Friday, December 5, 2008

Alexas Texas With Black Hair

The desire and the contract

The desire and the contract
On some initial questions in the psychoanalytic treatment

Adriano Voltolin

The theme of the analytic contract is not a matter that psychoanalysts have treated frequently. In part this is due to the fact that the agreement between an analyst and a patient at the beginning of a work is mostly seen as something that precedes the report which will take place, but that it is already a member. This view are certainly the Kleinian and Lacanian psychoanalysts, while those who call themselves Freudians tout court, or neo-Freudians, they tend to consider certain aspects of the psychoanalytic relationship as not belonging, strictly speaking, the dynamics of transference [1] .
It 'still interesting to note instead the theme of the analytic contract, in particular the question of payment of the analyst, or bait in the form of Witz as Enzo Morpurgo ago in one of his beloved puns or critique, a philosopher, not as an analyst Theodor W. Adorno, of the work seen as a psychoanalytic work tends to bring the subject to a social norm: if Morpurgo, with a brilliance krausiana, in the words of Luciana Nissim, sets out a problem: Flower of the time (reminder): / No deaf / who do you listen to / pay [2] Adorno sees in American psychoanalysis of the time when he writes an operation whose aim is to make what they would lose the conflict threatening. Will be accepted: but not cured, but simply framed - as parts or components that are required - in the surface of life regulated [3] .
The core of the matter of the contract, for Adorno as Morpurgo, contains not so much that the psychoanalyst all'onorario receives for his work, but the fee is treated as a psychoanalytic perspective. It is a reward for working time that is necessary for the same job analysis is made possible, or is the sign, as Adorno warns that the practice of science of the enlightenment directly incorporates philosophical speculation? On the couch you do the same work, questions Adorno, who once held Hegel and Schelling?
The issue is far from idle and grab it from a point of view, that of the contract and its nature, which is certainly not among psychoanalysts family [4] can provide a useful reflection on the unique nature of the contract - that in fact the case - between a psychoanalyst and who is a candidate to become a patient.

1) The term of the contract

The Civil Code, Article 1321 gives us the definition of the contract in accordance with the law (the Civil Code in fact) which regulates relations between individuals within the community: it is the agreement between two parties to establish, regulate or terminate a relationship with each other legal capital. The 1325 article tells us what are the requirements of the contract: they are the parties agree, the cause, scope and form, when that is required by law under pain of nullity. Article 1346 we read that the contract shall be determined or determinable. There
sincerely to have little doubt that the agreement between a psychoanalyst and a patient can properly be a final agreement: there is an agreement that is in fact a result of the idea that a person has, the start of a psychoanalytic treatment but there is frankly doubt that the person applying to do a psychoanalysis knows what is a psychoanalytic work. Normally I have an idea that comes from the experiences of others, films, books or even reading popular science. There are patients for example, starting the analysis, read some of Freud's work, there are suggestions and try to interpret their dreams or their actions. Unknowingly, we might say, do that thing they think is an analysis and for this reason the analysis involved imagined and not their own. Even more difficult is determining what constitutes the object for which you make a contract. If the patient pays an analyst, what do you pay? Not the good state of mental health that he feared being compromised. No agreement may provide treatment to regain the health lost: your doctor certainly will do its best to achieve this, but he can not guarantee the result. Even in the more specifically psychoanalytic, one can expect to be paid by the patient of the analyst's attention to it. This fact can not be present as rented by the patient, but only by virtue of a good level of contact between the two actors work: when an analyst feels that his attention is at that time hiding on the particular patient because, for example, they do not seem to make a step forward, because it has a monotone, because it's out of his mouth a flood of words and so on, there is often a situation in which the patient unconsciously tries to pass something in the session of contraband, such as corruption itself. Of course it is possible that the analyst is simply tired, but then it would be appropriate that the same analyst was able to reflect on what the real cause of his going beyond their means mental and physical denying the need to restore, with rest, with their capabilities.
Even though a patient, in the agreement is committed not only to pay in time the analyst's fee, but also to accommodate the sessions. Delays, missed sessions, not timely payments, all items in the contract as defined by the Civil Code, be sufficient to put into question and even to cancel it, are actually facts that are very much especially these days, but must be treated analyst, at least until this is possible, as material analysis.
The question that arises is not simply to define in legal terms, if the analytical Whether or not a contract, but rather to understand why a pact so seemingly fragile, in most cases and then work to what constitutes a deal then, and, again, how and why a pact to become a contract.

The contract as it is configured by the Civil Code clearly appears to be a device or a set of devices, which tends to reduce to zero the risk that one of the contractors are not, in fact or intent, what is his due in its capacity as contractor. The definition of contract is made possible by the identification in the meantime some of which are to be the requirements, after which the legislature sets out what are the grounds for revocation of contract. The end result is a device that guarantees the public authority, allowing citizens to enter into each other commitment to which it is impossible to fail for reasons that tend to deceive the other party. The social foundation of law, private law and public no less, is to do it, as Aristotle says, that there should be an opportunity [in the city that is proposed to be regulated by good laws] do not think continuously obtain the necessities of life [5] . The life of the city, at a certain stage of its development, Plato had argued, provides a certain division of labor [6] . The division work indicates that it has already exceeded the level of community originally established by the family: it is only at this level comes the need to exchange the surplus of what is produced. If one indeed produce shoes and other pitchers, who need a stable exchange surpluses (the trade) and that all are guaranteed in their trade relations.
Aristotle, like Plato, is well aware that there is evil in men un'ingordigia [7] and then think to rules as to how to ensure everyone's greed all the others. With the tendency of men to appropriate the work of others and of its fruits, have been confronted all scholars of political philosophy and the idea of \u200b\u200beradicating this trend to the source rather than regard it as the real issue of politics, has invariably led to imagine cities and states where authoritarian administration of public affairs is delegated to the philosophers who hold the real science as Plato [8] or, as in Thomas Campanella, judges of the arts [9] that they were going to make it impossible to take possession of what is beyond your needs. The contract between two people who mutually commit to a benefit is closely related to the existence of excess production on the one hand and the other is unsatisfied demand. The contract between the parties has a dual function in the classics of political philosophy, a rebalancing of the imbalances. Aristotle thinks of the desire to get rich beyond your needs in terms of not necessarily negative, Campanella condemns it absolutely.

The notion of contract is so historically linked to a society in which the idea of \u200b\u200bindividuality has a high importance in relation to that of the collective good. The legislation that supports it necessarily takes into account the perverse greed and attempts to restrict drastically the effect of making the contract - an agreement between two private parties - a mutual bond that, as stated in the Civil Code Article 1372 has the force of law between the parties and that can not be dissolved except by another agreement to do so or because they go against the law in general.
What is contradictory is the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to undo anything, just the perverse greed, which is identified as constitutive of a person, payable by an ambivalent side as compared to the social norm, we are looking unit, individual note. The contradiction is of course not only in the concept of the contract, which requires that an individual, but first in an attempt to match the human essence with the uniqueness of the subject as he had done with the scholastic Duns Scotus denies that opposition to the root of rules of City and selfish instincts which was well known but the ancient political philosophy. [10] Ben
understand why as a legal theorist Carl Schmitt bases its rejection of contractualism on the belief that there may be ethical laws - see his polemic on the concept of just war - but only formal rules, shared, prevent the occurrence of dramas and tragedies far worse than that would tend to avoid [11] .

2) Starting from Freud

In the period 1913-1914 Freud published three short contributions on the treatment of technical analysis that will be published under the title New advice on common technical Psychoanalysis: the three contributions are starting treatment, Remembering, repeating and working and finally Observations on Transference [12] . Maybe, here, especially the first written to help us examine how to present the agreement between a psychoanalyst and patient a candidate for the development of a treatment [13] psychoanalysis. The questions in this paper that Freud identifies as characterizing the start of treatment, do not appear substantially different today even though some of them appear largely modified in their phenomenology.

Freud begins by noting that, although it should perform some preliminary talks, one has to reflect the fact that these will form part of the job you may decide to play [14] . He feels that at this stage we will take care that the patient only has to speak unless necessary to supply some information for this to happen.
Clinical experience teaches us that hardly anyone turns to a psychoanalyst to see if it seems andargli good or not, to "sniff". The decision to go to seek treatment to that specific analyst rather than another is the result, almost always, a suggestion made by someone to whom we turned for advice and that has its own analytical experience. It can be said that the analyst has chosen a trust already invested, of course, could not have deserved. Freud wrote that he preferred to warn patients that the analytic treatment was not short, it would be difficult and required sacrifices. Today, perhaps even more that at the time of Freud, these warnings are appropriate since, as we shall see, the expectation as a short-term therapy are more high [15] .
It 'clear that the situation that gives rise to a contract - two parties who agree to have a mutual benefit by engaging in a trade relationship - would be negative to a positive start of the analysis because, to reduce the question to the bone, the analysis can not begin to be a misunderstanding [16] . The patient feels the need to care and thinks he can get from that particular analyst who receives his confidence, but the analyst should have no need of that patient or even the money that's ready to give him. If this were indeed the clinical attention is not driven solely by the material the patient brings to the session, but also from material or narcissistic analyst. It is no coincidence that the candidates analysts grappling with their first cases to be recommended to continue for some time analyzing them and of course, to bring these cases supervision by a more experienced colleague. As warned Wilfred R. Bion, any desire on the analyst to his patient, even as he makes a good analysis, would ultimately introduce an element in the analytic work that would disturb the exclusive attention to the analytic material [17] .

second) time

time, and money are two important points that Freud identifies as the beginning of the analytic work. I - he writes - I follow the principle of only hiring a certain time [emphasis mine av]. Freud continues by adding that the patient will be required, as the analyst, to respond, time that is given. The hardness of the tax is justified by the fact that you can not do otherwise, since otherwise mishaps and diseases would be opportunities for temporary suspension of work that you know in advance to be quite long. This rule instead of seeing more clearly how [18] :

We made a clear conviction about the importance of factors psychogenetic in the daily lives of men, the frequency of fake diseases and non-existence of the case, only after psychoanalysis has, for years strictly following the principle of the rental time

Time is an important aspect in the early stages of analysis, or, rather, that passage of a highly sensitive regarding agreements between analyst and patient to help start the regular sessions. Together with the fact dell'onorario question asked by the analyst is a pair of preliminary matters that appear to be the only ones on which there is an agreement to be established, admitted that the talks, pre-defined precisely, patient and analyst have led to the conviction of the possibility of work together. It is known as the object of the contract - the analysis - has its own special significance at this stage, we will come back more fully on the matter.
Time has importance, in time to make an agreement, for two different reasons to which Freud refers. The question is how many hours of the week will be devoted to this analysis and agree on the period of analytical work. Freud devoted to each patient for an hour a day five days a week, except in cases that were less severe for such shows as thrice weekly reasonable frequency. Nowadays such an approach would not in fact possible. At the time of Freud's psychoanalysis only while accessing the affluent social classes and also culturally sensitive to this form of treatment so innovative. The high cost of analysis to five sessions per week is therefore not an insurmountable problem. At the time of Freud also mobility people was much lower and therefore not a problem because of having to go five times a week by the analyst, if the patient lived in another city or another state, given that the analysis lasted, then, a few months, could move for some time in the city of its analyst to fulfill its analysis. Today, many occupations forced displacement and frequent absences from work for their city for several days or more, and then a daily basis would be practically impossible for many patients.
the reasons of social analysis that would make it virtually impossible - today last however many years - five seats Weekly, you must add the order clinical considerations, the latter should be regarded as reasons that are still in the clinic just before the other. If that was not the rest, it would conclude that the clinic has to adapt to different orders of reasons: if this is possible only in that particular situation and the individual patient can not be done better. Some years ago I had for some time as a patient man of about forty who worked as a technician at a major oil company and was quite often away from home because his work was carried out sometimes on drilling platforms at sea. It was clear to adapt the pace of the sessions at this particular situation: in some periods there were a number of sessions than in principle should be evaluated as such because you could not do any other session.

In indicating the time devoted each week to a patient, Freud not hesitate to justify the need to maintain fluid communication between patient and analyst in fact speaks of what he calls crust on Monday that it would be that little cover-up that would follow precisely the Monday, a day of shooting. Freud was concerned about the fact that the interruptions would maintain contact with the actuality of real experience of the patient and would eventually push the analysis side streets [19] . In 1913 the ideas of Freud on Transference are being finalized and is in fact only a year after it wrote concerning this topic that will, as already mentioned, then published together with the other two under the common title New Recommendations on the Technique of psychoanalysis. The concern about the fluidity of the analysis is therefore the true point of distinction on which Freud sets the optimal frequency of sessions. The subsequent processing of transference will lead to viewing it as the cornerstone of the analytic work and thus the frequency of sessions will be mainly a function of the patient's ability to maintain contact with the mental analysis during periods of suspension between each seat and the other on weekends, during holidays or sickness or the analyst's [20] . We want to emphasize here as the frequency of sessions does not constitute a technical question for Freud separate from the clinic and then as the number of them to be agreed between the analyst and the patient does not constitute a preliminary contract which is not affected by gravity more or less the case. It is agreed with the patient time to devote to his analysis so that, in the given conditions, presumably to do a job effectively. Of course, there situations where the need for a certain number of sessions per week is actually prevented by economic conditions of particular distress of the patient, an analyst certainly can not remedy the ills of a health system that does not, today, free treatment. Personally, if this happens, I prefer in principle to inform the patient of what was necessary, in my opinion, then eventually agreed to a rate even lower if it seems to me that the patient is aware of being subject to an important limitation is also not caused by him. In reality we also have cases where there is clinical need for a prescription of a certain type, for example, three or four sessions a week, but that the particular patient's pathology, such as a limitation or agoraphobia relevance of mental storage capacity, does not in fact viable. A discrepancy between clinical and theoretical necessity realistic chance of working - a topic of increasing relevance today - must not be taken by the analyst as a preliminary issue, but as a question concerning the possibility of staying in contact with patients are difficult to reach, to use a happy expression of Elizabeth Bott Spillius [21] . The positions now widely established in some analytical circles about the number of sessions per week as a distinction between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, seem frankly at odds with the thinking of Freud precisely because of this issue are a part of a contract that Apart from the actual clinical case. I think, as often happened, Bion has given epigrammatic what is meant by psychoanalytic work: the best we can do a bad job with [22] ; concept that brings the technique to be a set of conditions for the analytic work we can do better and not a part of a contract regardless. On this line, there seems to be Luciana Nissim Momigliano when he had to say happily, showing an expression of Flegenheimer, the setting is like the darkness in a movie theater or a concert hall in silence: they are not needed to see a movie or listen to a sonata, but they make much better viewing and listening [23] . Armando Bauleo was able to tell sessions on analysis carried out in extreme conditions with people being tortured in Argentina during the dictatorship [24] .

The other area of \u200b\u200bdialogue which includes the time is that of the duration of an analysis. Unlike in an ordinary contract between parties but also different from what happens in the relationship between a doctor and his patient in general, the psychoanalyst is not quite capable of making predictions on how long a job analysis. Freud himself says this concept firmly [25] . Items that do not allow such estimates are diverse and all very important.
First the patient escapes very frequently the symptom that is not contrary both acutely and should not be thought of as a malfunction of a system - which, in truth, even in a normal medical treatment is considered acceptable only for disturbances which constitute alterations produced by disturbing factors that are attributable to external causes and which are still retained in a total and definitive through appropriate treatment and removal of the causes that produce them. First, we must keep in mind that the symptom in psychoanalysis, is something that opens the scene of the work warning that, to quote Lacan, there is something that lame. The symptom is not, in general, what emerges of a pathological process or area, but what breaks the circuit closing a deadly disease on the patient. Herbert Rosenfeld had noticed, already several decades ago, that in cases of severe schizophrenia, a patient's clinical improvement was accompanied by an accentuation of symptoms which, moreover, was vivid in these pathological conditions, virtually no [26] . Scissor pathological syndromes are confined to an object that is much better defined the greater the division. Second, in psychoanalysis, Freud argues with great conceptual clarity, it is not possible, if not using elements suggestive transference, reduce a symptom without investing the neurosis (or psychosis) itself: this, Freud warns, functions as an organism and the symptoms it produces is never isolated from a morbid state which has its origin very remote and it shows with partial manifestations that are not independent of each other, are mutually interdependent and mutually reinforcing usual [27] .
It 's true that you could indicate the likely duration of a scan, found the picture of the patient, on a statistical basis, but is no less true that doing so would cause the patient to look for factors that include himself in a mediocrity that has the value that we all know, but also that limit the applicability to the individual situation which had admirably Trilussa songs.
What Freud calls a legitimate desire to shorten the treatment, a subject who was present, as we see, even a century ago, today has become much more urgent and is it not only due, as Freud does, to a reasonable hope a happy ending and quite fast. Our society is increasingly less inclined to tolerate the due time for the realization of a wish or a project. Not only is computer technology has grown accustomed to all of us omnipotence (can I talk to a friend who is halfway around the world by dialing his phone number while they are sitting comfortably in my chair, and I can even see it while I talk to him if we have a web-cam), omniscience (encyclopaedias telematics and search engines I can make available the latest information about all fields of knowledge) and ubiquity ( I can hold a live conference to an audience that listens to me while I speak to New York from Milan), but, more importantly, the need to gain more and more favored the immediate realization of desires through unthinkable before the credit consumption data are increasingly beyond any reasonable warranty. It 'just speculation that finance has on children's voracious desires that it has caused the Great Depression of 2008 and presumably that will not be long before it bursts the bubble of credit card holders who push their way into more and more into debt. This is not to push
tolerance due time mates, the current ideology, the thought of disease as something like an unwanted noise and inappropriate and should therefore be deleted as soon as possible. It 'clear that in this way can be treated a cold or a sore throat, but an evil of any significance tended to the sick instead forced to redefine its image, that of his own life and the world in terms quite radical. Thomas Mann, Marcel Proust and Alberto Moravia We have given examples to that effect in their memorable works. Paradoxically, in a world increasingly ideologically driven to banish sickness and death from his horizon, also passages of life can not be eliminated as the aging of the body or somatic aspects of their individuality as the prosperity of the forms, thinness, facial features etc. . pathological elements appear to eliminate the tension to an idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty and health standardized models socially valued. Care as a process of redefining their relationship with themselves and the world is summed up contemporary ideology, appears as slowness, pedantic churning without practical value. E 'be noted that the frequent attacks on psychoanalysis constantly bear this stamp. As recently wrote Marco Focchi [28] :

... has full health as a prerequisite in the idea of \u200b\u200ba life without antagonist internally from a life that, by complying to the dictates of late modernity, has canceled its limit

E 'finally to consider the difficulty in accepting that the analysis is developed in a realistic time you can also support the fear by the patient to be "captured" by a mechanism that imprisons him and they can no longer have control over their will and their lives. These are patients whose disease operates on the basis of projective identification. Then there are the opposite cases, of which Freud already mentioned, the very patients who fear the separation from the analysis and therefore tend to prolong it indefinitely. As Claudia Schlesinger pointed out in a conference a few years ago, there are, and increasingly, patients for whom the analysis is the only opportunity a human touch full of feelings and emotions and where, above all, they structure the report without coming by kinship or affinity. Enzo Morpurgo noted in this regard as the personal analysis has a large space that was once reserved for friendships flourished on the basis of attitudes in the common way of looking at life and the world and not on shared professional interests or private.

2b) Money

The treatment of the theme of the analyst's compensation is covered by Freud as the second question concerning the beginning of psychoanalytic work. It is carried out in relation to three different considerations: the way you look at the money by the analytic couple, the difficulties of free treatment and lastly the knot formed by the possession of money or not to enter psychoanalytic treatment.
E 'as the first obvious question is never posed by Freud in terms of economy and the private contract. If so, there would instead be much to discuss, the medical service or psychoanalysis would be a service you purchase on the market and their price is determined by the encounter between supply and demand. Of course, the most prestigious of the analyst, his reputation and so on. act as a variable than the balance of the Marshallian system of perfect competition.
Freud fall immediately the question of money, such as the time, inside the perimeter of the clinical considerations. Money and time is not a gift imaginable, in psychoanalysis, as prerequisites of an agreement between parties, but only as elements within a process which is the origin of the idea (fantasy in Kleinian terms) to address an analyst to make an analysis. Compared to the specific problems faced by Freud there are changes - we will try to examine - that exist between the European society of the early twentieth century and contemporary, but the conceptual apparatus with which Freud looks at the issue retains its full validity and above stop to take a penalty instead of psychoanalytic thinking that seems to have quite lost when you are faced with considerations on the subject apparently made in the name of a radicalism that hides just coincidence, I suspect, between the radical and the same self-interest. Justify, for example, a request for money that does not take into account motivation and capacity analysis economy of the patient, with the order not to affect the attitude of the analyst's countertransference or not to enable a greater degree the probable idealization by the patient, means not to understand that the feelings experienced by the analyst against a candidate analysis, in addition to not coincide at all with the countertransference are influenced by many factors and among them, the economy, it is not always the most important.
Freud says he considers most worthy and ethically less objectionable to openly declare their aims and their real needs rather than play the part of disinterested philanthropist [29] . The request for a certain sum of money as compensation should go, this seems to be Freud's position, by a frank statement by the analyst's own needs. I think we can expand this concept of the Freudian analyst's need for a wider field than that of economic need. If we adopt a rather restrictive concept, we should conclude that an analyst of a rich family or his personal fortune that comes from his work (consider the case of Masud Khan), should not ask for any reward and that, in case they may be, this request should be counted as voracious analyst. It seems quite acceptable but the finding of Rosenfeld that what can be raised in an analysis and made the subject of reflection by the analytic couple may not exceed the analyst's ability to withstand that level of reflection. E 'then the analyst should have sufficient present their limits both physically and mentally and not recklessly venturing beyond those. Even then the question to ask dell'onorario should take account of this ability, which Bion described as negative, to tolerate. On the basis of their material needs and their tolerance about the remuneration of their work, an analyst should be able to determine which is the figure below which would seem to compromise the ability to work calmly, convinced that he derived from their work pay enough.
The topic is dealt with first by Freud in the considerations on the money about the opportunity for the analyst not to treat the issue with the same prudery and hypocrisy with which the bourgeoisie of his time outlining key issues sexual issues, those of money, he writes, in which powerful sexual factors are involved.
The theme of money is almost always made in the report, in Freud, anal eroticism, or, mostly in the analysis of women, the fear of an exchange between money and sex. The hypocrisy in dealing with economic issues is clearly a reflection of an anal attitude that you want to conceal. A century after Freud, the transition from a society still largely ideologically based on the economic concept of a good that is so only in small quantities in nature to a hand where the concept of commodity is strongly related to its social desirability, makes the request for money for a professional work setting out, in amount, the importance and social recognition of the applicant. So far from anything that, in Freud's time, its stocks of wealth, you get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe money to ask concerning their social identity (or not). Exist for me as it is known by others as a body Sartre says focusing on the social foundation for identifying and even there shows how the body that represents the individual aspect of a social mechanism: I exist - writing - my body [30] . What is, in Sartre, like Hegel and before that in Plato, the inseparable link for which a person does not exist outside of the community which expresses the society of the twenty-first century becomes the cancellation of the subject as such in social context in which it does not exist if it is outside of its criteria of understandability. As he had noticed the young Marx of the Manuscripts, the eye of the economy there who can not, for example, poverty, the economy itself be subject as a producer and, today, especially consumer [31] .

Freud dwells on the difficulties in giving life to free treatment and the inappropriateness of this happening, even in contravention of the rules of medical collegiality, for colleagues and their relatives. The reasons given by Freud are of two kinds. First, the spend a day sitting at a free treatment to reduce a considerable percentage, one eighth, the gains of the analyst who, for obvious reasons, it is intended to earn considerably less than a colleague of other medical specialty. Secondly, Freud, who also claims to be dedicated for ten years an hour or two a day for free testing work on neurosis in order to better protected from certain elements [32] , argues that such tests are designed to increase resistance in some neurotic.
Although today the results of an individualistic society has certainly reduced the importance of the topic, but less than twenty years ago the question of the possibility of psychoanalysis within the national health service - free of psychoanalysis then - he is a source of psychoanalytic thinking in the field or at least that part that he had paid great attention to the relationship between psychoanalytic work and social classes. The concept of free, or that the burden is attributable only to a private transaction, certainly the application of it to a service provided by public health becomes misleading. It would not be fair to say that in fact the public school is free, and even that it is expensive, if not referring to the individual citizen. Certainly the school or health to have their goal to educate or treat the individual, but only insofar as these operations in the community recognizes a benefit resulting to the latter in having a healthy and educated citizens. The notion then that a sufficient level of education and good medical care and welfare is a human right that an individual can claim from the community they belong, reflects the idea that society does not place itself above the individual, as happened for example in totalitarian experiences, but that the individual citizen has rights which the community undertakes to provide him with. The importance of natural law in Spinoza's idea that the right of each coincides with its power, since every natural thing has so much power has the right to exist and to act [33] .
Place the psychoanalytic treatment of the services provided by public health service is no longer puts such care under the general law and therefore remains very important to the concept of contract between the parties, but it is also true that any analysis, by its nature, is a relationship between two persons who undertake to try to do that job. The removal of the private with respect to the compensation of the analyst, as Freud had already noted, poses analytical difficulties because the inability to pay for its analysis makes, says Freud, that the whole relationship moves out of the real world. This question must be thought, there is no doubt, as a clinical problem and as such can not be overlooked, but does not pose greater difficulties than those that would, for example, a patient whose operation is much influenced by mental activity characterized by projective. In fact, the paintings of such objects in the world Real are very distorted by projections [34] . The working arrangement between a psychoanalyst and a patient does not have as its premise the wording of a contract - Freud argues that there are excellent people for whom treatment does not offend against free forms of compensation neuroses and for which this is so possible - but the desire to do an analysis. Johannes Cremerius in an interview in 2000, spoke of monotherapy as an objective of contemporary psychoanalytic societies precisely because the objective of clarifying the patient the nature of his conflicts, has largely replaced the concept of healing, he says, was certainly the goal Main psychoanalysis of Freud. [35]

The third question, about the money, by Freud in a short essay about a topic that is closely linked to that of whether or not to make the analysis free of charge: that of access to classes not psychoanalytic treatment to the poor.
As we have seen, Freud identifies the difficulties in carrying out clinical analysis out of the scheme of the private relationship between two parties. We want to strongly emphasize here that the difficulties that Freud identifies only of medical relevance: considerations instead be conducted on social stratification and on whether or not to work psychoanalytically with those who are forced by the necessities of life to work hard, are strongly affected from the time when Freud wrote his notes on membership of social classes and even more fortunate than a doctor, and even jew born in the province by a family is not rich in Vienna at the turn of the century. Freud says that these cases should be done as a therapy that was used, as tradition says, the Emperor Joseph II [36] , that is a gift. On the more strictly social
will be many experiences in working with analysts from workers or veterans lacking adequate income, not only Adler and Reich, which will be removed the Psychoanalytic Society, but also with Abraham Psychoanalytic Institute in Berlin at the end of World War I Institute will also work in which the young Klein, of the Tavistock Clinic in London Kleinian, Winnicott, and Bion, the British health service. With difficulties and problems, even theoretical course, but it is hard to deny that many have been the experiences of this kind in Europe and also in Argentina.
These work experiences are not, however, outputs from the testimony whether a large civil and generous impulse had not come from the progress of psychoanalytic knowledge, and then also face the possibility of a pathological time prohibitive. Social classes Freud says that poor facilities with their members seemed to him to develop what we would today call a compensation neurosis, it would, Freud continues, directed attention to the encounter with a particularly high resistance determined by the same need to protect themselves from suffering neurotically procured from poverty. These observations tell us the reality of clinical problems, the time when Freud wrote this note to address forms of disease much closer to the psychotic denial of reality rather than its change in neurotic. Will in fact only in 1914 that Freud will make the concept of narcissism as a pathological condition in 1923 and only then will elaborate the diagnosis of narcissistic neurosis as a conflict between ego and superego, and that of psychosis as a conflict between the ego and the outside world [37] .
We could say that as a matter of very similar nature arises today with the possibility or otherwise of psychoanalytic work with people coming from immigration from countries of what was the Third World and the regions that were part of the Soviet influence until 1989. While indeed the mental health centers, especially for children, see flow in this population increasingly, in private practice and also in private centers of psychoanalysis and social members from this population are still absent or nearly so. This sociological observation, of course, could not be taken as proof of the impossibility of a clinical psychoanalytic work with individuals raised in Western culture. E 'is highly likely that the appearance of these new subjects for studies of analysts will give a boost to specific studies, but the development of psychoanalytic work on the stages that precede the mental language allow you to make reasonable assumptions on joints other than the most known patterns of internal objects and their correspondence to external reality. Even several decades ago, Susan Isaacs [38] and Paula Heimann [39] we had provided a theoretical model sufficiently equipped to think clinically the problem. More recently the concept of preconception Bion [40] gave us tools and more in years to come nearer to us Hanna Segal has proposed Chomsky's generative linguistics as a good model for thinking about the possibility of articulation of the relationship between different what Bion called preconception experience of reality [41] .


As many times you have stated, for most of the post-Freudian psychoanalysis, just as for Freud himself, it is improper to define the agreement between analyst and patient a contract. This concept in fact sets out an agreement that allows a transaction which is just completed, a formal contract. In psychoanalysis, the agreement is, however, between a person who brings a desire and a desire for this other than try to prune the projective and introjective aspects in order to return the patient to think of a sufficiently free of pathological elements. The desire will unfold around which the entire analytical situation is definitely a foreign element - because they desire - the formal agreement that defines the code as a contract. Desire is the premise that an action can be designed first and then translated, in fact, a do. From the point of view we can say that Bion's idea of \u200b\u200bdoing has little to do with psychoanalysis and that it belongs rather, more properly, the picture of psychosis: the idea that doing something is the way to address and resolve a problem clearly has strong connotations of omniscience and omnipotence as they are automatically excluded from this assumption is the assumption that a problem, for example, has a solution or, even more obviously, the view that the only way to do it sometimes if it is preceded by a thought: the replacement of this with the door immediately in the pathology commonly defined as acting. Even the most orthodox of the neo-Freudians I would not doubt the need for preliminary work with a patient, putting his foot in the study, said he wants to do an analysis and that if the analyst is in agreement, then you lay down costs and schedules of meetings and you start the adventure. If a bumbling analyst could accept such an approach will be confident that working with that patient very difficult to achieve the ten sessions, the first difficulty and misunderstanding the option, in fact psychotic in its root, do as the resolution of a problem, not tolerate indecision and waiting.

The look, however, the analytic relationship in its early days in terms of what society, and through it the Civil Code, lays the basis for a proper relationship of exchange between two individuals who belong to that society, it is a good way to emphasize certain elements that put the psychoanalytic treatment outside a system of wellness as it is conceived today in Western societies and that Adorno criticized already half a century ago. The reduction of the psychoanalytic cure within the precincts of a benefit that is given by a professional to a person who requests it, in a context of social welfare society, is an image of psychoanalytic work that, as we have seen, good part of psychoanalysts from Freud to Lacan, Bion to Cremerius, have never shared. If psychoanalytic treatment includes therapy, a job that he hoped that Freud was certainly not the most important in psychoanalysis, but neither the main [42] , one might think that it could be provided for within the services that the health service can offer citizens, we have seen that for a few decades in Italy the matter was debated, this is possible in Germany, Great Britain was. It is also here to connect or not psychoanalytic treatment in a more general discussion on what should be the services that the public purse could or should make available to the public without further burden on them. If you are going to psychoanalytic work as the means by which an individual, to put it in perspective close to Lacan, is confronted with their own imagination to arrive at what is real in themselves and outside themselves, then the ' optics of the contract between the two actors who agree to a certain transition shows its membership, for all that is limiting, but for how much, and it is, there is a positive rather than in a society that takes as its basis a concept itself and ethics that are rooted in the great revolutions of the eighteenth century.

[1] With regard to the Lacanian can see on Maiocchi Maria Teresa (ed.) The task of opening. For a strategy of pre-Franco Angeli, Milano 1999. For the Kleinian school, please refer to Donald Meltzer Psychoanalytic Process Armano, Rome 1971. For the neo-Freudians may see Robert Langs The technique of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, Basic Books, 1979
Torino [2] Luciana Nissim Momigliano and Silvana Ottieri "Madrigal for two voices to the music of Enzo Morpurgo" in Voltolin Adriano (ed.) In praise of psychoanalysis Franco Angeli, Milan 1996
[3] Theodor W. Adorno, Minima Moralia. Meditations on life offensive Einaudi, Torino 1954, pag.66
[4] As mentioned above, differ psychoanalysts in this neo-Freudians, for which, see the aforementioned work of Robert Langs, the number of sessions, their duration el'onorario analyst's part of what are identified as general rules (see the work mentioned in Chapter 5, page 38). Langs expected, being just a general rule, that is valid for all, the analyst exposes the patient to his fee, which must be congruent with the training, experience and expertise of the therapist, if it is always ready to change these, reducing it, if the patient appeared, and was too burdensome. In a logical way of trade Langs also states that if the analyst did not like that its policy of different prices, it would be that the patient was sent back to a colleague who implements this policy.
[5] Aristotle Politics Rizzoli, Milano 2002, pag.191
[6] Plato's Republic Book I, Rizzoli, Milan 1981
[7] Idem , pag.177
[8] Plato idem LibroV
[9] Tommaso Campanella, The City of the Sun Adelphi, Milano 2004, pag.104
[10] For a discussion of the concept of the individual, see Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno (eds.) Lessons of sociology Einaudi, Torino 1966
[11] Carl Schmitt The concept of discrimination War Laterza, Bari 2008
[12] Sigmund Freud New advice on the technique of psychoanalysis in the Works (OSF) vol.VII. Basic Books, 1975 Torino
[13] is maintained, hence the term "treatment" that is used by Freud, although consistent with the post-Freudian psychoanalytic tradition, it is preferable to use terminology that does not involve the concept of a work by the ' analyst on the patient. It should be noted that, for example, in Lacanian theory, those who perform the analysis is the analysand and the analyst: there is then a concept at the end of the analysis in which patients, which involves a liability, is replaced with a term that refers to an activity. Even in the conceptualization and the clinic there is Klein, while maintaining the classical terminology, a shift in emphasis towards a job, that of analysis, which is played by two players and certainly not by one another. A further shift occurs in the theory of a two-person field (Willy and Madeleine Baranger The psychoanalytic situation as a two-person field Cortina, Milano 1990) in which analyst and patient work together in a field of pathology (Antonino Ferro in the consulting room. Emotions, tales, transformations Cortina, Milano 1996, p.57). A critical examination of this important concept, which would be of considerable importance, however, to look more clearly in the air as theories underlying the common term psychoanalysis, but the discussion would go beyond this.
[14] Idem , pagg.336 et seq.
[15] not always the warning can be communicated to the patient and could also discuss the possibility of such a communication in general. It 'important to keep in mind that this type of problem is very present today.
[16] here is a kind of formula that you can not develop fully, but that has behind him not only the development of Luciana Nissim Momigliano, to whom we owe the idea of \u200b\u200banalysis as a misunderstanding, but also the reflection of Lacan and his radical denial of a connection between the subject and ontological existence.
[17] Wilfred R. Bion "Notes on memory and desire" in Elizabeth Bott Spillius (ed.) Melanie Klein and his impact on psychoanalysis today vol.II, Astrolabe, Rome 1995
[18] Sigmund Freud op. cit., pagg.336
-337 [19] Idem , pag.337
[20] You can not develop here a more complete discussion on the transference. Please refer to this to the writings of Melanie Klein (The origins of transference in "Writings 1921-1958", Basic Books, Turin 1978) and Jacques Lacan (the seminar. Book VIII. Transference 1960-1961 Einaudi, Torino 2008). Most recent posts appear at the time of transference edited by Marisa Fiumanò, Milan, Guerini, 1988, and Jacques Lacan and the question of technique in psychoanalysis by Domenico Cosenza, Astrolabe, Rome 2003
[21] Elizabeth Bott Spillius "The difficult patient be achieved "in Melanie Klein and his impact on psychoanalysis today vol.II, Astrolabe, Rome 1995, pagg.67 et seq.
[22] Wilfred R. Bion's Memoir of the Future. The Dawn of Oblivion Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2007, p.81
[23] Luciana Nissim Momigliano respectful listening. Psychoanalytic writings Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2001, pag.154
[24] This information is taken from a private conversation with Armando Bauleo
[25] Sigmund Freud op.cit. pag.338
[26] Herbert Rosenfeld psychotic state. A psychoanalytic approach Armando, Roma 1973
[27] Sigmund Freud op.cit. pag.340
[28] Marco Focchi "What is healing?" in constructions psychoanalytic n.12/2006
[29] Sigmund Freud op. cit. pag.341
[30] Jean-Paul Sartre Being and Nothingness. Essay of phenomenological ontology Basic Books, New 1965, p., 434
[31] Karl Marx Manuscripts Economic and Philosophical Eimaudi of 1844, Torino 1968
[32] Sigmund Freud op.cit., pag.342
[33] Spioza Political Treatise Baruch Works, Mondadori, Milano 2007, pag.1111
[34 ] Regarding the issue of the possibility of a psychoanalytic work with patients in the public health service refers to the Italian case, to Hadrian Voltolin, Claudio Migliavacca, Fiorella Pezzoli, Isabella ladle Applications for parents and children. Consultation and psychotherapy in the public service Franco Angeli, Milan 1996
[35] Marco Francesconi (ed.) Interview with Johannes Cremerius "Construction in psychoanalytic n.1/2002
[36] Sigmund Freud op.cit., Pag.343
[37] Sigmund Freud neurosis and psychosis in OSF vol.IX Basic Books, 1977 Torino pag.614
[38] The Nature and Susan Isaacs Function of Phantasy in "The Freud-Klein Controversies 1941-45" Edited by Pearl King and Riccardo Steiner, Routledge, London 1991
[39] Paula Heimann Some Aspects of the Role of Introjection and Projection in Early Development in idem
[40] Wilfred R. Bion Analysis of Thoughts Armando, Roma 1970
[41] Hanna Segal, "What is an object? The role of perception "in Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Routledge, London 2007
[42] Sigmund Freud The problem of the analysis conducted by non-medical. A conversation, impartial OSF vol.X, Hogarth Torino 1978 pag.413