Thursday, September 30, 2010

Penis Girth Comparison Toilet Paper Test

cycle of meetings and SPC was Akos

In collaboration with the Society of Critical Psychoanalysis Akos arrange an early evening series of meetings aimed at developing parenting aware

03.11.2010, 20.30 - Dr. A. Voltolin, Psychoanalyst: The birth and development of children. Between mind and body.

24.11.2010, 20.30 - Dr. G. Perfect, Psychologist: The meaning of the game in psychological development.

15.12.2010, 20.30 - Dr. S. Daelli, Psychologist: Sleep disorders and eating disorders. Pediatric or psychological issue?

19.01.2011, 20.30 - Dr. F. Mandara, Psychoanalyst: The problems of adolescent separation.

The meetings are open to all parents
places are limited to 25 participants so booking is necessary

Akos - Via Milano 11-20158 Ugoni
E-Mail: info @ Central

Friday, September 24, 2010

Where Can I Read Online Gay