Monday, July 19, 2010

How Many Pennies Fit In A Bathtub

mental illusions

"The illusion of protection from real contact with reality"

constantly gives you the illusion of something, the images repeatedly, turn it into a dream, then open your eyes and you realize that reality is very different, then close your eyes again to return to making that dream come true and the good thing is that when you blindly believe in something, that thing becomes real.

• Reality (Trees with dark colors) 150x156cm
• Dream (Trees colored) 150x156cm
• Neutral (center between the two canvases, which balances the two sides) 100x150cm

N. I'm confused
R. And what you see '! How can you get confused?
N. I do not know ... just see it as not see anything. I do not know.
S. sdfisddfsdlglrròjtwrtbwòrb ...
N. I hear you
R. with whom are you speaking?
N. with my dreams!
R. What are dreams?
N. are what you want!
R. hahaha this is unreal!
N. I think if there really is no longer unreal.
R. ...