and gratitude Martinelli, Firenze 1969. The concept of envy was also presented by Herbert Rosenfeld, another pupil of Klein, in 1952 wrote in Notes on psychoanalysis of the superego in conflict with an acute schizophrenic patient (published in H. Rosenfeld, Psychotic States Armando Roma 1973)
[19] Hanna Segal Psychoanalysis, Literature and War Routledge London 1997
[20] script "on the clinical utility of the concept of death instinct" is published in the journal Psychoanalytic Construction n.2/2004
[21] The Segal argues in this paper that the renewal, in part contradictory to the biology of the death instinct has been suggested to Freud by a desire to blunt the impact of a concept that expected, reason, it can be devastating.
[22] Hanna Segal Psychoanalysis, Literature and War, op. cit.
[23] idem
[24] Not coincidentally the paper denial, written by Freud in 1925 had been a cornerstone of the theory of Kleinian group exhibited in London during the Controversial Discussions
[25] The paper is located in Arnold Rothstein (ed.) Models of the mind. Current trends in psychoanalysis Bollati Boringhieri Torino 1990
[26] Herbert Rosenfeld and Interpretation Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1989, p.. 30
[27] Herbert Rosenfeld psychotic States Armando, Roma 1973
[28] The two Freud's writings are, respectively, neurosis and psychosis in OSF vol.IX Boringhieri Torino 1977 and the loss of reality in neurosis and psychosis in OSF vol. X Basic Books, 1978 Torino
[29] See Donald Meltzer Sexual States of Mind Armando, Roma 1975
[30] Donald Meltzer The psychoanalytic process Armando, Roma 1971
[31] Claustrum Donald Meltzer. A study of claustrophobic phenomena Raphael Cortina, Milano 1993
[32] A Meltzer is also important to attempt to compare the clinical and conceptual categories of Freud's thought with that of Melanie Klein and Wilfred R. Bion: The development of Kleinian Borla, Rome 1987
[33] Meltzer, along with others (John Bremner, Shirley Xoxter, Doreen Weddell, Isca Wittenberg), gives us a first important contribution to the study of autism with Explorations in Autism Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1977. He'll be back later on this subject ten years later in a publication aimed use of Bion's Studies in Extended Metapsychology Raffaello Cortina, Milano 1987
[34] Donald Meltzer Seminars Venetians (1999-2002). Disorders of Thought Transfer Adolescence Armando, Roma 2004
[35] Klein focuses on the relationship of his theory with that of Fairbairn wrote a paragraph in his title that leads to programmatically Details in relation to some recent writings of Fairbairn (in MK Writings 1921-1958 Basic Books, Torino 1978, pag.411-412)
[36] Wilfred R. Bion's Memoir of the Future. The Dawn of Oblivion Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2007 pagg.81-85. The three volumes of memory of the future, probably because of the difficult attempt to Bion to speak in first person the parts of the mind, were quite ignored by critics. It is indeed a formidable attempt to see the work that dissimilar instances coalesce into a temporary and unstable I constantly threatened by the destruction and anguish. Bion introduced in March 1979, the British Association a paper entitled Making the best with a bad job
[37] The most important exponent of this trend today in Italy is certainly Antonino Ferro who attempted to combine clinical Bion's theory of the field of Willy and Madeleine Baranger.
[38] This chapter is not addressed specifically the contribution of Bion which is dedicated a separate discussion.
[39] Julia Kristeva Melanie Klein. The mother, madness Donzelli, Rome 2006
[40] Hanna Segal Melanie Klein op. cit.
[41] Phyllis Grosskurth Melanie Klein. His world and his work Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1988
[42] Likierman Meira Melanie Klein: her work in context Continuum, London and New York 2001
[43] Adriano Voltolin Melanie Klein Bruno Mondadori, Milan 2003
[44] Julia Kristeva op. cit., pag.261
[45] Bick "The experience of skin in early object relations" in Vincenzo Bonamini Iaccarino and White (ed.) Direct observation of the child Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1984
[ 46] Wilfred R. Bion's' Attacks on linking "in Melanie Klein and his impact on psychoanalysis today Vol. Astrolabe, Rome 1995
[47] Margaret Rustin, Maria Rhode, Alex Dubinsky and Hélène Dubinsky (eds) Psychotic States in Children Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1999
[48] Gianna Polacco Williams Landscapes domestic and foreign matters. Eating disorders and other diseases Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1999, Gianna Polacco Willliams, Paul Williams, Jane Desmarais, Kent Ravenscroft (ed.) The feeding difficulties in children. The generosity of Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2006 and I distrbi food in adolescence Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2007
[49] Caroline Garland (eds.) Understanding the trauma. A psychoanalytic approach Bruno Mondadori, Milan 2001
[50] See nice job of Pearl HM King "In my end is my beginning" in David Bell (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Culture Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2002
[51] David Bell (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Culture, op. cit.
[52] important work in the theater was made by Margaret and Michael Rustin. See Note passions on stage. Theater, psychoanalysis and society Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2005.
[53] Contributions by analysts at the Tavistock Clinic in Italy are often published by the journal Psychoanalytic Construction. Among others: Margaret Rustin therapy with their backs to the wall in CP n.12/2006, Margaret and Michael Rustin mental and social disorders. "The White Devil" and "The Duchess of Amalfi" in Webster's n.13/2007 CP, James V. Fisher's marriage of the couple in Macbeth CP n.14/2007; Johnathan Bradley alliance is not easy: reflections on the case of a teenage girl in relation to its body CP n.16/2008
[54] Julia Kristeva op.cit., pag.146
[55] Jacqueline Rose, "Negativity in the work of Melanie Klein" in Why War? Psychoanalysis, Politics and the Return to Melanie Klein Blackwell, Oxford 1993
[56] Idem, pp. 172-173. The translation is my [AV]
[57] John Phillips "The Fissure of Authority: violence and the acquisition of knowledge" in John Phillips and Lyndsey Stonebridge (Edited by) Reading Melanie Klein Routledge, London and New York 1998
[58] Giorgio Agamben What is contemporary? Knight Bus Editions, Rome 2008
[59] Eli Zaretsky, "Melanie Klein and the Emergence of modern personal life" in Lyndsey Stonebridge and John Phillips (Editors), Reading Melanie Klein cited.
[60] Harold N. Boris "Tolerating Nothing" in Lyndsay Stonebridge and John Phillips op.cit.
[61] John Steiner shelters mind Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 1996
[62] Klein A discussion of the theme for this disorder is also in Adriano Voltolin pad and background. Clinic of the gregarious instinct Franco Angeli, Milano 2006
[63] Sigmund Freud OSF vol.X, p.. 629
[64] Daphne Briggs "Simblizzazione and sense of identity" in Margaret Rustin and other psychotic states in children op. cit.
[65] Sarah Rance "Here I am" in Margaret Rustin and other op. cit.
[66] Melanie Klein "The importance of symbol formation in the development of the ego" Written in 1921-1958 Basic Books, 1978 Torino
[67] Sigmund Freud Negation in OSF vol. X Basic Books, Torino 1978, pag.200
[68] Joan Riviere, "I hate, greed and aggression" in M. Klein - J. Riviere Love, hate and repair Astrolabe, Rome, 1969
[69] Judith Butler "Moral sadism and Doubting one's own love: reflections on Kleinian melancholia" in Reading Melanie Klein cited.
[70] Mary Jacobus Reading Woman: Essays in Feminist Criticism, Columbia University Press 1986
[71] Actually, in his reference to the work of Lacan 50s (the famous speech Lacan in Rome who was a poster for the Lacanian psychoanalysis is of September 1953) Jacobus ignore the latest developments of the work of Lacan and Lacanian on women.
[72] Mary Jacobus, "'Tea Daddy': Poor Mrs. Klein and the pencil shavings" in Reading Melanie Klein cited.
[73] Jacqueline Rose, "Where Does the Misery Come From" in Why War? op.cit.
[74] The theme of the difficulty in perceiving an object as a piece, so its concrete existence as was the result of a mediation, a topic that is considerably closer to the thinking of the American feminists Adorno's negative dialectics. Not coincidentally Butler placed the work of Adorno at the root of his reflection on ethical violence
[75] A more broad topic of racism from the perspective of Kleinian psychoanalysis and Lacanian that took place in the magazine n.1/2004 Construction psychoanalytic dedicated precisely to the theme of racism today
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